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Get ready for the coming employment roller coaster — Cloud Computing News

Get ready for the coming employment roller coaster — Cloud Computing News

How to Use Facebook's Open Sourced Data Center Design to Cut Costs CIO CIO — Facebook's state of the art data center in Oregon uses 38 percent less power and costs 24 percent less to run that its older data centers. These figures are astounding, and they should certainly make any cost-conscious CIO sit up and take notice. What's the secret behind these savings? The company honored its hacker roots by custom-designing both the data center itself, and the servers (and management tools) inside it, from the ground up. Slideshow: 8 Data Center Lessons From Facebook In fact the reverse is true: following the open-source software model, Facebook turned its server, server management, storage, rack, electrical, cooling and overall data center designs over to the Open Compute Project (OCP) Foundation, a not-for-profit with some heavyweight names on its board including Intel, Rackspace, Goldman Sachs and Arista Networks as well as Facebook. Pick a Vendor, Any Vendor Continue Reading

Pc wallpaper Video Hello, we the Walyou team and today, we are going to show you how you turn your desktop into a website just in a few clicks. On your desktop you start by pressing right click. You go to the new option and select text document. This will open a new file, you can just name with anything you want. We chose to name it one.txt. You press the file, and then notepad window will open. On her blog it will provide you with this code and you can jut copy paste it from there. When you look at the highlighted part, Once you are done you press file and Save As. Once you are done, you save. Here you need to right click on your desktop again. You open it, you click okay, next we will see, and your desk top has turn into a home page. Here is you can really free and navigate. Read all the articles. But in case you change your mind you can always go back to your normal desktop. These tip is part to you for more tips check out our blog at

Rather Than Reinventing Education By Teaching A Million People At Once, Can We Perfect Teaching One Person At A Time? We've written a few times about innovation in education, and I've pointed out that I think the real breakthrough opportunity is in figuring out ways to get "students" to teach the subject matter themselves. As I noted, it was only once I had to teach certain subjects that I fully understood them -- because my students kept probing and asking more questions, which forced me to go beyond "just getting by" with my knowledge of the subject, and to dig deeper and gain better understanding. And it feels like there's an opportunity to use technology to make that possible -- and to somehow flip the equation, so that education is less about being "lectured" and more about students learning by teaching themselves and each other. You can understand, in theory, why that seems desirable. And, of course, Kling's optimism is in the idea that such customized and personal teaching may be more possible with technology today -- allowing for more adaptive learning.

SOPA Emergency IP list: | CodeBangers So if these bastards in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News # Social media # Torrent sites # Social networking

Digital Paper Could Become Like 'Google Docs for Artists' | Wired Design Computer engineers have turned ordinary paper into a display with a UV lighting technique, which could one day help artists work on real-time collaborations from opposite sides of the world. Researchers from the Naemura Group at the University of Tokyo call the method “paper computing technology”. Ordinary paper is coated with a photochromic material, which changes color when light is shone on it. A pen filled with commonly available Frixion thermo-sensitive ink (which disappears when heated) is then used to draw the image, and a digital UV projector with a resolution of 1,024×768 can be used to copy or print that image onto the paper again. A laser illuminates the image from underneath to erase it to an accuracy of 0.024mm — it can even do this automatically, learning where an error has occurred and the user has strayed from their intended line. By syncing the projector and laser up to a camera and computer, a user controlling the latter can make amendments to the image.

Peut-on extraire des données de votre cerveau Pourrait-on vous amener à divulguer votre code bancaire simplement en vous faisant penser à lui ? L'activité électrique de votre cerveau peut-elle trahir vos secrets ? C'est la démonstration qu'ont accomplie des chercheurs lors de la récente conférence sur la sécurité informatique Usenix. Pour cela, ils ont utilisé un simple casque EEG (type Emotiv, disponible dans le commerce pour 500 $), qui mesure l'activité électrique du cerveau, une technologie qui n'avait jamais été étudiée sous l'angle de ses implications en matière de sécurité, rapportent Extreme Tech et Cnet. L'étude (.pdf) des chercheurs (présentation en vidéo) menés par Ivan Martinovic du département des sciences informatiques de l'université d'Oxford, a consisté à créer un programme personnalisé conçu dans le but de vous faire penser à des données sensibles telles que l'emplacement de votre maison, le code secret de votre carte de crédit ou votre mois de naissance. Hubert Guillaud

Structure Your Presentation Like a Story - Nancy Duarte by Nancy Duarte | 8:00 AM October 31, 2012 After studying hundreds of speeches, I’ve found that the most effective presenters use the same techniques as great storytellers: By reminding people of the status quo and then revealing the path to a better way, they set up a conflict that needs to be resolved. That tension helps them persuade the audience to adopt a new mindset or behave differently — to move from what is to what could be. And by following Aristotle’s three-part story structure (beginning, middle, end), they create a message that’s easy to digest, remember, and retell. Here’s how it looks when you chart it out: And here’s how to do it in your own presentations. Craft the Beginning Start by describing life as the audience knows it. After you set that baseline of what is, introduce your vision of what could be. What is: We fell short of our Q3 financial goals partly because we’re understaffed and everyone’s spread too thin. Let’s go back to that Q3 update.

