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Bill of Rights

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Immigration: Stories of Yesterday and Today and Ellis Island World War II and the Postwar Period The United States entered World War II in 1942. During the war, immigration decreased. There was fighting in Europe, transportation was interrupted, and the American consulates weren't open. Also because of the war, the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in 1943. I believe that the admission of these persons will add to the strength and energy of the Nation." Learn More Games Enjoy Human rights education by playing our online games We offer a wide range of educational games provided by the United Nations and its Agencies, but also from Partners to our Campaign. Darfur is Dying Darfur is Dying is a viral video game for change that provides a window into the experience of the 2.5 million refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan. Players must keep their refugee camp functioning in the face of possible attack by Janjaweed militias. Click on either game to start playing Against all Odds There are refugees in virtually every country around the world and we hear about their plight on a daily basis through the media. This game lets you experience what it is like to be a refugee The above Game seems not to be accessible anymore. Watch this space as more Games will be on offer soon. Free Educational Videos Immigration: Stories of Yesterday and Today and Ellis Island World War II and the Postwar Period The United States entered World War II in 1942. During the war, immigration decreased. There was fighting in Europe, transportation was interrupted, and the American consulates weren't open. Fewer than 10 percent of the immigration quotas from Europe were used from 1942 to 1945.In many ways, the country was still fearful of the influence of foreign-born people. The United States was fighting Germany, Italy, and Japan (also known as the Axis Powers), and the U.S. government decided it would detain certain resident aliens of those countries. Also because of the war, the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in 1943. I believe that the admission of these persons will add to the strength and energy of the Nation." Learn More

Know Your Rights Game - Children's Commissioner for Wales This is an interactive game about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Every child and young person under 18 has rights. These rights are in one big list called the UNCRC. Your challenge is to explore the community map collecting all your rights along the way. You must visit all four areas on the map and complete each challenge, to get across to the star-shaped island. You can also a read a text version of the game and afull list of rights.

hughesDV's Channel Upload Tip the Teacher Subscription preferences Loading... Working... Keith Hughes HipHughes History 39,278 views 8 months ago Subscribe for FUN, FOCUSED and FREE history video lessons! Read more Current Events Play History doesn't have to be dead. Teaching Stuff HipHughes dives into the world of .edu U.S. United States History lectures brought to you by Mr. Government for Dummies Videos spanning across American Government and Political Science.AP Test, AP Exam, AP Government Exam, AP Gov Exam, AP US Gov Exam apgov apgov review apgov multiple ap test ap american government apgov help World History Video lectures designed for students studying for the NY State Global History Regents, may be applicable to other courses which cover World History at the high school level. The Constitution for Dummies Funky, fun and hip video lectures designed to give students and life long learners the basics to understanding the governing document of the United States of America, the US Constitution. Elections for Dummies

I stormens öga | I stormens öga är ett interaktivt klassrumsspel om barnkonventionen för årskurs 4-7. Det här är ett spännande skolmaterial om barns rättigheter och om barns situation världen över. Syftet är att få barn intresserade av barnkonventionen och vilken roll rättigheter spelar i våra liv. I stormens öga riktar sig till lärarledda grupper om minst 12 elever. Materialet består av det webbaserade spelet med tillhörande inspirationsfilm och lärarhandledning. Handlingen går ut på att en stor grupp barn i olika åldrar blir strandsatta på en öde ö, där de ska försöka överleva tills de upptäcks och kan återvända hem. Ladda ner materialet här. Materialet är producerat av UNICEF Sverige. Skolan och Världens Barn | Världens Barn Här kommer ett unikt redskap att använda i skolans undervisning om FN:s barnkonvention och millenniemål som passar hela grundskolan! Genom att spela Världens Barn-bingot engageras varje elev i klassen. Genom att följa upp med en egen insamling lär sig eleverna om vikten av aktivt handlande för att vara med och göra världen bättre! Detta är ett utmärkt verktyg inför internationella barndagen 6 oktober och FN-dagen 24 oktober. Vi är glada att kunna tillhandahålla detta unika verktyg som ett samarbete med Sveriges skolor i samband med en insamling för Världens Barn. Det här är ingår i Världens Barns Skol-Bingo • Ett presentationsmaterial med 30 bilder och berättarmanus • 30 bingobrickor • 30 påsar med 16 markörer i varje • En lärarhandledning Så här lägger ni upp aktiviteten: Så här går spelet till Läraren visar en bild, och berättar utifrån manuset vad den handlar om. Spelets pedagogiska syfte – Att lära sig och kunna återge delar av FN:s barnkonvention. Tips på insamlingsaktiviteter

History Is Elementary
