What Works in Schools: Translating Research Into Action - Dr Robert J Marzano The Drug That Never Lets Go Photo By @FatTonyBMX Dickie Sanders was not naturally prone to depression. The 21-year-old BMX rider was known for being sweet spirited and warm -- a hugger not a hand-shaker. The kind of guy who called on holidays. Who helped his father on the family farm. Yet on Nov. 12, 2010, Sanders was found dead on the floor of his childhood bedroom. PBS NewsHour Science Support Provided By The National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the S.D. The suicide was the culmination of five days of strange behavior that began shortly after Sanders snorted a powdery substance he bought from a friend. “I don't like the way this is making me feel," Sanders told his stepmother, Julie, as the two awaited his release from the hospital. But the paranoia flared up with a vengeance that night, and back home, Dickie's father lay in bed with his son, arms wrapped around him, until he finally nodded off. What Do Bath Salts Packages Look Like?
Series Of Good Dan Pink Videos To Use With Students I’ve written a lot about Daniel Pink’s writings on motivation over the years. Thanks to Pam Moran, I recently discovered a series of short videos Dan did for the Patterson Foundation that would be good to use with students. Actually, Dan did one interview with the Foundation, and they elegantly turned them into bite-size ones that I think are perfect for the classroom. Some could just be shown to provoke a student response and discussion and others, like his One Sentence Project, presents specific next steps: Here’s the one on The One Sentence Project, and here are also links that give more information on it: What’s your sentence? What’s your sentence? This next video isn’t part of the same series, but it is Dan’s official “introduction” to the One Sentence Project, so I thought I’d add it: Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo. Here’s a great classroom example: Here’s another example: Finally, here’s the entire video before it was cut into the above clips:
Happy Habits: How to Fix Bad Moods Which do you prefer to get first: the good news or the bad news? “Imagine that you have two letters in your mailbox. One notifies you that you were caught on camera speeding and must pay a fine. We are forced to make decisions like this all the time. In a new study participants were given pairs of everyday events, both uplifting and depressing, to see how they chose to order the experiences (Sul et al., 2012). Some of the pairs were both uplifting, some both depressing and some mixed, for example: You lost a $250 gift certificate for a department store.You had a good time with some of your friends. Participants could not only choose the order of the events but also their timing. When both good and bad things happen you don’t usually want it all on the same day. Life, of course, tends to be more mixed and so it’s the mixed pairs that are most interesting. Firstly, about three-quarters of people preferred to get the bad news first. Image credit: Prince Lang
Kaleidoscope: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Education - Kevin Ryan, PH., Cooper, James Mrs, James Michael Cooper 10 Mind-Boggling Psychiatric Treatments by Dan Greenberg Nobody ever claimed a visit to the doctor was a pleasant way to pass the time. But if you're timid about diving onto a psychiatrist's couch or paranoid about popping pills, remember: It could be worse. Like getting-a-hole-drilled-into-your-skull worse. 1. The coma-therapy trend began in 1927. 2. Ancient life was not without its hazards. 3. Charles Darwin's grandfather Erasmus Darwin was a physician, philosopher, and scientist, but he wasn't particularly adept at any of the three. 4. If the word "hydrotherapy" conjures up images of Hollywood stars lazily soaking in rich, scented baths, then you probably weren't an early 20th-century mental patient. 5. Much like Yoda, Austrian physician Franz Mesmer (1734-1815) believed that an invisible force pervaded everything in existence, and that disruptions in this force caused pain and suffering. 6. Ah, if only we were talking about a therapy for malaria. 7. Nobody ever said doctors had flawless logic. 8. 9. 10.
Logical Paradoxes The Illusion of Transparency Other people can’t read your mental state as well as you think. Most people hate public speaking. The very idea starts the palms sweating and the stomach churning. It makes sense: with everyone’s eyes on you, the potential for embarrassment is huge. Crowds, we are told, can sense our nerves. Or can they? When this is tested experimentally we find an interesting thing. The results showed that people tended to over-estimate just how nervous they appeared to others. In other studies people have been tested trying to hide the lies they are telling, as well as their disgust at a foul-tasting drink and even their concern at a staged emergency. Sometimes simply knowing this can help. Psychologists call this the ‘illusion of transparency’. You can test this illusion by tapping out the rhythm to a song and getting a friend to try and guess what it is. When this study was carried out, people guessed that those listening would get it about 50% of the time (Newton, 1990; PhD dissertation).
Free online mind mapping software | MAPMYself (Mapul) I Human Engineering and Climate Change Abstract Anthropogenic climate change is arguably one of the biggest problems that confront us today. There is ample evidence that climate change is likely to affect adversely many aspects of life for all people around the world, and that existing solutions such as geoengineering might be too risky and ordinary behavioural and market solutions might not be sufficient to mitigate climate change. In this paper, we consider a new kind of solution to climate change, what we call human engineering, which involves biomedical modifications of humans so that they can mitigate and/or adapt to climate change. I. Anthropogenic climate change, or climate change for short, is arguably one of the biggest problems that confront us today. The risks of the worst impacts of climate change can be lowered if greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere can be reduced and stabilised. There is lively debate in the relevant literature about these different kinds of solutions.
C.E.T.L.:: Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning {*style:<b> </b>*} If you would like to suggest any additions or changes to this list, please e-mail Tom Pusateri , CETL Associate Director for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Please provide a URL for the home page of the journal. The links on this site were last updated on July 24, 2012. Journals are listed alphabetically within each category. [Top] Provides ideas, research, methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject. Devoted to all aspects of development, innovation and good practice in higher education, including the use of Communication and Information Technologies (C&IT). Serves the community of arts and humanities educators internationally, by publishing significant opinion and research into contemporary issues of teaching and learning within the domain. An interdisciplinary publication devoted to cognitive investigations of instruction and learning. Mind, Brain, and Education [Top] [List of disciplines] [Top]
8 Ways to Defeat Persistent Unwanted Thoughts Repressing thoughts doesn’t work so here are 8 ways to get rid of negative thoughts. It’s one of the irritations of having a mind that sometimes it’s hard to get rid of negative thoughts. It could be a mistake at work, money worries or perhaps a nameless fear. Whatever the anxiety, fear or worry, it can prove very difficult to control. The most intuitive method to get rid of negative thoughts is trying to suppress them by pushing it out of our minds. Unfortunately, as many studies have shown, thought suppression doesn’t work. So, what alternatives exist to get rid of negative thoughts we’d rather not have going around in our heads? In an article for American Psychologist, the expert on thought suppression, Daniel Wegner, explains some potential methods to get rid of negative thoughts (Wegner, 2011). 1. The natural tendency when trying to get your mind off, say, a social gaff you made, is to try and think about something else: to distract yourself. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The disclaimer