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ad libitum Habéis salido de la jungla hace tan poco tiempo, y vuestro parentesco con los lémures y los prosimios es aún tan cercano, que os dirigís hacia la abstracción sin ser capaces de prescindir de las evidencias; por tanto, cualquier discurso os aburre y os repugna o, como mínimo, os provoca cierta insatisfacción; algo que ocurre incluso en el caso de los más célebres teóricos, de los mayores elucubradores, como atestiguan innumerables ejemplos entresacados de las confesiones íntimas de un buen número de científicos que, en su gran mayoría, reconocen que para la elaboración de sus razonamientos abstractos necesitan en gran medida apoyarse en cosas tangibles. Habéis confundido dos cosas completamente distintas al considerar que el grado de complejidad de un ser y su grado de perfección son rasgos inseparables. Consideráis que un alga es más simple, por tanto más primitiva, por tanto inferior a un águila. Cuanto mayor sea la Inteligencia del espíritu, menor cabida hay para el individuo.
Maya Once considered an unsolvable enigma, recent advances in the decipherment of the Maya writing system has not only shed light on the mechanics of the script, but also on the socio-political, artistic, and historical aspects of Maya civilization. As a whole, the Maya people created the longest lasting civilization of the New World. It became distinguishable from other early farming cultures of Mesoamerica in the middle of the first millenium BCE, when the first great Maya cities were constructed. Their culture endured through changes, wars, and disasters until it was suppressed by the Spanish conquest in the 16th and 17th centuries. General Overview The Maya hieroglypic writing is arguably one of the most visually striking writing systems of the world. While we're on the subject of what the Maya could "say", let's talk about Maya languages. The visual construction of Maya glyphs is very interesting. The order to read Maya glyphs is also not as straightforward as it would seem. Syllabary
Michael S. Heiser Michael S. Heiser is an American biblical Old Testament scholar and Christian[1] author who has criticized ancient alien astronaut theorists. His area of expertise is the nature of the spiritual realm in the Bible, namely the Divine council and hierarchy of the spiritual order. He is Executive Director of the School of Ministry at Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida. He runs his own podcast, The Naked Bible and runs a ministry called Miqlat, dedicated to the production and dissemination of his content. Education[edit] Heiser was raised in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Heiser has taught college since 1992 and is the Scholar in Residence for Logos Bible Software.[10] Criticism of ancient astronaut theories[edit] Heiser has spoken out critically against proponents of ancient astronauts theories, especially Zechariah Sitchin. Selected works[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]
Symbols and their meaning SYMBOLS and their Meaning Introduction Occult symbols are fast replacing Christian symbols in our culture. Therefore, we encourage you to use this list to warn others, especially Christian children who intentionally wear and display them because they are popular. Keep in mind that some of these symbols have double meanings. For example, the pentagram has been used to transmit occult power in all kinds of rituals for centuries, but to Christians the same shape may simply represent a star -- a special part of God's creation. The image of a fish may mean a sign of the zodiac (astrology) to some, but to Christians it has meant following Jesus and sharing the message of His love. As our nation slides back toward paganism, God’s people need to understand the increasing influence, trickery, and cruelty of the evil one – while always thanking and following our God, whose power is far greater. Learn more about symbols at: Halloween Symbols | Teletubby Symbols | Comments on symbols
Entradas de biogeocarlos Carlos Lobato os reta a que resolvais una serie de problemas genéticos utilizando la popular serie Juego de Tronos […] Leer ¿Cuál será el avance o descubrimiento de la ciencia que más va a cambiar el mundo en los próximos años? Es muy difícil responder a una pregunta como la que se nos plantea de manera totalmente objetiva, sin dejarnos influenciar por nuestros propios deseos, conocimientos y motivaciones, por lo que voy a dar un enfoque bastante personal a la […] Leer Otro impresionante post de BiogeoCarlos sobre arañas… ¿muerden o pican? Descúbrelo con Ella-Laraña […] Leer Biogeocarlos y sus dibujos animados biológicos… Hora de aventuras! BiogeoCarlos os lanza un reto… ¿Podréis solucionar los problemas genéticos de Juego de Tronos? SEO/BirdLife lleva más de veinte años eligiendo al ave del año, para simbolizar algunas de las amenazas más significativas que sufre nuestra avifauna. Si las células individuales fuesen conscientes de sí mismas (¿o sería mejor decir inconscientes…?)
