Welcome | ReFuture Your Life tatlife Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - Emotional Health NICABM - Mindfulness, Spirituality in Healing, Trauma Therapy Training, and Brain Science Energy Psychology | Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine by Kris Olson Energy Psychology is an umbrella term that refers to techniques designed to heal physical, emotional or spiritual imbalances by correcting a person's "energy body" or "biofield." Various gateways in the body are accessed based on Chinese acupuncture meridian theory. The origin of these tapping techniques is attributed to Dr. Tapping is a set of techniques which use the body's energy meridian points. Gary Craig studied TFT with Roger Callahan in the mid 1990's. Because of Gary's generosity and focus on making EFT available for anyone to use, EFT has become perhaps the most well known of all the meridian energy tapping techniques. For more information, please visit the following web sites: Gary's Official EFT™ Tutorial - a simple yet remarkable healing system that reduces the stress that underlies much disease. Tapping - a simple but effective technique somewhere in between hypnosis, meditation, and acupressure.
EFT (Tapping) Emofree.com is The Gold Standard for EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Spiritual Development Course Lesson Lesson Eleven - Contacting Your Personal Spirit Guides We suggest you pre-record this meditation, relax and continue. Spend several minutes looking at your pictures of saints, angels etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Write down what you have experienced and think of how you can make greater contact with your Spirit Guides in the future. Note: The more often you contact your Personal Spirit Guides the more clearer, quicker and stronger the contact will become.
Wholistic Healing Research » Ultimate WHEE Digital Collection Learn WHEE: Whole Healing - Easily & Effectivelyin this Special "Ultimate WHEE Digital Collection" This revolutionary self-healing method helps users release psychological and physical pains that are holding them back from achieving their true potential. Above and beyond that, WHEE also enhances confidence, sports performance and much more! WHEE has Benefited Thousands of Users in Overcoming Many Issues Including: WHEE is also Extremely Effective in: Let me introduce myself. When I learned about psychotherapy as a teenager, I knew that was what I wanted to do. Fortunately, I worked mostly with children (in a clinic and a day hospital), and was allowed the "luxury" of 30-minute sessions because I had to speak with parents, teachers, school counselors, and pediatricians, in addition to pharmacists and managed care companies - all in addition to speaking with the children. I then learned to use the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) of Gary Craig. Findings and Discoveries Using the WHEE Method
Learning Self Muscle Testing Self muscle testing gives you amazing flexibility because you don't need a partner to do the test. In my experience, with practice and objectivity, it can also be quite reliable. There are many variations of this technique. This is because the idea of applying force to one part of the body while resisting with another part can be done in many different ways. For example, the degree of motion and/or flexibility in a body part and the resistance to the full motion/flexibility can also be used as a muscle test indicator rather than just using strength. Here I will describe two methods that I use and mention a few others. In short, the general idea is that we are testing muscle strength and muscle weakness, or the freedom of movement in the body, in the presence or absence of a stimulus. Self Muscle Testing Techniques I Use In trying any of these self muscle testing exercises you agree to take full responsibility for your body. Feel when and how the bottom finger goes weak. 2. Return Home
Energy Psychology with David Feinstein Ph. D. Hypnosis Network|Hypnosis CDs by Licensed hypnotherapists|Does hypnosis work EMDR International Association: What Is EMDR? What Application Do I Need To Complete? Provider Application (Revised May 2008) In order to submit a program (advanced EMDR workshop) for EMDRIA Credits, applicants must first complete and submit an EMDRIA Credit Provider Application. The Provider application informs EMDRIA about how you will manage, organize and administer your continuing education programs. Program Application (Revised May 2008) Once approved, Credit Providers are welcomed to apply for EMDRIA Credits by completing and submitting a Program Application (PDF). Need the Program Application in a Word Doc? Tele-Course Programs Programs taking place on a specific date & time (real time) but not in a face to face (on-site) format. Tele-Course Program Application (Revised May 2008) Supplemental Tele-Course Form (Revised May 2008) Distance Learning Programs Programs taking place through alternative means (i.e. Distance Learning Program Application (Revised April 2010)
Oxford Journals | Medicine | Social Cognitive & Affective Neurosci Energy Medicine and Informational Medicine - Inergetix-CoRe