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QuizStar - Create Online Quizzes

QuizStar - Create Online Quizzes

Review Game The Instant Jeopardy Review Game has been designed and dramatically improved to make it the perfect review game for a wide variety of classroom uses. This tool is a fun and interactive way to review content in your classroom, meeting, conference, or other group setting. The new and improved version of the Jeopardy Review Game includes the following features: Simple insertion of pictures on Question and/or Answer slides Full support for symbols, such as exponents and wingdings style fonts Better support for foreign language Question and/or Answer slides Simpler visual editing process Embed anything in your question slides, even Youtube videos, flash objects, etc. Simple scorekeeping system Works on portable devices such as smartphones, iPad, and iPod Touch!

PollSnack | Online survey software, web poll & questionnaire tool Pictogram Graph Creator x About A simple pictograph creator. Click on the graph to update the values Examples Blank template What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite fruit? Embed links Flip XY Axis What is your favorite sport? + More Set to 0 soccer rugby golf Add another <a href=" feedback </a><a href=" src=" /></a>

ExamTime - Changing the way you learn Socrative Age Restrictions. You may only use the Site and Services if you are: (i) at least 13 years of age; or (ii) if you are under 13 years of age, with the consent of your teacher or a legal parent or guardian. By using the Site and Services, you hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 13 years of age or, if you are under 13 years of age, that you have the consent of your teacher, legal parent, or guardian to use the Site and Services. Verification of Identity. You acknowledge that we may choose, but are not obligated, to make any inquiries, either directly or through third parties, that we deem necessary to validate any user’s registration information, including without limitation engaging third parties to provide identity or other verification services. Teachers and Educators. If you are a teacher or educator, and will use the Socrative Services as an education tool, please read this section carefully. Changes. General Use. Mobile Applications. Registering to Use the Site and Services.

Object moved Durante las siguientes semanas muchos de nuestros chicos y chicas se encuentran ante montañas de apuntes y los docentes deben evaluar los conocimientos del alumno a través de exámenes y cuestionarios. Un cuestionario es un instrumento de investigación que consiste en una serie de preguntas y otras indicaciones con el propósito de obtener información de los consultados. Aunque a menudo están diseñados para poder realizar un análisis estadístico de las respuestas, no es siempre así. En Inevery Crea los lunes compartimos herramientas para trabajar en el aula y hoy creamos exámenes en el aula con 10 intuitivas herramientas: 1. Easytestmaker Easytestmaker es una buena herramienta web para elaborar exámenes y preguntas (opción múltiple, selección múltiple, v/f, rellenas espacios, respuesta corta, relacionar) 2. Wufoo es una aplicación que nos permite crear formularios y encuestas online en el aula. 3. 4. Para poder crear nuestras encuestas es necesario registrarse previamente. 5. onlinequizcreator

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Object moved En Inevery Crea todos los lunes compartimos herramientas para trabajar en el aula: editar imágenes, herramientas Visual Thinking, poster o murales, Fotomontajes, animaciones Stop Motion, herramientas digitales para crear gráficos... En nuestras aulas, a veces, el sistema de calificaciones y los exámenes en papel pueden bloquear a nuestros alumnos y hacer que obtengan resultados negativos incluso sin merecerlos. Las pruebas cortas y rápidas tipo quiz tienen muchas ventajas en el proceso de aprendizaje en el aula. Hoy en Inevery Crea compartimos una pequeña “chuleta” con herramientas para crear nuestros propios cuestionarios en el Aula: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Socrative | Student Response System 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. iPads and Assessment, A Winning Combination 20. Conoce Herramientas para trabajar en el aula que te pueden resultar útiles : ¿Qué otras herramientas conoces para la creación de Quizzes en el aula? Esperamos tus propuestas para crear Cuestionarios.

Goodreads - Share Book Recommendations Maps and Mapmakers: Seeing What's on the Map - Teachers & Students ( The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. Go to the blog Subscribe to the blog via e-mail or RSS. Using Primary Sources Discover quick and easy ways to begin using primary sources in your classroom, with teachers' guides, information on citing sources and copyright, and the Library's primary source analysis tool. TPS Partners The Teaching with Primary Sources Program builds partnerships with educational organizations to support effective instruction using primary sources. The Teaching with Primary Sources Journal
