Toolkit Video transcripts
JEANNE SEGAL: Hello, I'm Jeanne Segal, and I’m here to help you reduce stress, defeat anxiety, conquer depression, and build better relationships. If you are challenged by these kinds of problems, you may be unsure about your ability to help yourself. But I assure you, it’s entirely possible. When you know how your brain works, you can change the way you feel, think, and act. You achieve this by learning and practicing two core skills: The ability to quickly reduce stress in the moment, and the ability to remain comfortable enough with your emotions to react in constructive ways. Together, these core skills enable you to be both emotionally and socially healthy. Whether you are aware of it or not, emotions are the driving force behind most of what you do. MARY HELEN IMMORDINO-YANG, ED.D.: In the most basic sense, emotions keep you alive. JEANNE SEGAL: Feeling sparks motivation and decision-making. DR. DR. JEANNE SEGAL: This toolkit is designed for this purpose.
Dossier : les émotions au cœur du cerveau
Les émotions ont longtemps été les laissées-pour-compte du domaine des neurosciences cognitives. Elles étaient considérées comme trop périlleuses à étudier du fait de leur caractère éminemment subjectif, ne se prêtant pas à une approche expérimentale en laboratoire, par opposition au noble domaine de recherche que constituait l'étude de la « raison ». En outre, la recherche sur les bases cérébrales des émotions a pâti de la conception cartésienne, dualiste, selon laquelle le cerveau est le siège de « l'esprit » et le corps celui des émotions, le premier étant le propre de l'homme, tandis que les émotions seraient communes à tous les mammifères. C'est presque fortuitement que l'étude scientifique des bases neuronales des émotions chez l'homme a vu le jour. Le cerveau émotionnel Pour pouvoir identifier les bases neuronales des réactions émotionnelles, il est nécessaire de les disséquer en opérations mentales élémentaires. Pour étudier les...
Become Comfortable With All Your Emotions
Ride the Wild Horse teaches you how to: get in touch with your emotions live with emotional intensity manage unpleasant or threatening feelings stay calm and focused even in upsetting situations Beyond relaxation The goal of the Ride the Wild Horse meditation is not simply to relax, but to become more aware of the feeling sensations—both emotional and physical—throughout your body. As you’ve already learned, many of us have subconsciously learned to numb and dampen our feelings. You’ll also recover long-buried emotions and learn to feel comfortable with them. If you fear the outcome of intense emotions, understand that learning to mindfully experience strong feelings like anger can give you the ability to contain your emotions and control your behavior. Setting the stage Set the stage for learning to ride the wild horse by creating a safe private space—a space that’s pleasant and energizing, where you won’t be disturbed. Turn off your phone and lock the door if you need to. Before you start
Fear:Definition "Fear is the emotional response to the perception of an alternating loss of control and regaining of control. By 'control' I mean any conscious act of mind and body. The alternation between control and lack of it must occur in varying degrees of intensity and inconsistent periods of time. This alternation insures an element of surprise and keeps the perceiver off balance emotionally so that he cannot construct a set of mental expectations and thereby reimpose control" [David R. Saliba, A Psychology of Fear: The Nightmare Formula of Edgar Allan Poe (Lantham, MD: University Press of America, 1980), p. 5]. Fear: Psychology and Mechanics [Excerpt from David R. In a biological sense fear is related to death. Biologically fear is a warning signal that death, injury or destruction is imminent, and it is designed to cause the perceiver to avoid the dangerous situation. There are two basic kinds of fear stimuli. Fear is an intense form of anxiety. Fear: Physiology Fear: Neurobiology
Chronic Muscle Tension, Herbal Natural Cures,Ganoderma Lucidum,Royal Jelly,Bee Pollen,Psoriasis Cream
Why Do Muscles Tighten? A muscle contracts with use and normally relaxes after use. But when a muscle is contracted for prolonged periods, the muscle loses oxygen causing the pyruvic acid to convert to lactic acid. Lactic acid accumulates in the muscle and around the muscle spindle. Lactic acid is an irritant to the muscle and sickens the muscle spindle causing a weak message from the muscle to the brain. When the brain receives a weak message from the muscle, the brain tells the muscle to tighten. Chronic Muscular Hypertonicity Chronic muscular hypertonicity may result from long-term performance of repetitive motion (e.g., at work); from long-term emotional distress (i.e., heightened tension), or from trauma (reflexive retraction from pain upon injury that persists through healing). Habituated contraction can accumulate in "layers" (with multiple episodes of heightened tension), often to crisis proportions, as often happens with back pain. Chronic Passive Tension Alternative Treatments
Creating Fear"
The process of creating fear takes place in the brain and is entirely unconscious. There are two paths involved in the fear response: The low road is quick and messy, while the high road takes more time and delivers a more precise interpretation of events. Both processes are happening simultaneously. The idea behind the low road is "take no chances." If the front door to your home is suddenly knocking against the frame, it could be the wind. The door knocking against the door frame is the stimulus. The high road is much more thoughtful. When your eyes and ears sense the sound and motion of the door, they relay this information to the thalamus. The sensory data regarding the door -- the stimulus -- is following both paths at the same time. Regardless of which path we're talking about, all roads lead to the hypothalamus.
How the body responds to stress To our Neanderthal forefathers, stress was an essential component of survival. That burst of adrenaline brought on by an encounter with a sabre-tooth tiger gave them the speed to flee or the strength to kill the monstrous beast. Today's challenges might not include facing hungry carnivores, but office politics, TV news, and dodging minibus taxis make for an equally stressful life only now, running away is not an option. Initially, feeling stressed is a positive response that enables us to complete tasks quickly and efficiently. But over time, stress build-up takes its toll on our bodies, usually on those areas that are genetically weak, and can lead to chronic illness. Because there are so many different manifestations of stress build-up, stress is often not recognised as the cause of illness. The Stress Spiral Stress can be an ever increasing, out of control spiral. The stress response The good news is that we can recover and I am going to tell you how.