Doodle Bugs Teaching {first grade rocks!} It is getting close friends.. I start school in 3 weeks… I don’t want to think about. I am probably getting grouchier {is that a word?} I love what I do.. BUT, I don’t want to get dressed every day. I don’t want to get up that early. It’s HOT. yada, yada, yada. I have a fun new set of pocket chart activities for first graders. Link: Back to School Pocket Chart Activities Here is what is included… Do the letters match? Students look at the cards. Telling Time to the Hour Match Students match the digital to the analog clock times. Unscramble the words to make sentences then match to a picture. Put the letters in ABC order. There are 5 sets of cards/6 cards in each set. This is the beginning of teaching students ABC order. Count by 5’s Cards 5-200 numbers are included. Color Word Match Students match the 10 basic color words with a coordinating heart. Math fact match +1 Math facts Here is everything included- 7 activities in all. This set does not include recording sheets.
Free Math Snake Puzzle | The Site for Free Printable Worksheets The Math Snake worksheet puzzle is a fun math practice tool. A number is printed on the first part of the body of the snake. On the path to the next part of the body you will see an operator and an operand. Change the Max Result and the Max Operands to control the difficulty level of the puzzle. Every time you changed a value or click on the button 'Create new Math Snake Puzzle' a new puzzle is created dynamically. Free Mathematics Resource Printing ⋆ Creative Commons Teaching Materials Nets (3D Models)Quickly print blank nets for common 3D shapes. Clock BingoGenerate bingo games with clock faces Read ClocksPrint random analogue clock faces at various levels Arithmetic MakerCreate large print addition and subtraction at several levels Simple CountingRandom token based counting and arithmetic worksheet within 5 or 10 Add CoinsRandom worksheet generator - UK, US, EU, Australia & Canada Maze CreatorGenerates random mazes with single solutions Clock Flash CardsCreate time flash and matching cards with clock faces Draw Clock HandsAnalogue time & 24hr clock worksheets Photo Nets (3D)Add photos and images to nets of common 3D shapes Bingo CardsCreate bingo cards with numbers and problems Shopping MathsRandom shopping worksheet generator - work out change Coin MashSimple coin mashes for identification exercises Number LinesCreate a wide range of number lines and linear scale exercises. Coin Spinner Coin spinners for maths games
ARRAYS ARRAYS ARRAYS! Activities, worksheets, and math centers to help your students practice rectangular arrays! Everything you need to teach rectangular arrays! All arrays are up to 5x5. Included: (Please download preview to see!) - Array Puzzles Math Center: Students match the eight different 3-part puzzles (24 puzzle pieces total) to match the rectangular array (picture) to its repeated addition (3+3+3+3=12) and multiplication factors (4x3). - Arrays Sorting Activity Book: Students create a cute book where they cut, color, and glue pictures of rectangular arrays under the correct factors. - Cookie Tray Arrays: Students draw a rectangular array of cookies on the cookie sheet and color their picture. - Array Matching Math Center: Students get a sheet of colorful array pictures and a baggie of factors cards (3x4, 2x5, etc.) to match on top of the arrays that represent them. - Fun with Arrays worksheet: Students look at the repeated addition equation and draw a picture of an array to represent it.
Word Search Maker | World Famous from The Teacher's Corner WARNING: Your JavaScript is disabled. Almost nothing will work properly without JavaScript enabled. Choose up to 3 fonts + Arial (default) Font Selection DISABLED Sort word list alphabetically Saving Options:Ad Block: NoneAd supported: 2 Word List Save SlotsPremium Subscriber: 10 Word List Save SlotsTurn Off your ad-blocker to see the 'Ad supported' word list saving options here. Here are solutions to 95% of the problems people have! All of our worksheets have answer sheets. Don't see this blue menu on the left AFTER creating your worksheet? Browser is low on memory and the javascript engine has shut down in the browser (usually caused by too many browser tabs open or a badly coded extension that is installed and leaking memory). This is a bug that happens on RARE occassions with certain computers. ALL options can be adjusted using the BLUE MENU to the left of the puzzle that is created. This is caused because javascript does not have enough memory to generate the crossword puzzle.
Fiches d’exercices sur les tables de multiplication Fiches de calcul mélangées la fiche d’exercices sur la Table de multiplication Nom:_____________ Feuille de réponses Tu veux t’entraîner aux tables tranquillement ? Publicité: Fiches d’exercices sur les tables Apprendre les tables de multiplication avec des fiches d’exercices Pour bien compléter l’apprentissage des tables de multiplication en ligne, on peut les apprendre à l’aide de fiches d’exercices. Two For Tuesday: 50% Off Two New Products! SO MANY great deals last week! Thank you to those who purchased and left kind feedback! I love getting positive feedback, it makes me feel appreciated for my hard work and want to create more! In case you haven't had a chance to see this linky, let me fill you in... TWO OF MY PRODUCTS will be 50% off TODAY! Do you ever get stuck during guided reading or during a reading lesson with questions to ask your students? Photos and directions are included to make this stand in this resource. Fiction and non-fiction questions are color coded on different colored paper for easy use to elicit oral and written responses during reading. And, you can grab this necessity up for 50% off today too! Your students will be so excited to wear these bracelets and the best part...they learn their multiplication facts by staring at them all day! Students can wear bracelets with answers or fill in the blank. Grab these DEALS up...they will only be 50% off today!
