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Goodbye to the office Factories used to be arranged in a straight line. That's because there was one steam engine, and it turned a shaft. All the machines were set up along the shaft, with a belt giving each of them power. The office needed to be right next to this building, so management could monitor what was going on. 150 years later, why go to work in an office/plant/factory? That's where the machines are.That's where the items I need to work on are.The boss needs to keep tabs on my productivity.There are important meetings to go to.It's a source of energy.The people I collaborate with all day are there.I need someplace to go. But... If you have a laptop, you probably have the machine already, in your house.If you do work with a keyboard and a mouse, the items you need to work on are on your laptop, not in the office.The boss can easily keep tabs on productivity digitally.How many meetings are important? When you need to have a meeting, have a meeting.

The Guerrilla Gardening Homepage Marian Bantjes Last year I came into possession of a box of fan mail to Robert Wagner sent in 1957. It contained envelopes from all around the world, comprising about 150 envelopes with letters, about 250 envelopes only and about 30 envelopes with letters that had never been opened. I decided to make my 2014 Valentines "Letters to Robert Wagner." Each envelope seemed to be its own piece of art. The handwriting, the placement and layout of address, stamp and cancellation stamp varied widely from envelope to envelope. To this I added my own stamp that said "Timeless Love" – sometimes to the front of the envelope and sometimes to the back, depending on how it would interact or interfere with the original design. Those with letters were sometimes just a simple request for a photo and sometimes more. The letters came in all shapes and sizes, all different kinds of papers, including the above which was a simple piece of paper, typed on 2 sides, folded and sealed with the stamp on the back. n.b.

Symbionomics: Stories of a New Economy by Alan Rosenblith Symbionomics is a media project about the new economy. As we face unprecedented global challenges, people all over the world are fundamentally reimagining economics. We’d like to capture visions, ideas, and experiences that tell a new story. Part of the new economy is about working in an open and collaborative way, so we’re taking that to heart in our approach. We are creating an online space that is like a virtual campfire where people around the world can share their stories and ideas. To seed this space, we will gather ten high quality interviews with leading experts in the field. We’ll be using this money for filming interviews, editing the footage into a DVD compilation, and upgrading the Symbionomics video forum. Deliverables: - DVD compilation of at least ten interviews, CC licensed - beta upgraded to full launch We are structuring this project to create valuable content at every stage of its development. Thanks for your support!

Juliana Santacruz Herrera "Repairs" Paris Potholes With Cheery Renegade Knitting It seems like all of New York’s streets are under perpetual construction and repaving, and now thanks to the art work of Juliana Santacruz Herrera, we know Parisians feel the same. Disgruntled with the potholes and unfixed cracks in the streets of Paris, Hererra decided to beautify her surroundings. Armed only with yarn and knitting needles, she decided to take her woven repairs to the streets. Street art has had an upswing of popularity in the past few years, often coming off more as vandalism or graffiti than art. But Herrera’s street pieces are undeniably beautiful. Using the pale grey asphalt streets as her canvas, she adds bright and punchy color to an otherwise dismal palette. New York City based artist Olek employs a similar yarn and “guerilla knitting” technique, crocheting over abandoned bikes and poles throughout the city. Now here is a true optimist, seeing decay and disrepair as an opportunity and venue to share some renegade – and smile-inducing art.

透明標本 (透明二重染色標本) マゼンタとシアンに輝く全く新しい形のインテリア標本 | デザインブログ バードヤード IKAI | 2010/05/24 | 10 comments 梅雨もはじまり、私生活でなにかとストレスの多いアルバトロデザイン代表 猪飼です。 休みを取ってアウトドアへトレッキングに出かけるか、それが無理ならパソコンを持って移動合宿(山積みの仕事は現場で)を企んでいます。 能率アップの為なら、いいんじゃないかなと…やはり夏は避暑地で仕事をしたいものです。 最近マイブームなクラシック音楽でも聴きながら、今年の夏は優雅な仕事場にしたいのです。 さて、本日はそんな夏にはいよいよ大ブレイクするのではないかと密かに思っている見た目がとても涼しげな透明標本についてです。 1.透明標本とは 透明標本とは元々古くからある標本の作成方法で、小型生物の細かく繊細な骨格や軟骨を解剖する事無く観察することができるようにタンパク質を透明化した標本でした。 医学や生物学の中ではとても重宝されてきたこの透明標本の技術が、現在になってその美しさによって再び注目されています。 また、インテリア用に実際に透明標本化した固体も東急ハンズや、箱根彫刻の森等で現在販売されています。 透明標本 カエル -Transparent Speciment Frog- 2.透明標本の作り方 透明標本の加工には人的な時間と手間がかかります。 また、こうした透明標本の制作には何種類かの特殊な液体が必要となります。 こうした作業の結果、解剖したら体が崩れてしまうような小型の生物でも、筋肉、脈、骨格、軟骨の全てを光をすかして観察できるような標本を作ることが可能となるのです。 3.透明標本について考察 標本という学術的なものではなく、インテリアやアート作品として生物の体を扱うことは倫理的に問題視されがちです。 剥製を部屋に飾っているのが上流階級の常識だった時代もあれば、毛皮のコートも着ては表を歩けないのもまた時代で、いつかはこうした透明標本すらも排斥される時代が来るのかもしれませんね。 人間の倫理には答えは無いので、今後の世界の「風潮」の結論次第ですね。 Make:Tokyo Meeting 03 実際に販売されている標本たち 動く透明標本 (English Exposition) Since we can see inside body without opening their body with surgical knife.

Business Idea Center Industry Interest Profession Startup Toolkit Once you've found the right idea, these guides can help you get started. Success Stories Get inspired by these entrepreneurs who have taken their idea and made it a success. More Success Stories 20 commandements pour une société autofabriquée Pour accompagner la révolution des FabLabs, permettant à chacun de produire des objets grâce à des imprimantes 3D et autres CAO, un rapport américain recommande 20 mesures au gouvernement pour se préparer à un tournant de l'histoire industrielle. Un certain nombre de forces convergentes vont faire passer la fabrication personnelle, ou autofabrication, du statut de technologie marginale utilisée par les seuls pionniers et passionnés à un outil quotidien pour le consommateur et l’entreprise lambda.Dans quelques années, on trouvera des technologies de fabrication dans les petites entreprises et établissements scolaires.Dans dix ou vingt ans, tous les foyers et bureaux posséderont leur machine d’autofabrication.Dans une génération, on sera bien en peine d’expliquer à ses petits-enfants comment on a pu vivre sans son autofabricateur, et qu’on devait commander des biens préfabriqués en ligne et attendre qu’ils nous arrivent dans notre boîte au lettre livrés par la Poste. Recommandations

Cualquier Verdura Small Business Resources - Top 5 Ways for Small Businesses to Succeed in a Down Economy According to recent estimates, there are approximately 20 million small businesses operating right now in the United States. However, given the current state of the economy and predictions that the slumping market might take more time than expected to right itself, many small business owners have been forced to make cutbacks, whether they be layoffs, hiring freezes or the elimination of services, in order to survive. Despite the challenging times that these small companies are up against today, there are still many opportunities and silver linings for small business owners to capitalize on with the right business model and implementation strategy in place. As the founder and CEO of Priority Pay Payroll, one of the country’s premier payroll processors, Jerry Carter is intimately familiar with the challenges that beset small business owners during these difficult economic times. So what’s his secret? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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