Le blog d'Augustin, champion des progrès My hygienist just told me not to put water on your toothpaste before brushing your teeth. I couldn't find any documentation online as to why this might be, any thoughts? : AskReddit Heineken | Departure Roulette The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Ask Dr. Math® Thank you for your interest in Ask Dr. Math. [Privacy Policy] [Terms of Use] Math Forum Home || Math Library || Quick Reference || Math Forum Search
Le Petit Prince A Dit - le blog de l'autisme au quotidien Stepping Out of Squalor - Online organization tool: WorkFlowy I've been continuing to play with / use Workflowy. The play with part is mostly coming to grips with the keyboard shortcuts (On PC use: Ctrl ?). As for the 'use', as in ... continuing to 'use Workflowy'. Well ....(drum roll) .... here appeareth a major problem! A quick reflection:I'm thinking I don't even know what 'organisation' is.I'm trying to work on a 'To Do' list and I've been struggling.I think I know what being organised might look like, at least the results of it.I see someone / thing .... I additionally add this from the perspective that my Workflowy lists are 'a dogs breakfast' (as we would say here in Australia). So, I labor the point again that I lack organisation, even more relevantly, I don't even think I know what organisation is. I guess the observation I make is, use of Wokflowy highlights that I have trouble creating structure and organisation. Seeing my failure in creating order is very exciting to me (I must be nuts to say that). The journey continues,Owl. P.S.
DebateGraph DebateGraph is an award-winning, web-platform for visualizing and sharing networks of thought – and opening reasoning and action to collaborative learning and iterative improvement.Create your own maps and explore and contribute to maps created by amongst others: CNN, the White House, the UK Prime Minister's Office, The Independent, and the Foreign Office. DebateGraph is being used in over 100 countries and helping people reason and learn together more effectively in many different fields, including: education, health, governance, media, publishing, environment, conflict resolution, conferences, group facilitation, and public consultation and planning.There's no limit to the number of people who can collaborate on maps, and you are welcome to start building and sharing public and private maps on any topic now. Copyright © 2014 Thoughtgraph Ltd.
Autisme-Dyspraxie Apprentissages et vie quotidienne workflowy « Developmentality Today’s post is about WorkFlowy, a great, free web application for creating and managing lists. It is the best tool for organizing TODOs and random thoughts out of anything I’ve found. First, let me describe the two main problems I have with todo/note taking software I’ve tried previously. TODO: fix these problems! There have certainly been other TODO list applications that I have used in the past, but they usually suffer from at least one of the following problems: 1) They require too much information about each item When I’m jotting things down, I rarely care about prioritizing it, giving it a due date, assigning it a label, tag, etc. 2) They force you into a flat mode of thinking When I’m trying to right down all the thoughts in my head related to a given project or task, they often are deeply hierarchical. (Here’s a visual representation of the nested list I described earlier:) A A.1A.2 A.2.iA.2.iiA.2.iii I found Things, a todo manager on Mac to suffer from this problem. WorkFlowy Zoom in
RTI: Digging Deeper Assessments {PAST link updated} Since posting our school's RTI plan and links to the RTI documents we created at Lake Myra, several of you have asked about the Digging Deeper Assessments we use to drill down a child's most foundational literacy level....identified on the Otter Talk Form below (more on this form and the other RTI documents we created in my earlier Response to Intervention post). So, here are the all Digging Deeper Assessments we use in our school & district. Although none of them were originally created by our school/district, they are public assessments for anyone to use: Print Concepts based on Clay's Concept About Print from the Observational Survey use Busy Beavers or Detective Dog from the Story Basket Collection from the Wright Group Letter/Sound Identification, also a part of the Observations Survey Early Names Test Words Their Way Word Study Assessments Here is the binder cover I created for the RtI Digging Deeper Assessment binder...
Au fil des jours, je vous parlerai de...Camille - En tant que parents, nous sommes acteurs de l'éducation de nos enfants et de l'accompagnement de ces derniers vers l'autonomie. Il s'agit ici d'échanger sur des pratiques éducatives ainsi que sur le quotid WorkFlowy Meograph – 4 Dimensional Story Telling Web 2.0 Style What I love about Web 2.0 apps is the simplicity. Bloated desktop apps like Office and Photoshop, with their hundreds of menu items and toolbars, are powerful tools but become difficult for non techies to handle. Web 2.o tools, on the other hand, are focused on specific purposes, allowing them to be streamlined and simple enough for anyone to use. Meograph, a relatively new tool ( released in July, 2012 and still in Beta form) is one such simple to use but still powerful web app. It sells itself as a “4 Dimensional Story telling” app. ADD A MOMENT. That’s all there is to it. ( One more thing – it has share and embedding options so that you can add your Meograph to your own website/blog, as I have done, or post it directly to Twitter, Facebook and other popular Social Media sites like Pinterest, Google+ Delicious and StumblUpon.) While I have found Meograph to be a very useful and simple to use storytelling tool, there is room for improvement. The Timeline.