Radio Grenouille | Radio Grenouille 88.8 FM Marseille We've Got the Motherload of Mother's Day Playlists Whether your Mother’s Day plans involve breakfast in bed, a special family picnic, or just encouraging Mom to curl up with a book, the right music makes every activity better. Give Mom her favorite music on her special day with these playlists. You don’t have to give up on new music just because you’re a new mom. Our Cool Songs for Young Moms are carefully compiled to keep young moms hip to the cool stuff in an eclectic mix of genres. Or, if Mom prefers the feel-good sounds of the ‘60s through the ’90s, Classic Hits for Moms will evoke memories about the first time they heard these favorites. Everyone knows that music is powerful, but did you know that it can increase your body’s production of pain-fighting endorphins? Our Mom-Friendly Pop/Rock playlist features songs from classic and contemporary artists that never get too loud or too outrageous. Finally, celebrate the strong, independent, and sexy sides of motherhood with these upbeat R&B favorites from the ’90s to today.
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SECRETELE ECHILIBRULUI: PROGRAM DE DETOXIFIERE DE O ZI CU SUCURI NATURALE. RETETE NATURISTE DE CURATARE INTERNA Un program de detoxifiere de o zi cu sucuri naturale este benefic din doua motive: va veti elibera organismul de un conglomerat de toxine care va provoaca o serie de neplaceri si totodata va fi o zi dedicata numai relaxarii si intineririi intregului dumneavoastra organism.E posibil ca la un moment dat sa va simtiti usor obositi sau sa aveti dureri de cap dar asta se datoreaza pierderii treptate a zaharurilor si a cofeinei din corp.Incercati ca in ziua pe care v-ati dedicat-o detoxifierii sa nu faceti nimic deosebit,iar daca obisnuiti sa faceti miscare, evitati exercitiile prea obositoare..Faceti doar lucruri care va provoaca placere si va linistesc.Nu exista reguli fixe pentru aceasta detoxifiere, pur si simplu petreceti o zi ingrijindu-va : Exemplu de regim de detoxifiere pentru o zi: 8.00 AM Beti un pahar de apa calduta cu putin suc de lamaie pentru a ajuta curatirea rinichilor. 11.30 AM Beti un pahar cu apa sau un ceai. Sugestii : 2.30 PM Beti un pahar cu apa sau un ceai. Sugestii :
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