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Gone Google Story Builder

Gone Google Story Builder

The Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception 36 Digital Storytelling Sites and Apps From edshelf by edshelf: Reviews & recommendations of tools for education Once upon a time, there was a teacher looking for ways to help her students tell a story. She wanted to give them a variety of tools from which to construct their stories. At their school were computer labs, iPad carts, and a BYOD policy. Then she found K-12 technology specialist David Kapuler‘s collection of digital storytelling sites & apps. And they all lived happily ever after. What apps do you use for creating and telling digital stories? 36 Digital Storytelling Sites and Apps From edshelf Image attribution flickr users nmc-campus and mikegrenville Defenders of Europe -The new superheroes: Personaggi - Characters Il gruppo dei Difensori d'Europa è composto da un primo nucleo di 8 membri, provenienti da differenti paesi europei. Mese per mese, in questa pagina, conosceremo uno di questi fantastici personaggi e i nemici che dovranno combattere. At first, the Defenders of Europe group is composed of 8 members from different European Countries. Mounth by mounth, in this page, we will know one of this fantastic charcters and their enemies. 1- EL LOCO (Barcelona, Spain) Manuel Delgado è una celebrità in tutta la Spagna, ma definirlo solo un supereroe è riduttivo.Infatti, sebbene non si conoscano i suoi reali poteri, anche perchè egli stesso non li ha mai chiaramente specificati, è in grado di compiere le azioni più spericolate e impossibili . Manuel Delgado is a celebrity throughout Spain, but not just because he’s a superhero! Colin Price lives in London, he’s a real punk rocker, has tatoos and wildly colored/styled hair. 3- COMANDANTE ITALIA (Firenze, Italy) 4- MATRIOSKA (Moscow, Russia)

Student Sign in Sheet with Mail Merge One thing I like to do to start class is to have students fill out a Google Form. I use this to take attendance, ask survey questions to see where students are at on a project or how they feel about class policies, warm up questions and I always ask for “comments, questions, concerns” to help me get a pulse for where everyone is at. At the beginning of class I have a roster of who is there (I can use this to randomly call on students). If I asked survey or quiz questions I can go to the spreadsheet and go to the Form menu to show summary of responses. This gives me instant graphs of how students answered so I can use this information to instantly drive my instruction. I install the valmerge script on the spreadsheet so that I can send individualized feedback to students based on their warm up responses and in particular the comments feedback they gave me. With the effort of one and a half emails I am able to send a personalized email to every student in the class. Like this:

Create a Book using a Template | StoryJumper Treasure Map Builder Arrrr! Make your very own treasure map with gold, pirates, sharks, secret hiding places, and other perilous predicaments! Food Fun There once was a eggplant named Oscar. He could often hear them singing fun songs like "Wheels on the Bus" and "Row Row Row your Boat" (in the round, no less). He wished he could join in with them, but there were two problems... Ocean Tale Once upon a time, there lived a red seahorse, named Edward. Costumes Upload a photo and dress up as a super hero, a princess, cowboy, ninja, jet pilot -- anyone you want to be! Trucks and Rescue Trucks, Trains, Fire Engines, Bull Dozers? Magic and Myth Once upon a time, there was a powerful sorceress that lived on an island in the middle of the Forbidden Sea. Using her magic spell book, she constructed a massive fortress. Astrozone It was the year 1,000,000,003... Train Time Once upon a time, there was a little red train named Frankie.

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative O Caldeiro Máxico, versión Propp O vello caldeiro das historias chegou ata ao mesmo Espazo Abalar, o repositorio de recursos do proxecto TIC que está a funcionar en moitos centros educativos de Galicia. Este esquema de composición escrita, ou matriz de relatos, naceu a partir das observacións de Antonio R. Almodóvar sobre a estrutura do conto marabilloso de orixe hispánica. Uns anos antes, cando empezaba a imaxinar os materiais, este artefacto para inventar historias era máis semellante ás ideas de Vladimir Propp. As historias que se crean con este caldeiro máxico, na versión de Propp, poden estar constituídas polos seguintes elementos: 1) Heroe ou heroína; 2) Os desexos; 3) A busca; 4) Os amigos e aliados; 5) Os obstáculos; 6) O lugar buscado; 7) O adversario; 8) A vitoria, por fin; 9) O regreso; 10) Alegría e felicidade.

Créer sa bande dessinée en ligne Documents pédagogiques et des ressources FLE, FLS, FLM about 2 years ago - 5 commentaires Français langue maternelle (FLM), Français langue étrangère (FLE) et Français langue seconde (FLS) L@ngues_en_ligne Des dossiers pédagogiques en ligne pour l’enseignement des langues étrangères arabe, allemand, anglais, chinois, espagnol, italien, japonais, portugais, russe, Fle, Fls à 350 dossiers prêts à l’emploi et indexés sur les niveaux du CECRl à une entrée dans la langue étrangère… Cartoon Maker histoire de bande dessinée dans la salle de classe about 4 years ago - 8 commentaires L'histoire Cartoon Maker a été conçu en mettant l'accent sur l'application de l'apprentissage des langues. 40 ans Festival BD Angoulême – 31 janvier au 3 février 2013 about 4 years ago - Aucun commentaire Le Festival d'Angoulême fête ses 40 ans ! Les langues étrangères (3 sites de ressources gratuites) about 4 years ago - Aucun commentaire about 4 years ago - Aucun commentaire

Google Hangouts as Edtech: Connecting, Sharing and Learning Since I started in education, I have been trying to find ways to connect students' learning beyond the classroom walls. Initially, the task presented many hurdles. Infrastructure was limited, devices were bulky and slow, and the access was not quite available. In order to connect students with the outside world, a permission slip and a school bus were needed. Today, many of those hurdles have been overcome, and connecting students beyond the classroom is a viable option. Hangouts, the social media feature of the Google+ platform, are online spaces offering teachers and students a great forum to connect with one or many participants and engage in a real-time dialogue. Reasons to Hang Out One of many reasons I like Google Hangouts is for the ability to broadcast a talk live and then archive that broadcast. Possibilities and Opportunities I see many opportunities for students and teachers using Google Hangouts in the classroom.

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