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Ytmnd - you're the man now dog!

Ytmnd - you're the man now dog!

La corazzata Potemkin è una cagata pazzesca ! The Bloggess Geekosystem - Your Geek Guide To Tech & Internet Culture The One-Man Drug Company (1.) The Connection One of four phones Lenny uses for business; this one is for staying in touch with runners making deliveries. The phone numbers are prepaid, attached to no name. (2.) The Money About $25,000, a fraction of his savings. (3.) (4.) Every day he tells himself the same thing. You are doing nothing wrong— This is deluded, he knows, but in his business, delusion is everything: both what you’re selling and how you sell it. It’s an absurdly warm night for March, still early, edging on 6:30, that hour when the tension of the workweek gets eclipsed by a restive desire to get a little lost. Dealing has always appealed to Lenny’s two most dominant personality traits: an obsession with money and chronic impatience, characteristics that don’t exactly set him apart from his peers, kids who came of age during the hip-hop and Internet booms, two movements united by the philosophy that money is something to be made quickly, dubiously, and only in large amounts.

The Adaption to my Generation - A Daily Photo Project ++ c 7 11 23 A chronological sampling from the project Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster 3quarksdaily OK Soda OK Soda was a soft drink created by The Coca-Cola Company in 1993 that aggressively courted the Generation X demographic with unusual advertising tactics, including endorsements and even outright negative publicity. It did not sell well in select test markets and was officially declared out of production in 1995 before reaching nation-wide distribution. The drink's slogan was "Things are going to be OK." History[edit] In 1993, Coca-Cola CEO Roberto Goizueta rehired Sergio Zyman to be the chief of marketing for all Coca-Cola beverage brands, a surprising choice given that Zyman had worked closely with the New Coke campaign, possibly the largest advertising failure in Coke's history.[1] However, after revamping the can design and print advertising campaigns for Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Classic with great success, Zyman was given free rein to design new products with aggressive, offbeat marketing campaigns.[2] Testing[edit] The original four cans used in test markets. Cult following[edit]

Fun Forever nopepr - How to Make a Starship Enterprise with Removable Saucer Section Out of Office S Instructions 1) You'll need to collct One Wall Clip, 2 Small Paperclips, 1 Large Paperclip, 1 small Pinch Clip, Some Tape, Black Sharpie. 2) See Parts in Picture, Notice large paperclip is bent up and down making a somewhat S shape. Make these bends. 3) Slide one end of paper clip into pinch clip. 4) Slide wall clip onto other end. 5) Add tape to ends of metal on pinch clip. 6) Add paper clips for the Nacelles, to the taped ends. 7) Have fun. 8) I have other paperclip designs of an XWing, Klingon Bird of Prey, Tie Fighter, Darth Vader's Tie Fighter and a Colonial Viper. 9) Please remember all supply parts are still usuable so the boss can't complain you are wasting office supplies.

Epic Fail Funny Videos and Funny Pictures lushlush: Bizarre sign This is one of the most bizarre signs I have ever encountered. The sign is comical in itself: stick figure rides up the escalator and bumps his head on a hanging sign, the impact causing VIOLENT RED RAYS OF PAIN. Beware! All is well and good until, armed with a newfound caution, you look around for the offending object and realize that IT'S A SIGN ABOUT THE SIGN ITSELF. It's located above the midpoint of the escalator between the 2nd and 3rd floors of Greenbelt 3. Owwww, my head.... Oh dear. But as I told the boingboing dude: To answer your question: no, there was nothing different on the other side. NOTE 1: It has since been discovered that the sign is just a blocker to prevent people from leaning over the escalator and getting their heads caught between the narrowing wedge of the escalator rail and the metal rafter next to it. NOTE 2: As to be expected when things like this hit Photoshop geeks' desktops, somebody has edited the sign so as to make it even more self-referencing.
