The Biology Project: Cell Biology en español Cell Membranes Learn that membranes are fluid, with components that move, change, and perform vital physiological roles as they allow cells to communicate with each other and their environment. Cell Signaling Learn that living organisms constantly receive and interpret signals from their environment. Profiler – create a topographic profile Import file (KML, KMZ, GPX) loaded layer and topographic profile of the route. Sometimes, some files do not automatically create a profile! Zoom: 15Counter markers: 2Status: REQUEST_DENIEDАzimuth: 73°Mouse px: ...Lat./Lon.: ...Center point: -25.343780041796837, 131.03412500000002Center point location: ... How to make a topographic profile?
Ten Recent Advances in Evolution By Carl Zimmer Posted 10.26.09 NOVA To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of some of the biggest advances in evolutionary biology over the past decade. These advances include not just a better understanding of how this or that group of species first evolved, but insights into the evolutionary process itself. In some cases those insights would have given Darwin himself a pleasant jolt of surprise. Ten significant leaps forward in evolution research in the past decade, as chosen and described by noted science writer Carl Zimmer Enlarge Photo credit: (Earth) © NASA; (text) © WGBH Educational Foundation Virtual Labs BioInteractive’s virtual labs have won several awards, including top honors in the Pirelli INTERNETional Award competition, which recognizes the best multimedia products designed to use the Internet to educate about science and technology. Designed in close consultation with educators and scientists, these virtual labs are fully interactive biomedical laboratory simulations and provide students with skills and techniques used in scientific research. BioInteractive’s series of virtual labs allows students to examine heart patients, analyze DNA sequences, probe the nervous system of a leech, use human antibodies to diagnose disease, and measure physical traits of stickleback fish and anole lizards to examine key concepts in evolution. Each lab provides an interactive environment in which students perform experiments and collect their data, and answer questions to assess their understanding.
The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky Mammals are very diverse group of animals. Mammals first appeared over 200 million years ago, but they didn’t start to become the diverse group they are today until after the extinction of dinosaurs, approximately 65 million years ago. In the 10 million years that followed, the relatively small group grew to 4,000 species through adaptive radiation. The result was mammals of all types and sizes: fliers, swimmers, carnivore, herbivores--the list goes on. The mammals can be divided into egg-laying monotremes, pouched marsupials and placental mammals. Australia and its surrounding islands are interesting places to study mammalian diversity.
PCR Virtual Lab Primers are short pieces of DNA that are made in a laboratory. Since they're custom built, primers can have any sequence of nucleotides you'd like. In a PCR experiment, two primers are designed to match to the segment of DNA you want to copy. Physics Flash Animations We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content. This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest. The animations will appear in a separate window. The animations are sorted by category, and the file size of each animation is included in the listing. Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis - Cell Cycle Regulation and the Control of Cell Proliferation (Cell Growth + Cell Division) Cell Cycle Research - General resource with links to relevant recent literature, news and job listings. (Ion Channel Media Group) Cell Division - Undergraduate-level lectures on cell division. (Cell Biology Lectures, Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia) The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer - Introduction to the eukaryotic cell cycle as it relates to the genetics of cancer.
What is it? - unischoolabs The UniSchooLabs tool-kit supports the teacher in selecting a remote or virtual lab and developing a lab activity based on an inquiry model template. While working with the toolkit the teacher has access to 3 main features: the lab catalogue;the activities created by other users;the tool for creating new activities or reusing an existing one. FISH pour le diagnostic préimplantatoire génétique This article describes the selection of suitable probes for single-cell FISH, spreading techniques for blastomere nuclei, and in situ hybridization and signal scoring, applied to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) in a clinical setting. Date Published: 2/23/2011, Issue 48; doi: 10.3791/2570 Keywords: Medicine, Issue 48, Fluorescence in situ hybridization, Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, PGD, Sex determination, Translocations, Chromosome aneuploidy Scriven, P. N., Kirby, T.
educreations teacherswithapps Educreations Interactive Whiteboard, by Educreations, Inc, is an incredible, yes that’s right, INCREDIBLE app. This newly released app comes with the huge bonus of being FREE! We think this app has the edge needed to push education in the right direction and to begin modernizing teaching as we know it. Educreations is not the first app using the whiteboard concept, but it is the first one geared specifically for the classroom. Educreations wants to give teachers the opportunity to create what Sal Khan has been doing for years (read our review of Khan Academy). Virtual Labs The links on this page are all VIRTUAL LABS offered by the Glencoe textbook company. These labs give the students the adventure of laboratory experimentation without costly supplies, worrisome environmental and safety issues, or time-consuming clean up. They are from all different areas of science: Biology, Physics, Genetics, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Chemistry. Please feel free to try these at home!
New Self-Cloning Lizard Found in Vietnam Restaurant {*style:<b>You could call it the surprise du jour: A popular food on Vietnamese menus has turned out to be a lizard previously unknown to science, scientists say. </b>*} What's more, the newfound is no run-of-the-mill reptile —the all-female species reproduces via cloning, without the need for male lizards. Single-gender lizards aren't that much of an oddity: About one percent of lizards can reproduce by parthenogenesis, meaning the females spontaneously ovulate and clone themselves to produce offspring with the same genetic blueprint. (Related: "Virgin Birth Expected at Christmas—By Komodo Dragon." )
I can't get to the frog dissection so I don't think much of it yet! by drsuehulbert Mar 12