LEMEGETON, Part 1: Goetia The 9th spirit in order is Paimon; a great king, & very Obedient to Lucifer, he appeareth in ye forme of a man, sitting one a dromedary, wh a Crowne most glorious on his head. Three [There] goeth before him a host of spirits like men with Trumpets and well sounding Cymballs, and all other sorts of musicall Instruments &c. he hath a great voice, and roareth at his first comming, and his speech [voice] is such as ye Magician cannot well understand, unless he compelleth him. [102r] The 10th spirit is Buer, a great president and appereth in that is his shape when ye is there, he teacheth Phylosophy [both] Morall & Naturall, & ye Logicall arts, & ye vertues of all hearbes & plants, & healeth all distempers in Man, & giveth (familiars) good familiars, he governeth over 50 Legions of spirits and this is his seale of obediance wch you must weare when you call him to apperance. The 12th spirit is Sitri, he is a great prince & appeareth at first with a Leopards face, and wings as a griffin. [103r]
Home Page Sugar Changed the World | A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science TV Digital - El Control de La Mente Por El Sonido del Silencio por A. True Ott traducción de Juan Campo Versión original 15 Diciembre 2008 del Sitio Web WarIsCrime Este es un ensayo muy oportuno e importante. Cable Satélite HD TVs Las cajas convertidoras digitales (fáciles de obtener) las cuáles el gobierno tiene muchas ganas de ayudar a obtenerlo y que suscribe gran parte del coste en su nombre. Pero ¿porqué el gobierno está tan ansioso de ayudar a los ciudadanos americanos en obtener una mayor claridad y definición en las imágenes de su televisor? Era el año 1961 y John Kennedy se iba a convertir pronto en el trigésimo quinto presidente. Eisenhower, condecorado como General con 5 estrellas, fue el comandante supremo de todas las fuerzas aliadas durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial. Increíblemente, en su adiós, este gran héroe americano no advirtió a la nación acerca de la amenaza comunista o de los horrores de la proliferación nuclear. En vez de eso, este genio con carrera militar declaró conmemorada y moderadamente a esta gran nación:
Edgar Cayce on human origins People usually demand a beginning, so in the beginning there was a sea of spirit and it filled all of space. The spirit was static, content, and aware of itself. It was a giant resting on the bosom of its thought and contemplating what it is. Then the spirit moved into action. God desired self-expression and desired companionship; therefore, God projected the cosmos and souls. Each design carried within it the plan for its evolution - both physical and spiritual. All things are a part of God and an expression of God's thought. All things, including the souls of individuals, were created as "fractals" of God for companionship with God - the "Whole." The pattern God used to create souls was the pattern of God's own Spirit. The spirit of the individual existed before the soul of the individual was created. Thus, new individuals issued from God and remained dependent upon God; but individuals were also aware of an existence apart from God. But these things could happen.
Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation - Full Text The Enuma Elish (also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation) is the Mesopotamian creation myth whose title is derived from the opening lines of the piece, "When on High". All of the tablets containing the myth, found at Ashur, Kish, Ashurbanipal's library at Nineveh, Sultantepe, and other excavated sites, date to c. 1200 BCE but their colophons indicate that these are all copies of a much older version of the myth dating from long before the fall of Sumer in c. 1750 BCE. As Marduk, the champion of the young gods in their war against Tiamat, is of Babylonian origin, the Sumerian Ea/Enki or Enlil is thought to have played the major role in the original version of the story. The copy found at Ashur has the god Ashur in the main role as was the custom of the cities of Mesopotamia. The god of each city was always considered the best and most powerful. Summary of the Story Tiamat, once the supporter of the younger gods, now is enraged that they have killed her mate. Commentary Tablet I Tablet V