THRIVE – Que faut-il sur Terre pour prospérer ? (en français) Film sorti le aux Etats-Unis Gamble suggère que le tore est la forme la plus importante dans l’Univers. Par ailleurs le film couvre : les théories du complot relatifs à la censure de l’énergie libre , les ovnis, le système de réserve fractionnaire , et les crop circles . Ce documentaire non-conventionnel de plus de 2 heures lève le voile sur ce qui se passe « réellement » dans ce Monde ; en suivant notamment l’argent qui nous gouverne actuellement et en remontant à sa source – la découverte de la consolidation mondiale du Pouvoir dans presque chaque aspect de nos vies. Les remèdes à ces conditionnements contre-nature ? THRIVE est essentiellement décrit comme un
The math behind Michael Jordan’s legendary hang time - Andy Peterson and Zack Patterson You can further investigate the mathematics behind hang time on Earth, other bodies in the solar system and maybe even some places a bit more “Looney Tunes” using these Hungry Teacher Lessons: Hang Time, Space Jam and In Sync. Love the application of Physics to the real world and everyday life? Visit: Real World Physics Problems to find out more! Sport Science also provides a great video on Hang Time with Jordan Farmer! Prepare to be amazed! Science Friday’s Physics of Basketball addresses the forces acting on the ball! Want more about sports, gravity, angular momentum and all things physics? If you learn equations well enough, you can use them to draw!
Amazing Time-Lapse Shows Space Shuttle Endeavour's Final Journey | Wired Science It may not have been rocketing to space but the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s final journey, a 12-mile trek through Los Angeles to the city’s California Science Center for permanent display, was one of its most spectacular. This film, titled “Mission 26,” captures the entire process. It is the handiwork of a team of photographers led by Matthew Givot, who organized a four-day tailgate of the shuttle to watch its awesome ride from LAX to the museum in a series of photographs and videos. Endeavour crawled at a steady pace to give time for construction crews to make sure the spaceship didn’t snag any power lines or trees. “This has been an amazing experience that I will never forget,” Givot wrote on the video’s Vimeo page. Endeavour is the youngest of NASA’s shuttle fleet, and started operations in 1992. Video: Givot/Vimeo
Red Bull Illume Photo Contest 2013 Voici la 3ème édition des Red Bull Illume Photo, un concours qui invite les photographes à soumettre des images autour de l’action et des sports d’aventure. Les 250 finalistes ont été sélectionnés et les gagnants seront dévoilés fin août à Hong-Kong. Voici une sélection des nominés dans la suite de l’article. On nous a appris à ne pas voir Il rift Africano - Video Distraction Il rift Africano Un video dell'Università californiana che racconta la stora del rift africano, che divide il continente e che lo separerà in un lontano futuro. L'Africa è già un continente affascinante di suo, culla dell'umanità, ma è anche il posto dove si può ammirare, per chi ama la geologia, la separazione delle placche continentali. Nel filmato il Dott.
A Mosque That Becomes A Magical, Breathtaking Kaleidoscope At Sunrise via Mohammad Reza Domiri Ganji If you ever have the opportunity to, the Nasir al-Mulk in Shiraz, Iran is possibly one of the most beautiful mosques you will ever set foot in. From the outside, it looks like a traditional place of worship, with fragments of colored ceramics forming charming and religious patterns. But make it a point to wake up early and visit at sunrise, and that’s when the morning light shines through the hundreds of intricate stained-glass window panes, turning the mosque into a magical kaleidoscope where rainbows dance across the walls, reflecting on anyone visiting its hallowed halls. It was built during the Qājār era by the order of Mirza Hasan Ali Nasir al Molk in 1888, and is a very rare form of mosque architecture. Scroll down for images. via Dav Wong via Amin Abedini via Marinela T. via Lucie Debelkova via Amin Abedini via my2200 via Amin Abedini via Abbas Arabzadeh via my2200 [via DeMilked] Receive interesting stories like this one in your inbox
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system Mercury Venus Earth You Are Here Moon Mars Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune Pluto(we still love you) That was about 10 million km (6,213,710 mi) just now. Pretty empty out here. Here comes our first planet... As it turns out, things are pretty far apart. We’ll be coming up on a new planet soon. Most of space is just space. Halfway home. Destination: Mars! It would take about seven months to travel this distance in a spaceship. Sit back and relax. When are we gonna be there? Seriously. This is where we might at least see some asteroids to wake us up. I spy, with my little eye... something black. If you were on a road trip, driving at 75mi/hr, it would have taken you over 500 years to get here from earth. All these distances are just averages, mind you. If you plan it right, you can actually move relatively quickly between planets. Pretty close to Jupiter now. Sorry. Lots of time to think out here... Pop the champagne! We're always trying to come up with metaphors for big numbers.
Memex: I terremoti e la società Le società non possono limitarsi ad essere vittime dei terremoti, ma devono imparare a interagire con questo fenomeno naturale. Anche se il rischio sismico è ineliminabile, si può fare molto per provare a conviverci limitando il più possibile rischi e danni potenziali. Per farlo serve attenzione e oculatezza nell’applicazione dei protocolli dell’edilizia antisismica. Servono sistemi di early warning sempre più efficienti (cioè sistemi in grado di monitorare l’irradiamento degli effetti di un terremoto e di un maremoto in tempo reale, determinando così un sistema integrato di allarme, comunicazione e di azioni difensive). Serve infine una compartecipazione sempre più stretta tra ricerca scientifica e progettazione sociale e legislativa. Ci sono paesi, come ad esempio il Cile ed il Giappone, dove questo insieme di azioni è già integrato e funzionante. Tags Condividi questo articolo Inserisci il codice nel tuo articolo