20 Time-Saving Grading Apps Can apps help teachers to save time grading? Check out the BestCollegesOnline list of the 20 Time-Saving Grading Apps for your classroom. GRADEBOOK PRO:If you’re a teacher who’s been hanging on to a hard-copy gradebook, this app is your invitation to see what all the fuss over grading apps is about. For $10 the app comes packed with features like automatic grade calculation, status report notification emails for students or parents, attendance reports on PDF, and more.TEACHER’S ASSISTANT PRO: TRACK STUDENT BEHAVIOR:For elementary teachers, this app is a great option for recording behavior infractions and easily contacting parents and administrators with all the details if need be. Tardiness, forgetting books, being disruptive, all this and more will never go unrecorded or unpunished again.IANNOTATE:Ah, the dreaded essay.
The Secret To Successfully Using iPads In Education My brother recently built a shelf for my daughter’s room. It is in the likeness of a boat that she will one day spend sunny afternoons on, cruising around Plymouth harbor. He used a saw, a hammer, glue and other assorted tools that I couldn’t explain or name. However, I do know this. What do hammers have to do with iPads? 30 Hammers Or 30 iPads Granted, if we were to offer a set of 30 hammers and 30 iPads to a classroom full of students, we all know which tool they would choose. Tools are not inspiring, engaging or motivating. Collaborating with ones peers, problem solving and ultimately creating something to demonstrate ones capabilities or unique understanding, that is engaging. Increased Engagement Myth Unfortunately, a good deal of discussion and justification for iPad use in the classroom revolves around the dreaded phrase, “increased engagement.” Certain they will be engaged with the options that an iPad presents to them. iPads Don’t Teach How To Actually Use iPads What It All Means
Tops of 2012: Digital Smartphone owners became the majority of mobile phone users for the first time this year, growing from 49 percent of mobile subscribers in Q1 2012, to 56 percent by Q3 2012. Mobile app usage also continued to grow. Among the top 10 mobile apps, Twitter was the fastest growing Android app, and the Facebook Messenger app grew the most among iPhone apps. Google remained the top Web brand, with an average 172 million unique visitors each month between January and October 2012, followed by Facebook, which garnered an average of 153 million visits each month. A Powerful Set Of Classroom iPad Rules For Teachers If you’re rolling out iPads in the classroom, you need to lay down the law. As a connected educator, you need to come up with a set of guidelines, classroom iPad rules, as well as a way to manage all your new devices. Please please please don’t just hand out iPads like they’re candy and expect everything to go wonderfully with zero planning. You’re doomed to fail. Would you run a classroom without any rules? Instead, start thinking about the rules you want to have in place prior to iPad (and any other device) launch. The Classroom iPad Rules The list is simple and to the point. iPads stay in the classroom (you may want to send them home for assignments, so this will vary)No use in brunch or lunch or in the dismissal (great idea, avoids getting the iPads too damaged or covered in food)Do not take your iPad out of your bag unless asked (this is a good one!)
Be Amazed by Apps Last Updated:6 December, 2012Section:Resources This collection features a number of worksheets, lesson plans, videos and interactive games that can be used with apps on handheld devices. Most resources will work on both Android and iOS devices, so you could use most of these approaches asking the learners to bring in their own devices, if your school policy allows it. The resources in this collection will allow your learners to go beyond having fun and playing with apps! In fact, these resources blend the enhanced interactivity of multi-touch screens and apps, with structured tasks and activities with clear aims and lesson objectives. Make sure you bookmark this collection and use it with your handheld devices to engage your learners in interactive and fun learning activities. This collection was put together by our Science Adviser Alessio, whom you can follow on Twitter @TESScience and/or contact via email Alessio@tes.co.uk. iBooks Author iBooks Author – Interactive Quizzes Atomic Bomber
Got A New iPad? There's An AppList For That! Are you getting your first iPad today? There are tons of apps out there, and we’re to help you sort out the best of the bunch. With our handy AppLists and AppGuides, you can find the best apps to start your iPad experience off right! Everyone loves a freebie. So, where better to start than with a list of some of our favorite free apps? Fresh Out Of The Box For iPad – Free Edition You’ve got your freebies. Fresh Out Of The Box For iPad – Paid Edition Maybe you’re not quite ready to jump into the app pool just yet. Apps For The App-Averse So you bought an iPad purely for its functionality, right? Best iPad Utilities Ah, who are we kidding. Cool iPad Apps to Demo Are you upgrading for the first time to a Retina display with the new iPad 4? Apps That Show Off The iPad’s Retina Display We’ve mentioned a few games on the above lists, but we realize that for some of you, gaming is a huge part of owning an iPad. Five iPad Games To Download Now iPad App Store Gaming Classics Best iCade Compatible Games
The 15 Education Technologies To Know About This Year What latest gadgets and gizmos are going to change your classroom in 2013? It’s hard to know exactly what will catch on and what won’t, but the following list showcases some of the emerging new technologies, software, and platforms available. With their innovation and practicality, many of these are poised to enter the classroom and change the way students and teachers learn permanently. 1. Remember the days of doodling on the side of your spiral notebook while you tried to take copious notes from your boring biology teacher? Flashnotes allows students to upload their lecture notes and sell them to other students who need more help or resources. 2. The new startup is using a Facebook type platform- riding the wave of what works- and tailoring it for education. In addition to the social aspect, it allows for document uploads, calendar sharing, and a grade book option. 3. Imagine your smartphone as your primary source for study materials. Study Blue’s main attraction is that it is mobile.
