organic shape MONSTERS! This is a great lesson I do every year with my Kindergartners and I never get tired of it! It is a great lesson to teach about geometric-vs-organic shape. First, I read them the book "Jeremy Draws a Monster" by Peter McCarty. It is an excellent book about a boy who draws a monster who is not a very good friend. The students then decide that if they were to draw a monster they would make a nice monster, even if they looked mean. I just love the answers they have for everything! I give each of them a piece of string and we practice making ORGANIC shapes with it. Then they take a black crayon and trace around the string. We then discuss the elements that will make up our monster: will he be mean, nice, silly, scary, or happy? I just love these guys! Head Shoulders Knees and Toes - 3D Animation - Nursery Rhymes
word cloud « allatc Could this be the best marriage proposal ever? Featuring the world’s first live lip-dub proposal, this video has gone viral with millions of views since it was uploaded less than a month ago. Students start the lesson with a vocabulary and writing activity using a word cloud made up of the lyrics to Marry You before listening to the song Bingo-style. They then work together to design a video to accompany the song, going over the top on the romance, and present their ideas to the rest of the class, who vote on the most romantic (or the most clichéd). Click here for the Teacher’s Notes. “Gritting my toothless gums in seething RAGE is what keeps my skin taut.” “That’s what really annoys me about Twitter. “In the grand World Cup of life, I am of course in the group of death”. These are just a few of the things Granny O’Grimm has to say on her Twitter page . In this lesson, students talk about some traditional fairy tales before watching the Oscar-nominated Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty.
Lavoretti con i bambini: le cornicette di Halloween - Alessia, scrap & craft...Alessia, scrap & craft… Appurato che io facevo le cornicette (e le adoravo!), voi facevate le cornicette e alcune maestre ancora fanno fare le cornicette perché aiutano ad imparare anche a scrivere allenando la coordinazione e la manualità, ho pensato di preparare altri disegni per Lapo e Leon che quando hanno visto quelli dell’autunno sono rimasti a bocca aperta… Domani è il 1° ottobre e quindi per prepararsi per Halloween non poteva mancare una bella serie di cornicette sul tema. Per inventarmele ci ho messo un po’ ma il risultato non è affatto male, i soggetti che mi sembrano venuti meglio sono il teschio, il pipistrello e il fantasmino, sono proprio soddisfatta e così ve li regalo di nuovo per i vostri bambini. Cliccate su una a caso delle immagini qui sotto per vederle ingrandite e pronte da scaricare e stampare e poi ditemi se vi piacciono, come sono venute?