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20 Clever Daily Life Hacks Just To Make Life More Easier

20 Clever Daily Life Hacks Just To Make Life More Easier

Smart Tips To Make Life Easier Posted on February 24, 2012 in Humor If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (16 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading... So... 101 Simple Handmade Gift Tutorials These simple handmade gift tutorials will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy! You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! Oh, and think of all the money you will save making these gifts. {At least that’s the story I tell my husband…shhhh!} You are going to love these fabulous tutorials!!! You can make all your gifts for years from this list! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends! If you want to be doubly awesome, try doing handmade gifts that are also eco-friendly! Handmade gifts make people feel special, don’t you think? ~Kim

Lateral Thinking Brain Teasers - Fact Lateral thinking problems that are based on fact. 1. A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink of water. Hint: Please do not try this at home. Solution: The man has hiccups; the bartender scares them away by pulling a gun. A Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said on Tuesday, the 24th of January 2006. After shooting 21-year-old university student David Galvan in the neck, his uncle, Rafael Vargas, 35, was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide, police said. The incident took place on Sunday night while the two were having drinks with neighbors. Galvan started to hiccup and Vargas, who works as a security guard, said he would use the home remedy for hiccups of scaring him. "They were drinking but they were aware of what was going on," one witness said. 2. Hint: This may have occurred anywhere between 1862 and 1990. 3. 4. 5.

25 Clever Ideas to Make Life Easier Here are clever ideas to make life easier. To see the complete list of 25 go here. You can pin the pics directly to Pinterest by hovering your mouse over the pic then clicking the “pin it”! Via: Why didn’t I think of that?! Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Supposedly you can remove crayon masterpieces from your TV, computer screen, or walls with WD40 – I’m not going to try it though! Via: Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band. Via: Overhaul your linen cupboard – store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match. Via: Add this item to your beach bag. Via: Attach a velcro strip to the wall to store soft toys. Via: Look up! Via: Gotcha! Via:

Life Hacks Collection Part 1 The reality of parallel worlds and time travel is proved In 2002 Nobel Prize winner, American physicist Raymond Davis made a sensational statement: the existence of a parallel world is proved. Neutrino, the smallest particle known to science, exists simultaneously in two worlds: in ours, the material one, and in a parallel one. Up until the 1930s, scientists used to deny the existence of supernatural forces. It changed in 1930 with the discovery of neutrino particles. Then young Swiss physicist Wolfgang Pauli suggested a crazy hypothesis: there are particles with no mass, and they can freely depart from the laboratory, without being recorded by physical devices. Studies related to the properties of neutrinos are classified in many countries. The laws of fundamental physics say: if an object is moving with the speed of light, time stops for it. Another sensational discovery was made by researchers from the University of North Carolina and Rochester. In fact, the first message using neutrino beam has already been transferred.

Top 10 Tech Concepts You Always Wanted To Learn About (But Never Did) Store your data on someone else's computer, hope they don't do anything bad with it or decide to shut down. Stallman calls it "Careless Computing". If you put personal data in-the-cloud like future plans., trips, your current GPS location, then you should expect that data to be shared all over the world with nice people, nice companies and criminals (looking for when to rob you). Facebook connections and twitter followers provide information about you and your friends. If you aren't paying for the services ( ea probably $15/month or more), then you and your data are probably the product being sold. It's good to have a paranoid person around, but citations please. * [] has at least 50 story references * [] | | and another ref - [] * A Twitter user who was a little too open with his plans.

The 10 Commandments From a Dog's Perspective 1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years; any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you adopt me. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Author Stan Rawlinson1993 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. 20. 40. Sources – muxedo task: 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

This Awesome Urn Will Turn You into a Tree After You Die You don't find many designers working in the funeral business thinking about more creative ways for you to leave this world (and maybe they should be). However, the product designer Gerard Moline has combined the romantic notion of life after death with an eco solution to the dirty business of the actual, you know, transition. His Bios Urn is a biodegradable urn made from coconut shell, compacted peat and cellulose and inside it contains the seed of a tree. Once your remains have been placed into the urn, it can be planted and then the seed germinates and begins to grow. I, personally, would much rather leave behind a tree than a tombstone. Related Content If You Liked the 'Bios Urn,' You'll Love 'The Spirit Tree' Daniel Honan Managing Editor, Big Think
