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Home: CTBTO Preparatory Commission

Luttes Vertes > Incident nucléaire en Belgique (Webzine.Resistance.TK) Un incident nucléaire a eu lieu hier en Belgique. Du plutonium a été relâché dans un bâtiment de Belgoprocess, contaminant 3 personnes. Les autorités affirment que les fuites radioactives ont été contenues dans le bâtiment. Reste que, après Marcoule, ce nouvel incident suscite une inquiétude montante… Un incident nucléaire impliquant des inspecteurs de l’AIEA L’Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) vient de révéler qu’un incident nucléaire a eu lieu mardi 4 octobre 2011 sur un site belge de traitement de déchets nucléaires. Le plutonium est extrêmement dangereux quand il est ingéré ou inhalé, ce qui est le cas ici. L’autre inquiétude concerne évidemment la possibilité de fuites radioactives en dehors des bâtiments de Belgoprocess. Après l’explosion d’un four nucléaire sur le site français de Marcoule le 12 septembre 2011, c’est donc le deuxième incident nucléaire mettant en cause une installation nucléaire européenne.

Securing Valuable Global Services September 24th marks the fifteenth anniversary of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty’s celebratory signing ceremony at the United Nations. That’s fifteen years in which the treaty has remained in limbo, due to the worst entry-into-force provision ever negotiated. A much longer wait is in store, as long as entry into force depends on the United States, China, Egypt, Iran, Israel and Indonesia depositing their instruments of ratification, and India, Pakistan and North Korea deciding to sign and ratify the treaty. The treaty’s tortured entry-into-force provision was the handiwork of China, Russia, and France, whose leaders felt obligated to sign, but remained reluctant to end nuclear testing permanently. The fifteen year-long wait for the CTBT has been put to good use. The capabilities of the CTBTO’s global monitoring network were on display after North Korea tested a nuclear device in October, 2006. It took France and China 22 years to join the Nonproliferation Treaty. Exploring the History, Science, and Consequences of the Atomic Bomb A Visit to the Atomic Testing Museum The museum, a partnership between the Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation and the Desert Research Institute, is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution and is located just east of the Las Vegas strip. The goal of the museum is to preserve and foster public accessibility to the history associated with the Nevada Test Site (NTS) and the Nation's nuclear weapons testing program. To learn more, click here. Cold War: A Brief History For more than forty years, the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union directly threatened each other with nuclear weapons.

Pendant ce temps-là à Fukushima | Les moutons enragés | Et pendant ce temps là, à Fukushima Page van der Linden • Debating the CTBT in 2011 Monitoring for nuclear tests: an IMS infrasound station array at infrasound station IS49, Tristan da Cunha, U.K. (Image Credit: CTBTO Preparatory Commission. Click to enlarge.) Two weeks ago, I noticed that the conversation about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) seemed to be picking up the pace. This was among people on the Hill, so I set about interviewing several policy analysts, essentially non-governmental “onlookers,” who’d been around for the Senate debate — and failure — to approve the resolution of ratification in 1999. I talked to a range of people, from enthusiastic treaty proponents and people who think ratification won’t do any harm, to a treaty skeptic, whose opinion was that the treaty would endanger national security and that we need to retain the option of testing nuclear weapons. The Mushroom Cloud On The Horizon: Talking About the CTBT Then and Now There’s a lot that can be learned from these interviews. I’d like to start with a question about education. Dr.

Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog Une toile pour vous Le cycliste de Tchernobyl: un roman à boycotter. Un roman d'usurpation de la mémoire d'un grand homme, Vassily Nesterenko... le livre de Javier Sebastian à boycotter. La fiction a ses limites que l'auteur en question a transgressées de manière particulièrement perverse. « Vous avez peut-être entendu parler du « roman » pseudo historique qui vient de sortir, "Le cycliste de Tchernobyl", qui est fort louangé par la critique du Monde (article de Chevillard dans Le Monde des livres du 13 sept, de Libération (le supplément Livres du jeudi 19 sept.) et l'objet d'un battage médiatique sur le net. Je tiens à vous mettre en garde : ce livre est une "oeuvre" de falsification. Vassili NESTERENKO, savant nucléaire soviétique, membre de l'académie des sciences, qui venait de mettre au point un réacteur nucléaire miniaturisé, s'est précipité à Tchernobyl le 26 Avril 1986. Marie-Elise Rencontrer Nesterenko

09PARIS1287, FRANCE INTERESTED IN INFORMAL CTBT MEETING Viewing cable 09PARIS1287, FRANCE INTERESTED IN INFORMAL CTBT MEETING Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was.The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject.The bottom box presents the body of the cable. The opening can contain a more specific subject, references to other cables (browse by origin to find them) or additional comment. This is followed by the main contents of the cable: a summary, a collection of specific topics and a comment section. Discussing cables If you find meaningful or important information in a cable, please link directly to its unique reference number.

