3-D Printer Brings Dexterity To Children With No Fingers : Shots - Health News Hide caption One version of the Robohand includes 3-D printed parts assembled with metal hardware. New parts can be easily "printed" as the child grows. Courtesy of Makerbot Hide caption Ivan Owen, a special effects artist in Bellingham, Wash., creates large mechanical hands. Hide caption The newest version of the Robohand is made of snap-together parts. Richard Van As was working in his home near Johannesburg, South Africa, in May of 2011, when he lost control of his table saw. "It's a possibility that it was a lack of concentration," he says. The carpenter lost two fingers and mangled two more on his right hand. As soon as he got out of the hospital, Van As began researching prosthetics online. So in the meantime, he rigged up an artificial index finger for his right hand with materials from his shop. In time, Van As came across a YouTube video from Ivan Owen. "The complexity of the human hand has always fascinated me [and] really captured my imagination," Owen says. YouTube
Quand les robots s'invitent dans notre quotidien | Alastair HIMMER | Société En matière de robotique industrielle, aucun doute: le pays du Soleil levant fait la course en tête, mais certains savants songent en plus à des «créatures» qui, tels de parfaits «maîtres d'hôtel» ou «dames de compagnie», se mettraient au service d'une population vieillissante. Quelque 300 sociétés viennent d'ailleurs de se regrouper pour former un consortium afin de développer d'ici à 2020 une centaine de robots ultra-sophistiqués pensés comme des amis ou assistants. Quant au premier ministre Shinzo Abe, il veut carrément organiser en 2020 des Olympiades des robots, en parallèle aux JO humains à Tokyo. Le combat homme-robot n'est pas loin. «Les ordinateurs ont déjà surpassé les capacités humaines. Ishiguro y croit tellement qu'il a déjà créé son double, un androïde à son image. Pour créer son jumeau truffé d'électronique, le professeur Ishiguro a utilisé du caoutchouc et du silicone et a sacrifié de ses propres cheveux pour garnir le crâne de sa copie. Androïde de ménage
Millau Viaduct The Millau Viaduct (French: le Viaduc de Millau, IPA: [vjadyk də mijo]) is a cable-stayed bridge that spans the valley of the River Tarn near Millau in southern France. History[edit] Problems with traffic on the route from Paris to Spain along the stretch passing through the Tarn valley near the town of Millau, during the summer when the roads became jammed with holiday traffic, required construction of a bridge to span the valley.[10] The first plans were discussed in 1987 by CETE, and by October 1991, the decision was made to build a high crossing of the Tarn River by a structure of around 2,500 m (8,200 ft). During 1993–1994 the government consulted with seven architects and eight structural engineers. In July 1996, the jury decided in favour of a cable-stayed design with multiple spans, as proposed by the Sogelerg consortium (Michel Virlogeux and Norman Foster). Possible routes[edit] Routes of the four projects of the A75 autoroute around Millau Choosing the definitive route[edit]
Bionic humans are about to get an upgrade, thanks to monkey cyborgs A - Given that decoding the human genome went from being something incredibly complex that would cost millions and take years to do, to something that can be done via mail-order and a couple hundred bucks in just a couple of decades, I doubt that it'll be centuries before we understand the human brain. Probably more like a few decades. B - We needn't develop directly analogous bionics to be a significant threat to what exists in nature (and ourselves). Consider an autonomous supply chain that was able to recreate all of its components without human intervention, perfect generational copying, as well as guided evolution of new versions. First of all, we don't need to understand the brain perfectly to make good bionics. Keep in mind that all the information on how to make the brain is stored in the human DNA, which is much less complex system than the brain itself.
Pipeline bridge A pipeline bridge in the Czech Republic A pipeline bridge is a bridge for running a pipeline over a river. Pipeline bridges for liquids and gases are, as a rule, only built when it is not possible to run the pipeline on a conventional bridge or under the river. However, as it is more common to run pipelines for centralized heating systems overhead, for this application even small pipeline bridges are common. Types[edit] As there is normally a steady flow in pipelines, they can be designed as suspension bridges. Walkways[edit] A pipeline bridge may be equipped with a walkway for maintenance purposes but, in most cases, this is not open for public access for safety and security reasons. References[edit]
Implant Devices Collect Patient Data, But Patients Denied Access On the brink of a health information revolution that promises to offer round-the-clock body monitoring and personalized medicine, the medical implant company Medtronic has some sobering news for patients who use their devices: you don’t have access to the data collected by their devices on your vital organs. That’s not exactly what patients want to hear, especially when implant makers are on an all out data grab to acquire real-time patient information using new technologies. Instead of being able to praise the strides that medicine is making with these implants, patients are left feeling out of the loop on their own health. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, the company acknowledged that implants like their heart defibrillators collect a mass of data on the inner workings of patients’ bodies. However, current U.S. regulations dictate that the raw health data is only accessible to Medtronic customers, who are physicians and hospitals.
Hegigio Gorge Pipeline Bridge Hegigio Gorge Pipeline Bridge is, with a height of 393 metres, the world's third highest bridge and highest pipeline bridge. Hegigio Gorge Pipeline Bridge is a suspension bridge a spanning 470 metres over the Hegigio River. It is used for transporting petroleum oil from Southeast Mananda oil field in the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. Hegigio Gorge Pipeline Bridge became the world's highest bridge when it was completed in 2005 and remained the highest until the opening of the Sidu River Bridge in China in 2009. See also[edit] List of highest bridges in the world External links[edit] Mind-Controlled Videogames Become Reality List of highest bridges in the world Sidu River Bridge is since 2009 by far the highest bridge of the world with deck height of 496 m (1,627 ft) Completed bridges[edit] The ranking of the highest bridges in the world, currently open for use. Only bridges with a height of 175 metres (574 ft) or greater are included. Under construction[edit] The list below includes the highest bridges in the world currently under construction. Timeline[edit] The list below shows the historical progression of the highest bridge in the world. Notes[edit] References[edit]
It's time to stop spinning wheels on punishment for Chicago's rogue cyclists It's heartbreaking to see how the little bicycle people treat their benefactor, Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He offers them kindness. Yet some of them respond with insolence and contempt for the law, running red lights, for example, without getting traffic tickets. For this outrage, they must pay, and pay dearly. As many in the sustainable transportation movement know, the Rahmfather is a big supporter of bicyclists commuting into downtown. Good for bicyclists. He's squeezing out lanes of car traffic, installing new signs, buying untold gallons of expensive paint for the new bike lanes on Dearborn Street. So how do they repay him? Well, some of them ride like barbarians, ignoring traffic signals, weaving across the lanes, hopping up onto the sidewalk while narrowly missing elderly pedestrians and innocent children. And if you dare ask them about their heedless ways, many offer only a two-word phrase, the second of which is "you." The police said they don't keep the records. Thirty-eight.