Free mind mapping (and related types) software - Wikit
There are regular inquiries on Twitter and in forums about free mind mapping software, so to provide answers, InformationTamers have put together this list. We built this article, with permission, using the most complete source for details of information mapping software on the Web: Hat tip to Vic Gee who put together and kept it up to date for years. [Update: I took over that site in August 2013.] has a good capability for selecting software by map type and operating system (click on the 'Refine software list' tab at the top right of its web page), and shows the price. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to filter on price or choose to see only the free ones. "Free" here is as in beer, not in freedom, though some of the software listed is open source, so is free in both senses. Of course a pencil and paper is always free - or almost. 3D concept and mind maps Concept maps Development platforms for map forms Diagrams, Flowcharts Mind maps
Related: pavg
Welcome - Buzan World
Usage pédagogique de la carte heuristique
Présentation de l’outil La carte heuristique est une adaptation de la Mind Map (carte mentale) que formalisa le psychologue anglais Tony Buzan en 1971. L’objet de cette carte étant de représenter graphiquement un cheminement mental associant des mots, des idées. Une carte heuristique est un objet visuel qui image simplement des choses qui peuvent être complexes. présenter un plan ; prendre des notes ; rechercher des idées (brainstorming) ; synthétiser ; apprendre / mémoriser. Son utilité dans le monde éducatif est évidente car ce type de schématisation est étroitement liée à l’apprentissage. On peut y voir une approche didactique servant à montrer un contenu sous forme schématique, apurée, en singularisant les différents niveaux d’une connaissance, en se rattachant toujours à des idées hiérarchisées. Une carte heuristique comporte un sujet central et des sujets satellites : Chaque sujet peut contenir un sous sujet, selon le niveau de granularité désiré : Usage en économie-gestion
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Whether you are juggling multiple projects, managing your department or starting a new business you need to understand key projects and market factors instantly. PersonalBrain helps you concretize business relationships and see otherwise invisible factors that will affect your company’s success. With PersonalBrain you can: Visualize your business strategy and proceduresConnect key departments, people and responsibilitiesTrack and organize marketing projects and operational domainsIntegrate all information sets and resourcesBrainstorm and generate new ideasPlan and start a new business Resources for Building your Business Brain Webinar Recording Thanks to everyone who explored this subject on yesterday’s webinar. Here is a link to our recording. Business Brain Templates Use these three examples to get started on your own business Brain. Marketing Plan Template New Example This example covers 10 key steps for any marketing plan. Browse this Brain Online Download this Brain Browse this Brain Online
Intelligence économique - EGE - Accueil
Google Touchgraph
Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites. Try it now! Enter keywords or a URL, and click 'Graph it!' Getting Started Make sure you have the latest version of java, at least Java 1.5 Type in your search keywords or a URL, and press "Graph It!" Sample Searches:
Mind42 - Mind mapping can be Free, Fast and Simple
Multiple Intelligence Institute - MII
Competitive Intelligence - A Selective Resource Guide - Updated and ...
[Note: The accuracy and reliability of data and information published on the Web is subject to continuous verification. It is recommended that you use multiple sources, cross-check data and routinely perform due diligence reviews on sources and publications to which you cite and from which you source data. The Web is a dynamic entity - sites often change URLs, content focus, and ownership. Many sites go offline with little or no notification. This guide is updated bi-annually in an effort to document sources for researchers that have been verified at the time of publication. Selected Search Engines, Web Archives, Open Data Repositories - facilitate locating information, data and analytics via: Web, Blogs, News, Video and specialized alerts. Web and Data Search - searching and locating relevant, reliable and actionable information will benefit from consistently using a range of search engines, sources, applications and strategies in your research process. Yahoo! Federated Search Yahoo!