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We have heard terrifying stories from the revolution in Ukraine: anarchists participating in anti-government street-fighting behind nationalist banners, anarchist slogans and historical figures appropriated by fascists… a dystopia in which familiar movements and strategies reappear with our enemies at the helm. This text is a clumsy first attempt to identify the important questions for anarchists elsewhere around the world to discuss in the wake of the events in Ukraine. We present it humbly, acknowledging that our information is limited, hoping that others will correct our errors and improve on our analysis. It has been difficult to maintain contact with comrades in the thick of things; surely it is frustrating to be peppered with ill-informed questions amid the tragedies of civil war. What is happening in Ukraine and Venezuela appears to be a reactionary counterattack within the space of social movements.

The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies - UW Friday, April 251:00pm - 5:30pm, 6:30pm - 9:00pm Husky Union Building, Room 250University of Washington, Seattle On Friday, April 25, 2014 the Bridges Center will convene Working Democracy, a conference discussing labor's response to growing inequality and the contemporary crisis of democracy. Anticipating the conference, we are launching a new website for updates on the event, reading lists on the conference themes, commentary from Bridges Chair George Lovell, and more. Bringing together activists, scholars, labor and community leaders, the April conference seeks to build the capacity of our political institutions to provide meaningfully democratic response to the growing inequalities in income, wealth, and opportunity.

Lone Wolf Research Holds PhD in Amer­i­can Stud­ies from the Uni­ver­sity of Buf­falo, a Mas­ters in In­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary Stud­ies from Uni­ver­sity of New York at Brock­port, and a BA in Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture. Highly trained re­searcher in the hu­man­i­ties and so­cial sci­ences spe­cial­iz­ing in con­tentious / con­tro­ver­sial post-Cold War era po­lit­i­cal cul­tures, events, cir­cum­stances and in­di­vid­u­als within the United States; do­mes­tic in­tel­li­gence and coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence op­er­a­tions; re­search method­olo­gies in 'trou­bled' fields. Has con­ducted and con­tin­ues to con­duct ex­ten­sive in­ves­ti­ga­tory, aca­d­e­mic, jour­nal­is­tic and ethno­graphic re­search using mul­ti­ple, in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary meth­ods about a wide range of his­tor­i­cal and con­tem­po­rary top­ics in­clud­ing con­tro­ver­sial events, protest cul­tures, bank rob­beries, bomb­ings, and mass shoot­ings.

Communism in Washington State Communism made a larger impact on Washington than almost any other state. “There are forty-seven states in the Union, and the Soviet of Washington,” Postmaster General James Farley joked in 1936. The remark, for all its exaggeration, had some foundation. The Communist movement, founded in 1919, caught on quickly in the Pacific Northwest, picking up members from the fading Industrial Workers of the World and Socialist Party. In the 1930s the CP played key roles in the strikes and campaigns that built some of the region’s most powerful unions and used that base to influence other institutions. A Brief History Of Media Cover-Ups & Self-Censorship: Who’s Afraid of Russ Baker’s “Family Of Secrets” - By Matt Harvey On February 17, 1967, the newspapers ran stories about a sensational new investigation into JFK’s assassination, headed by a New Orleans DA named Jim Garrison, who called into question the “lone gunman” theory laying all the blame on Lee Harvey Oswald. Five days after the news story broke, the prime target of Garrison’s investigation, David Ferrie, a right-wing pilot linked to the CIA, was found dead of a “cerebral hemorrhage.” Public opinion was polarized over JFK’s assassination.

Marxist Internet Subject Archive Famous Quotes Famous quotes from Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and other communists with links to the context on the Marxists Internet Archive. The only source on the internet of genuine, sourced Marxist quotations. In addition, you get a randomly selected “Quote-of-the-Day” from one of the collections, for you to ponder. Selected Marxist Writers

10 Groups That Don’t Flinch Under Fire (And, Thus, Deserve Your Support) Here at CounterPunch we get lots of calls from readers this time of year asking: where are the good groups? Where can I send a year-end check and know that the money will be well spent, not recycled into a fat executive salary or an annoying direct mail campaign? There are many such groups out there; indeed, there is a vibrant and thriving grassroots movement across a whole range of issues. Unfortunately, we can’t bring all of them to your attention. But once or twice a year we devote the pages of CounterPunch to a survey of what these organizations are up to. Here’s our end of the year list of good groups. Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism Lenin described imperialism as the “highest stage of capitalism.” The nature of capitalism and its doctrine of profit maximization mean that imperialism is a process by which capitalists are forced into in search of greater profits in ever shrinking, unstable markets. The idea of imperialism can be roughly broken down into three main categories: monopolies, finance capital, and militarism.

Online Articles Parties recover from defeat in two ways. They can try to beat the opposition at their own game, or they can try to change the rules of the game. Donald Trump did the latter. Now it’s the Democrats’ turn. From Resistance to Revolution - Manifesto for a Fifth International At its recent congress the League for the Fifth International passed a new programmatic manifesto. Its policies and slogans are intended to guide revolutionary socialists in the struggles to come, and to act as a proposed manifesto for a new Fifth International Spanish/Espanol You can buy a copy of this manifesto at out online shop This document is a programme of action addressed to the organisations of the working class, peasants, youth and oppressed peoples of the world engaged in a massive wave of struggles – either to win democratic freedoms as a means to overcome poverty an unemployment or in defence of existing social gains and rights. When workers in Tahrir Square in Cairo chant their solidarity with workers occupying the Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin USA and these workers in turn sing, “Fight like an Egyptian!” we become aware how global the struggle has already become.

Well, China’s Aircraft Carrier Is Up to Something Interesting by DAVE MAJUMDAR In January 2017, China’s sole carrier Liaoning is operating in the South China Sea with a full-complement of aircraft along with five escorting vessels for the first time. The vessels have been conducting exercises and testing weaponry at sea in a display of Beijing’s growing military might — causing concern among China’s neighbors. “The formation, which is on a ‘cross-sea area’ training exercise, involved J-15 fighter jets, as well as several ship-borne helicopters,” the Chinese Defense Ministry stated on its website. “Complex hydrological and meteorological conditions in the South China Sea as well as a cold front in area have posed some challenges, but the source said the drill provided important experience in the build-up of combat capability of the aircraft carrier formation.”

The Spy Who Billed Me Seymour Hersh was likely counting on his reputation cutting through any obstacles that could prevent him from pulling off what is probably the last “blockbuster” of his career. And he did meet an obstacle: He is pretending to break a broken story—and he knows it. Tuesday evening on Democracy Now! Hersh tried to slide by my allegations of unethical behavior.[1] Hersh commented: … people were writing stories accusing me a [sic] plagiarism in the press in the last two days. Historical Collection Publications The Historical Review Program, part of the CIA Information Management Services, identifies, collects and produces historically relevant collections of declassified documents. These collections, centered on a theme or event and with supporting analysis, essays, video, audio, and photographs, are showcased in a booklet and DVD that are available to the academic realm and the public. Intelligence Community History