Public Speaking A few tips on how to make public speaking a little easier and less stressful. Confidence The biggest part of public speaking is having the confidence to get up in front of a bunch of people and try not pass out. So confidence is key to doing a good job and impressing your fellow peers, teachers or boss. Fake it 'til you Make it Anybody can be as prepared as possible but as soon as they see all the faces in front of them, their mind may go blank. Be Prepared Planning is imperative to how your content and professional image can come across. Be a Professional During your presentation carry a few notecards with you just so have a little reminder every once in a while. My message is: Be confident, be prepared, smile and be a professional.

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life “If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you’ve been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. Research Shows Gratitude Heightens Quality of Life Two psychologists, Michael McCollough of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis, wrote an article about an experiment they conducted on gratitude and its impact on well-being. Dr. ”. In addition, Dr. Notice and Appreciate Each Day’s Gifts People tend to take for granted the good that is already present in their lives. There are Many Ways to Practice Gratitude ”. Conclusion Photo by martinak15

How the internet economy works: Guns, butter and bandwidth Most people know certain things about the Internet. They know that cables run under the sea, that wires come into your homes, and that modems carry the digital signals to your devices. But they’ve probably never heard of Internet Exchange Points, and that’s where the magic of the Internet really happens. Internet Exchange Points (aka IXPs) are the manufacturing floor of the Internet — that is where bandwidth is created and deployed. The Netherlands, for example, is a large net-exporter of Internet bandwidth, using only half of what it produces domestically. Though Internet Exchange Points are a key building block of the Internet economy, you’d never guess it from where they’re located. A report I covered earlier from the OECD lays out in awesomely clear detail why Internet exchange points are so essential for every geography that values the Internet. The report does a great job of explaining exactly how the internet economy functions. From the report:

Les penseurs du numérique mettent de la pression sur le gouvernement - archives Fatigués du manque de vision face à l'économie numérique, une douzaine de penseurs du secteur se sont associés pour concevoir les fondements d'un Plan numérique pour le Québec, qu'ils rendront public au cours des prochains jours à Montréal, a appris Les Affaires. Ce plan pourrait servir de moteur de croissance et de projet de société, tout en favorisant l'assainissement des dépenses publiques en TI. «Je me demande comment le gouvernement pourrait justifier de ne pas embarquer dans ce qu'on va proposer», dit Jean-François Gauthier. Jean-François Gauthier, fondateur de Démocratie ouverte, écrira la partie du document portant sur le gouvernement ouvert ; la meilleure façon selon lui de s'assurer de la gestion honnête et efficace des projets informatiques ou autres. La publication des données, rendue facile par les outils Web créés ces dernières années (infonuagique, services Web, logiciel libre), permettrait aussi à chacun de connaître les meilleures pratiques et de s'en inspirer.

Want To Make Your Environment More Creative? Kill Some Rules. Our creativity is often determined by how actively engaged and focused we are. Sometimes our focus is dictated by the constraints, or rules, we apply to it. The more we focus, the more we create. The more we create the more we enjoy our work. And the more enjoyable, expedient, and efficient an experience is, the more meaning we give it. A Single Rule Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham did not set out to launch a global wave of creativity. The simplest rules create the most effective experience There was one rule, though: You had to give a formal presentation consisting of 20 slides, each shown for exactly 20 seconds. The first night went so well that they planned another for the next month, dubbing it PechaKucha Night. Word began to spread beyond Tokyo, and after three years and 30 events, PechaKucha Nights began cropping up in other cities. It’s a counterintuitive idea, but one behind some of the most effective experiences in the world. Vague Rules Take “shared space” urban design, for example.

Mozilla Exec Fires Back at HTML5 App Barbs It's a continuation of one of computing's longest-standing dilemmas: Open or Closed. An earlier episode of this saga was Apple's closed desktop OS platform, which can only be installed on Apple's hardware, versus Microsoft Windows' ability to be installed on any manufacturer's PC hardware. Then there was closed source like Windows versus open source like Linux. The latest strife is between mobile apps and Web apps based on HTML5. Of late, it seems like native apps are winning out over Web apps. Given that Mozilla is looking to get into the mobile OS space with its open-source Boot-to-Gecko initiative, it's in the non-aligned organization's interest to push the case for HTML5 apps. Actually, Heilmann doesn't diginify these objections with the term "criticism" but rather refers to them as "myths." The point is that, sure, the native app is sharper, but it won't fit anyone else. But Heilmann goes on to blame the platform makers for not allowing hardware access to Web standard-based apps.

If You Were the Next Steve Jobs... - Umair Haque …what problems would you try to solve? Let me answer that by telling you a story. Every writer will tell you: first, find a good café. And while I was hunched over my laptop in one my favorite tiny cafes in London — the estimable Kaffeine, purveyors of some of the best coffee I’ve had the privilege to have — something tiny, yet remarkable, happened. After a few days, James, the barista, noticed that I’d come in, order a flat white, write like a man possessed for an hour or so — but never finish my coffee. Now, this might sound entirely trivial. Imagine, for a moment, that you (yes, you) were the next Steve Jobs: what would your (real) challenges be? Whether you’re an assiduous manager, a chin-stroking economist, a superstar footballer, or a rumpled artist, here’s the unshakeable fact: you don’t get to tomorrow by solving yesterday’s problems. To solve today’s set of burning problems, you just might have to build new institutions, capable of handling stuff a little something like this… NB.
