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Transform your business with data

Transform your business with data

Flu Trends | How We've found that certain search terms are good indicators of flu activity. Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data to estimate current flu activity around the world in near real-time. Each week, millions of users around the world search for health information online. As you might expect, there are more flu-related searches during flu season, more allergy-related searches during allergy season, and more sunburn-related searches during the summer. We have found a close relationship between how many people search for flu-related topics and how many people actually have flu symptoms. United States: Influenza-like illness (ILI) data provided publicly by the U.S. These graphs show historical query-based flu estimates for different countries and regions compared against official influenza surveillance data. So why bother with estimates from aggregated search queries? Early detection of a disease outbreak can reduce the number of people affected. Model Updates

What Does Big Data Mean to Infrastructure Professionals? Big data means the amount of data you’re working with today will look trivial within five years.Huge amounts of data will be kept longer and have way more value than today’s archived data.Business people will covet a new breed of alpha geeks. You will need new skills around data science, new types of programming, more math and statistics skills and data hackers…lots of data hackers.You are going to have to develop new techniques to access, secure, move, analyze, process, visualize and enhance data; in near real time.You will be minimizing data movement wherever possible by moving function to the data instead of data to function. You will be leveraging or inventing specialized capabilities to do certain types of processing- e.g. early recognition of images or content types – so you can do some processing close to the head.The cloud will become the compute and storage platform for big data which will be populated by mobile devices and social networks. via:

Official Blog Big Data won't solve your company's problems The reams of data available to companies are only as useful as the people working with them. By Ethan Rouen, contributor FORTUNE -- "Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. Fourteen percent of people know that." – Homer Simpson The era of big data is here, the nerds proclaim. Computers are powerful enough to gather and synthesize terabytes of information to answer questions ranging from how best to compensate employees to how risky is that mortgage-backed security. But while the numbers don't lie, how people use them is extremely subjective. "Making the decision at the end of the day can be aided by data, but the thought that computers will make all the important decisions is just not true," says Shvetank Shah, executive director of the Corporate Executive Board (CEB), which recently published a study titled Overcoming the Insight Deficit: Big Judgment in an Era of Big Data. MORE: Are advertisers the new record labels? MORE: Retail is dead, long live retail

Tableau Love: Archive Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Tableau Friction Welcome To Apache Incubator Giraph I’m now using #Tableau Public to manage my blog content! | 3danim8's Blog Introduction I think that writing a useful blog shouldn’t be too hard with the technologies we have. But it is. Not that writing about interesting topics is the primary challenge, but allowing others to find and use the information that you have written about is really hard to do. Figure 1 – My blog from today. I have come to realize that by their very nature, blogs are just one big list of serial topics over time. I have simply gotten tired of writing HTML links and tables, seeing mis-formatted tables and incorrect color renderings on different devices, and seeing garbled pages on this blog. The solution to the problem! The solution is called Tableau. Figure 2 – The Tableau-powered dashboard showing the content of 3danim8′s blog (click to go to live dashboard!). Figure 3 – Blog post total hits and hits per day stats (click to go to live dashboard!). Figure 4 – Using the search box to find blog posts containing the term “model”. Like this: Like Loading...

@WalmartLabs Blog Embedding Google News Feeds into Tableau Dashboards | Ben Sullins | Data Geek I love the Google Finance dashboards to keep tabs on my favorite stock (NYSE: DATA) and while I have certainly copied this layout for many of my dashboards I was always jelous how they were able to embed that sexy news feed to the right of the trends. For years I have pondered just how one might accomplish such a monumental task. Well, today my friends, you are in luck as I have climbed the mountain and drank from the fountain and it is sweet. Lucky for you I am here to share with you my new found knowledge. Enjoy and stay thirsty (for data) my friends! How to embed a Google News feed into your Tableau Dashboards Setup a web server somewhere. Here is a Google News Feed embedded into a Tableau WorkbookFeel free to download the workbook and checkout the dashboard actions on how exactly I did this Here’s a step-by-step video on how to add Google News to your Tableau Dashboards

The Julia Language
