Spectrum: Empire Off The Grid Of course, to take full advantage of the potential savings of LEDs, a homeowner would, like Kamen, have a Teletrol building controller to control the LEDs. These systems start at several thousand dollars and go way up from there. The controller is incredibly granular. The red and black lines hover at zero during the nighttime hours, creep up a bit around dawn, then rise steeply at around 7 a.m. But what happens when the island gets neither sun nor wind? A Stirling engine contains a sealed cylinder, one end hot, the other cool, with a sliding piston that moves the gas back and forth. But Kamen says the concept of ”waste heat” changes with context. His own machine typically produces 1 kilowatt of electricity, enough to power 128 LED lights, each equivalent to a 60-W incandescent. The Teletrol system runs an iron-fisted dictatorship over all of these processes. They’re also truly and deeply rechargeable.
ebook library Welcome to Buddhanet eBook!s! Here you will find our extensive collection of eBooks that were created by the Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. for BuddhaNet.Net. You will find more eBooks archived in the BuddhaNet File Library. Our eBooks are FREE. All eBooks contained here are © Copyright 'Buddha Dharma Education Association/Buddhanet.net' All rights reserved unless otherwised indicated. You Ain't No Picasso This year was kind of a bum year for music. Nothing thrilled me like it had for the past four years and few new bands really stuck out. In fact, it was kind of an off year for tours as well. But in the midst of all that, I had one of the best concert years of my entire life. Sure, 2006 had my first experience with Radiohead and Sigur Ros and 2007 had the White Stripes and the Flaming Lips, but this was the year that I experienced shows I never thought I would see. It was a year of surprises to great that Radiohead, my favorite band, didn’t even crack the top five best shows . #30: The Whigs @ the Dame [ Original Post ] I saw the Whigs twice in 2008, but their show at the Dame — the first time I’d seen them — was the best. #29: We Are Scientists @ the Southgate House [ Original Post ] I thought We Are Scientists’ Brain Thrust Mastery was an OK album, but they really one-upped their live show in 2008. #28: Andrew Bird @ Memorial Hall [MusicNOW] #27: The Cool Kids @ Gorilla vs Booze [SXSW]
karma Karma is a word everyone knows, yet few in the West understand what it means. Westerners too often think it means "fate" or is some kind of cosmic justice system. This is not a Buddhist understanding of karma, however. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means "action." Sometimes you might see the Pali spelling, kamma, which means the same thing. Sometimes Westerners use the word karma to mean the result of karma. Teachings on the laws of karma originated in Hinduism, but Buddhists understand karma somewhat differently from Hindus. The Liberating Potential of Karma Theravada Buddhist teacher Thanissaro Bhikkhu explains some of these differences in this illuminating essay on karma. Thus, in Buddhism, although the past has some influence on the present, the present also is shaped by the actions of the present. "...instead of promoting resigned powerlessness, the early Buddhist notion of karma focused on the liberating potential of what the mind is doing with every moment. No Judge, No Justice
Beginners' four faults | Writing As an editor, I know when I am reading someone's first novel. I have nicknames for the four give-away faults beginners make: (1) Walk and Chew Gum (2) Furry Dice (3) Tea, Vicar? (4) Styrofoam. (1) Walk and Chew GumThe writer has not integrated action and dialogue, internal monologue and action, or internal monologue with dialogue. "If you think you're going to town you'd better thing again," said Ralph. Not integrating action and dialogue makes for jerky, lifeless prose. "If you think you're going to town you'd better think again," Ralph snapped, putting down his can of beer. This might not be award-winning prose, but it reflects the reality of the action and feelings better by having action, thought and dialogue knitted together. (2) Furry DiceAdjectives, adverbs and prepositions are furry dice hanging from a car's mirror. She picked up the gun and aimed it straight at him. This would be better without the modifiers, and with the tighter language you'll have to write to replace them:
lojong Lojong (Tib. བློ་སྦྱོང་,Wylie: blo sbyong) is a mind training practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition based on a set of aphorisms formulated in Tibet in the 12th century by Geshe Chekhawa. The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes. The fifty-nine or so slogans that form the root text of the mind training practice are designed as a set of antidotes to undesired mental habits that cause suffering. They contain both methods to expand one's viewpoint towards absolute bodhicitta, such as "Find the consciousness you had before you were born" and "Treat everything you perceive as a dream", and methods for relating to the world in a more constructive way with relative bodhicitta, such as "Be grateful to everyone" and "When everything goes wrong, treat disaster as a way to wake up." History of the practice[edit] Atiśa journeyed to Sumatra and studied with Dharmarakṣita for twelve years. Geshe Chekhawa is claimed to have cured leprosy with mind training. 1. 2.
Stripe Generator - ajax diagonal stripes background designer TIP: You can share your stripes clicking "SHARE" near the stripe preview. stripe sizespacingstripe color(s)background styleshadowgradient heightbackground color(s)stripe orientation preview Tile size: 41px * 41px open fullscreen preview Tiled 15 seconds how-to Play with sliders and color pickers, untill you obtain a super-cool stripe tile Press "Download" to save your creation Edit your css adding this line to the element you want to stripe:background-image: url("path-to-stripe.png"); If you want to only repeat horizontally your tile (as in the case of tiles with gradient), you must add this line too: background-repeat: repeat-x; stay tuned about new webdesign, ajax, web 2.0 tools!
free buddhist audio Bokeh Effect in Web Design: Showcase, Tutorials and Resources Today I would like to present the use of bokeh effect in web design. But what is Bokeh? In photography, bokeh is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or “the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light“. – Wikipedia. In this article you will find inspirational showcase of beautiful and very colorful websites with bokeh effect. Also you’ll be able to learn different bokeh effect techniques by checking listed useful and detailed tutorials. For the conclusion you will find a lot of great bokeh resources. Showcase of Bokeh Effect in Web Design Wonderful bokeh effect looks very impressive in web design projects. In this showcase you will find over 20 beautiful examples of bokeh effect in web design. Hybrid WordPress Theme ($32) Mintozine WordPress Theme (Free) Envato Theme Bokeh ($14) Lisa Maya 404 error theme ($8) Traffik Dark ‘n Clean WordPress Theme ($27) Unuidesign Javascript Showcase ($10) Light is Light Make Photoshop Faster Onvo Media Sebcreation
global one tv MPM Liquid Demo Check out my blog! E-mail: kotsoft@gmail.com Fluid Instructions: You can drag the fluid around with your mouse and adjust the sliders at the top to change the properties of the fluid in real-time. Check out my newest app: Grantophone! More cool demos! Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=" About This is my implementation of the Material Point Method. For interpolation, I use the quadratic B-spline presented here: Analysis and Reduction of Quadrature Errors in the Material Point Method. Instead of integrating the density over time (which is what most of the MPM papers do), I do a density summation every frame. Material Parameters Some of these parameters are hard to explain in one or two sentences (and a couple I made up) so I'll also link you to their corresponding Wikipedia pages. Density - Target density for the particles. Stiffness - How compressible the fluid is. Bulk viscosity - Kind of like damping. Gravity - How much the particles will accelerate downwards.