the growroom: IKEA open sources spherical garden
feb 21, 2017 the growroom: IKEA's innovation lab open sources flat-pack garden in october 2016, space10, IKEA’s external innovation hub, launched the growroom — a spherical structure that enables people to grow their own food in a local and sustainable manner. soon afterwards, people from around the world contacted the company with requests to buy or exhibit the scheme. however, the team believed that shipping the design large distances didn’t align with the organization’s desire to promote local food production. ‘the growroom’ is a spherical structure that enables people to grow their own foodimage by alona vibe (also main image) the design has now been open sourced image by alona vibe ‘traditional farming takes up a lot of space, but the growroom has a small spatial footprint as you grow vertically,’ explains space10, who developed the design alongside architects sine lindholm and mads-ulrik husum. image by sine lindholm and mads-ulrik husum Save philip stevens I designboom