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New Dawn Magazine - Ancient Wisdom, New Thinking ~ Since 1991

New Dawn Magazine - Ancient Wisdom, New Thinking ~ Since 1991

Top 10 Mysteries Surrounding Ancient Aliens Mysteries Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, we are hardwired to consider important concepts, such as the creation of life on Earth and the history of people on this planet. At some point, we are all presented with various explanations and theories regarding the expansion of human life on Earth. The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. The idea surrounding ancient aliens is a basic one. This concept is related to the religious practice of a cargo cult, which can be seen in modern day pre-industrial tribal societies. The idea of ancient alien as astronauts has spawned a UFO religion named Raëlism.

Ten Mysterious Undeciphered Codes and Inscriptions From Neolithic tablets containing the oldest known system of writing, to a series of letters scrawled on the back of a dead man’s book, some of the most legendary undeciphered codes and texts remain a challenge for even the world’s best cryptographers, code breakers, and linguists. Yet unravelling these mysterious puzzles remains as important as ever, since many of these enigmatic inscriptions could hold the keys to understanding civilizations that have long since faded into the pages of history. Here we feature ten of the most fascinating undeciphered codes and inscriptions throughout history. The enigma of the Shugborough Inscription In the grounds of Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire, England, sits an 18th-Century monument known as the Shepherd’s Monument, which was commissioned by Thomas Anson, a member of the British Parliament, and crafted sometime between 1748 and 1763 by Flemish sculptor Peter Schee. The Mysteries Trapped Within Mayan Hieroglyphs The indecipherable Rohonc Codex
