Open Data Kit Dominique Cardon : Pourquoi l’internet n’a-t-il pas changé la politique On ne présente plus Dominique Cardon, sociologue au laboratoire des usages SENSE d’Orange Labs. Il publie au Seuil, dans la collection « la République des Idées », un petit livre synthétique, stimulant, lucide et informé sur La Démocratie internet. Un ouvrage où il tente de nous expliquer pourquoi le grand soir électronique n’a pas eu lieu. : Depuis l’origine de l’internet, on a beaucoup fantasmé sur la démocratie électronique et son avènement. Dominique Cardon : Elle vient tout droit de son histoire. L’appropriation personnelle, le bidouillage, le do-it-yourself a défini un cadre nouveau pour investir les technologies qui étaient si mal aimées à l’époque en raison de leur connivence avec les pouvoirs militaire et marchand. Image : Dominique Cardon photographié par André Gunthert lors de la 4e école doctorale d’été de l’EHESS et de l’Institut Télécome à Porquerolles en septembre 2009 – avec l’aimable autorisation de l’auteur.
Outsmart Invasive Species We need your help to "outsmart" invasive species in Massachusetts If you have a smartphone or a digital camera, the power to protect the natural heritage of Massachusetts is already in your hands. Join the Outsmart Invasive Species Project to help stop the spread of non-native plants and insects that threaten our environment. Get started If you have an iPhone or Android phone: Download the FREE Outsmart Invasive Species application through iTunes or Google Play, and you'll be prepared to report invasive species anytime. If you have a digital camera: Register to submit data using the FREE Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMaps). Want to learn more? Check out the Outsmart Invasive Species video on YouTube. Read below to find out how you can take part! The problem Invasive species pose environmental and economic threats to communities throughout the state. How you can help Stay up to date You can also e-mail the Project team directly for more information:
remote sensing - Is there a smartphone app for mobile asset logging? - GIS - Stack Exchange current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Geographic Information Systems Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals. Is there a smartphone app for mobile asset logging? 8 Answers active oldest votes Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for? 14 votes · comment · stats Get the weekly newsletter! Top questions and answers Important announcements Unanswered questions see an example newsletter By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Linked Mobile Data collection options Related How do I create a quick test/demo app with ArcGIS Mobile Mobile Data collection options
Proximité et participation IFI Invasive Species App (Ireland) Inland Fisheries Ireland's new smart phone app is now available to download from the Google Play and iTunes App stores. The easy to use and readily accessible ‘IFI - Invasive Species’ app will aid users in the identification of invasive species and permit them to take georeferenced photographs that will immediately be uploaded to the IFI server. The information so received will be reviewed, uploaded onto the IFI species database and, if the sighting is of something new or particularly worrying, will trigger an immediate on-site survey by IFI staff. The easy to use and readily accessible ‘IFI - Invasive Species’ app will aid users in the identification of invasive species and permit them to take georeferenced photographs that will immediately be uploaded to the IFI server. The information so received will be reviewed, uploaded onto the IFI species database and, if the sighting is of something new or particularly worrying, will trigger an immediate on-site survey by IFI staff.
GIS Education Community Blog : Mapping Geotagged Pictures with ArcGIS Explorer “Geotagging” is the process of adding location information to digital media. Most often, geotagging refers to adding latitude/longitude to digital picutres. Some people find knowing “where” a picture was taken, as valable as knowing “when” it was taken. For this reason, I’ve begun adding lat/long to some of my pictures, such as a recent trip I took to South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, where I was on safari. As the ArcGIS Explorer team blogged, adding geotagged pictures to ArcGIS Explorer is really easy! - Tom Baker, ESRI Education Manager Tom Baker is an Esri Education Manager, specializing in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education, teacher education, and educational research.
R.Berjon Invasives Ireland Create Google Maps, Google Earth KML or KMZ files, Upload geotagged photos to Flickr, Create SHP shapefiles, DXF files or export GPX files for other GPS utility programs You can automate any of these processes by specifying the appropriate command line parameter(s). Once your images are geocoded, you can create a webpage that shows where the photos were taken. Here are some examples: 1. If there's direction information associated with the images, the icons will include arrows that point in the direction that the picture was taken. Optionally, If you don't have any photos and only want to create a web page that shows your tracklog, you can do that too. Web browsers don't typically support RAW formats, so you'll need to convert these to JPG before performing this operation. You'll need to specify a few options for the webpage, information about the GPS tracklog and whether you want to include it, and, optionally, a title and description for each image. Google Key (Required) Enter your Google API Key into this field. If you need to obtain a Google Key, double click on the field or click here. API Version (Required) Enter the Google API version into this field.