A Mind-Blowing UI That Could Finally Make Group Work Intuitive We’ve seen "magic-window" augmented reality interfaces, Minority Report-style gestural interfaces, and computer-vision-powered collaborative display interfaces. But what about an iPad app that combines all three? That would be T(ether), an experimental design from the MIT Media Lab. Creators Matthew Blackshaw, Dávid Lakatos, Hiroshi Ishii, and Ken Perlin call T(ether) "a tool for spatial expression" that "acts as a window affording users a perspective view of three-dimensional data through tracking of head position and orientation." In English, that means you can hold the iPad up with one hand to reveal a shared virtual space that you can manipulate with the other hand using a special glove. T(ether) opens up mind-boggling possibilities for creating interactive digital art or exploring novel scientific visualizations. Okay, sounds good.
Five things you should put on your iPad Camera The tablet computer like the iPad can be a magic box of inquiry. For instance, it has a camera, and in particular a front facing camera. Why that is important is because students can manipulate objects on the camera and collectively view the results. And of course you can, with the touch of a finger, record the image for later use. Or even take a video. To get started, here is a short list of five things to put on an iPad camera: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Best of All Worlds! What do you think will happen if two crossed polarizers are placed between the UV light and the camera? This entry was posted in Science 2.0 and tagged camera, classroom strategies, inquiry, integrated, ipad, IR, lens, physics, polarizer, prism, Spectrometer, UV.
A Day in the Life of an iPad Teacher 6.30 am: Woken by the dulcet tones of Lana Del Rey and a new ‘Wake up Light‘. Contemplate staying in bed then notice the email icon flashing with a number of new messages – check twitter. 7.00 am: Access news app whilst devouring breakfast. Apologise for spraying coffee during reaction to latest education announcement. Carefully wipe iPad screen and check all is in working order by scrolling twitter timeline. 7.20 am: Plug iPad into car stereo and load ‘Driving’ playlist. 8.00 am: Deal with overflowing inbox on iPad whilst waiting for school computer to load. 8.25 am: Contemplate handing in resignation as only free period of the day has become a history cover with year 10. 8.45 am: Take staff briefing notes on iPad and share with form group on Edmodo before walking to classroom. 9.10 am: Lesson one with year 7 and they are all excited to share their completed projects. 10.10 am: Lesson two starts with a mild panic as projector isn’t working. 6.30 pm: Stay in car and check twitter.
10 Secrets To Unlocking The Learning Potential Of The iPad So the iPad, then. Pop culture’s plaything and #edtech’s darling. It’s an app library, a media consumption device, and a mobile learning tool that makes yesterday’s graphing calculators, smartboards, and laptops look like abacuses. So we buy them then—by the truckloads, in fact. It is unclear exactly how and where we expect those miracles to show up. The local newspaper? Creating A Learning Goal To establish how we can maximize the impact of the iPad as a learning tool, we first have to establish what kind of impact we’d hope to have. In this case, we’ll settle on understanding (as troublesome a term as that might be): Students being able to think critically about chosen standards or curriculum, and apply understanding in diverse, academic and non-academic environments. With that as the goal, here are some ideas. 10 Secrets To Unlocking The Learning Potential Of The iPad In Education 1. The iPad is more flexible than the curriculum–it’ll figure it out. 2. 3. 4. The iPad can publish—so publish!
How to Keep Electronics Going With No Power @pogue What creative solutions &/or gadgets are you using to get through the new issues #Sandy has left for you?— Tucker Carlson (@Tucker_Carlson) October 31, 2012 The Hurricane Sandy storm damage here in my Connecticut town was fairly extensive — beautiful old trees are down everywhere, 85 percent of our homes are without power, and officials are saying it will take at least 10 days to restore electricity — but at least our homes are standing. I’ve seen the photos of New York and New Jersey; in our way, we were lucky. Still, on Twitter, a number of people have suggested that it might be interesting to hear how a tech columnist muddles through a 10-day stretch without electricity and Internet (not to mention heat or hot water). The short answer is: Pretty much like the other seven million people whose electricity blew out with the storm. The Times’s technology columnist, David Pogue, keeps you on top of the industry in his free, weekly e-mail newsletter.Sign up | See Sample Internet.