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Jeu: les représentations d'un nombre. Voici un jeu proposé en ateliers mathématiques ou en APC. Edit du 1 février : 5 nouvelles planches de nombres - voir ci-dessous Les vaches dans l'hexagone. On peut proposer toutes les cartes d'un seul coup, ou au fur et à mesure selon le niveau de la classe ou des élèves qui jouent. fiches à imprimer sur du bristol blanc et à plastifier. ☛ feuille 1 nombres: 34 - 17 - 45 ☛ feuille 2 nombres: 63 - 54 - 27 ☛ feuille 3 nombres: 39 - 50 - 43 nouveau ☛ feuille 4 nombres: 58 - 49 - 21 Voici des fiches d'auto-correction ☛ feuille 5 nombres: 68 - 11 - 25 gentillement proposées par CTab: ☛ feuille 6 nombres: 13 - 40 - 16 ● feuilles 1 à 5 ☛ feuille 7 nombres: 52 - 32 - 15 ● feuilles 6 à 10 ☛ feuille 8 nombres: 72 - 86 - 97 ☛ feuille 9 nombres: 75 - 62 - 93 ☛ feuille 10 nombres: 81 - 95 - 89 À la demande d' Isaxime, voici une version belge "nonante et septante" ☛feuille 8 bis ☛feuille 9 bis ☛feuille 10 bis
"J'AI...QUI A?" MULTIPLICATION (FACTS TO 9X9) <div class="deployment_message_block"><span> Hi, You need to enable javascript on your browser to use TpT. <a href=" target="_blank">See how this improves your TpT experience</a>. </span></div> About Us | Blog | FAQs & Help All Categories Cart Your shopping cart is empty Log In | Not a member? 0inShare "J'ai...Qui A?" Subjects Basic Operations, French, Mental Math Grade Levels 3rd, 4th Resource Types Activities, Fun Stuff, Games Product Rating PDF (Acrobat) Document File Be sure that you have an application to open this file type before downloading and/or purchasing. 8.11 MB | 5 pages "J'ai, Qui A?" Total Pages Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 30 Minutes Report Copyright Infringement Average Ratings Overall Quality: Accuracy: Practicality: Thoroughness: Creativity: Clarity: Total: 3 ratings Comments & Ratings On August 1, 2014, Elena C. said: Very useful and pretty! Mark as helpful Mark as helpful Super!
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Cuisenaire les réglettes en bois Présentation du jeu Cuisenaire: les réglettes en bois Les réglettes constituent un matériel didactique riche en potentialités mathématiques. Elles s'utilisent de la maternelle au collège et peuvent s'intégrer dans toutes les méthodes de calcul ou constituer en elles-mêmes une méthodologie active. L'élève découvre les mathématiques en manipulant, en cherchant, une manière idéale pour comprendre et intégrer de manière durable les nombres, les 5 opérations, les puissances, etc .Contenu: 300 réglettes en bois de 10 tailles (de 1 à 10 cm de long) et 10 couleurs différentes (blanc x 100, rouge x 50, vert clair x 34, rose x 30, jaune x 22, vert foncé x 16, noir x 14, marron x 12, bleu x 12, orange x 10), selon le code usuel des réglettes Cuisenaire, dans 1 coffret en bois à casier (22,2 x 22,2 cm).Il est idéal d'avoir une boîte pour 2 enfants en maternelle, 1 boîte pour 4 en primaire! A propos de l'éditeur Goula Goula est une marque espagnole appartenant au groupe Jumbodiset, créée en 1942.
The Short and Sassy Teacher Hey there! I'm linking up with the lovely ladies at Collaboration Cuties for their weekly mentor text link! This week I shared one of my favorite social studies picture books, however the text also has a great tie into our math curriculum! Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares has been a favorite read aloud for both myself and my third grade students while learning about my favorite founding father...Ben Franklin! Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares not only highlights interesting information about Ben Franklin, it also connects to Ben's love of problem-solving and mathematical puzzles. The story tells how Ben Franklin generated the idea of a magic square, which consists of nine boxes with a digit inside each box. At the back of the book are directions from Ben on how to create your own magic square. On Monday we were stuck inside for recess due to rainy weather, so a crew of third graders decided to work on creating magic squares during their inside recess!! The Best of Times by Greg Tang - Deine kostenlose Bilddatenbank Pixelio verwendet Cookies, um verschiedene Funktionalitäten bereitzustellen, Anzeigen zu personalisieren und Zugriffe zu analysieren. Mit der Nutzung dieser Website erklärst Du Dich damit einverstanden, dass Cookies verwendet werden. Weitere Informationen Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Bildersuche Erweiterte Suche Home / Alle Kategorien Rollover Vorschau an aus 196 Bilder bei pixelio von "stefanbayer" Bilder sortieren nach Bilder pro Seite Gehe zu Seite: « Vorherige 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 10 Nächste » Wassernixen im Schwimmbad Kategorie: Comics & Illustrationen Weihnachtsmann und Weihna ... Wimmelspaß im Freibad Klimawandel: Vorsicht Ext ... Klimawandel: Weniger CO2 ... Klimawandel: Kein Plastik ... Klimawandel: Rettet die B ... Sport ist Mord: Segeln E-Scooter 3.0 E-Scooter 2.0 E-Scooter 1.0 Helden des Hobbys: Der Aq ... Sport ist Mord: Stand Up ... Humorus Pokus Fidibus: De ... Humorus Pokus Fidibus: De ... Humorus Pokus Fidibus: Di ... Humorus Pokus Fidibus: Zi ... Humorus Pokus Fidibus: De ...