Ten Terrific Mind Mapping and Brainstorming Tools Today, I am running a workshop about using mind mapping and brainstorming tools to help students meet some of the Common Core standards in English Language Arts. Below are some of the tools that we will be using today. On a related note, if you're interested in having me come to your school or facilitate a virtual workshop, please click here for more information. Popplet is a great service that combines the best of online sticky note services like Wallwisher with collaborative mind mapping functions. Popplet allows you to create a wall of multimedia sticky notes that you can share with others. Text 2 Mind Map offers a great way to turn your typed outlines into mind maps. Realtime Board is a new online tool for hosting online, collaborative brainstorming sessions. Inkflow is an iPad app for visual thinkers who like to sketch to process what they're hearing, seeing, and learning. iBrainstorm is a free brainstorming application for the iPad and the iPhone.
Online Teacher PD - eTeacherTOOL S.O.S. for Information Literacy Teaching Online Courses – 60 Great Resources I received an inquiry about resources that would help instructors who are about to move into teaching online courses. It made me immediately think back to my first experience with an online session. It was the first ever public session for Placeware - a virtual meeting software company that was much later acquired by Microsoft and became Microsoft Live Meeting. Because it was their first ever public session and my first ever online session neither of us knew what we were doing. The topic was roughly (surprise) New Technology for eLearning. They had 100 people participating. After that experience, I vowed to try to stink up virtual presentations less in the future. So, what I thought I would do is go back and see what resources I could find some good resources that would help me and could be used by instructors be better prepared to teach online. As always I do this by looking through eLearning Learning and related sites like Communities and Networks Connection. Books Teaching Online
10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship 10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-07-22 YouTube has a firm place in the current classroom. Google (which owns YouTube) built the lessons to educate students about YouTube’s policies, how to flag content, how to be a safer online citizen, and protect their identities. Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher’s Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF . The killer feature for this curriculum is the extra features that come with each video. Category: Videos Tags: digital citizenship , guide , How To , presentations , Videos You may also like Second Grader Shows How She Uses Evernote For Fluency Added by Jeff Dunn 1 week ago 10.04K Views 3 Comments 0 Likes If you're learning a language or trying to organize your learning, check out this second grader sharing how she uses Evernote for fluency and organization. How Flipping The Classroom Is Working In Turkey Added by Katie Lepi 2 weeks ago
50 Herramientas Online para Profesores - Educabilia Te presentamos las 50 mejores herramientas para encontrar recursos pedagógicos, crear clases online e interactuar con tus alumnos. ¡Adapta tus clases y no te quedes afuera de la revolución educativa! Encontrar recursos educativos Skype in the classroom recursos para el aula, expertos, ideas, personas y experiencias alrededor del mundo. YouTube para escuelas cientos de videos académicos Tiching recursos educativos digitales TED: conferencias en video de expertos de todo el mundo sobre todo tipo de temas Evernote capturar y organizar contenido de la web Cloud Magic buscador simultáneo de información en gmail, twitter, facebook, evernote, etc Wolfram Alpha: resolución de ejercicios matemáticos y otros recursos Issuu descubrir publicaciones, compartir documentos gráficos, crear revistas y difundir online Tube Box descargar videos de YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion… The Primary Box navega, colecciona, organiza y comparte recursos Factoría del Tutor herramientas, recursos y servicios para el docente
6 Great Videos on Teaching Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a skill that we can teach to our students through exercise and practice. It is particularly a skill that contains a plethora of other skills inside it. Critical thinking in its basic definition refers" to a diverse range of intellectual skills and activities concerned with evaluating information as well as evaluating our thought in a disciplined way ". All of our students think in a way or another but the question is , do they really think critically ? are they able to evaluate the information they come across ? Critical thinking is part and parcel of what is called critical theory and hence critical literacy. 1- A Quick Guide to 21st Century Critical Thinking Skills for Teachers2- What Does Critical Thinking Mean in Education3- Great Critical Thinking Poster for your Class4- 7 Great iPad Apps to Improve Kids Critical Thinking5- A Clever Tip to Easily Develop Students Critical Thinking What we have for you today is a great series of videos on critical thinking.
Bancos de recursos gratuitos En esta sección encontrarás bancos, galerías y colecciones de sonidos, fotografías, ilustraciones, animaciones, vídeos, iconos y símbolos de uso libre o con licencias Creative Commons para utilizar en tus trabajos y proyectos didácticos. Bancos de recursos multimedia Banco de recursos multimedia (ISFTIC). Es un sitio creado para estimular y facilitar la creación de materiales didácticos. Bancos y colecciones de recursos gratuitos solo audio Soungle.com. Bancos y colecciones de imágenes gratuitas Iconspedia . Bancos y colecciones de imágenes + texto Earth from Space (NASA). Videotecas y colecciones de vídeos YoutubeGoogle vídeo, Metacafe son otros proveedores de vídeos.Focus on Animation (National Film Board of Canada) es una web dedicada al mundo de la animación.
instaGrok | A new way to learn Más de 50 de las mejores herramientas online para profesores No es una exageración afirmar que hay ciento de aplicaciones educativas por ahí por la red, para todos los gustos y de todos los colores, por lo que es difícil tratar de recogerlas todas en un listado. Sin embargo, algunas destacan más que otras por su innovación y por su capacidad para conseguir adeptos, y esas son las que protagonizan la presente recopilación. Son 50 interesantes herramientas online basadas en las recopilaciones de EduArea, las muchas ya tratadas en Wwwhat’s new y las destacadas por la experiencia. 1. Dropbox: Un disco duro virtual con varios GB gratuitos y al que se accede desde casi cualquier dispositivo. 11. 21. 31. 41.
How To Make Students Better Online Researchers I recently came across an article in Wired Magazine called “ Why Kids Can’t Search “. I’m always interested in this particular topic, because it’s something I struggle with in my middle and high school classes constantly, and I know I’m not alone in my frustrations. Getting kids to really focus on what exactly they are searching for, and then be able to further distill idea into a few key specific search terms is a skill that we must teach students, and we have to do it over and over again. We never question the vital importance of teaching literacy, but we have to be mindful that there are many kinds of “literacies”. An ever more important one that ALL teachers need to be aware of is digital literacy. I could go off in many directions on this, but for the purpose of this post I’m focusing strictly on the digital literacy of searching. As they get older, kids often employ the tactic of typing a question into the search bar – “How do I find out about mummies in Egypt?” The real answer? 1.
HERRAMIENTAS DIGITALES PARA PROFESORES Y ALUMNOS juandon Una forma segura de involucrar a los estudiantes es hacer de su diversión experiencia educativa. Los nuevos maestros acaban de empezar, así como los profesores, con experiencias que podrían aportar un soplo de aire fresco en los aprendizajes y ello les encantará a todos los grandes docentes tener herramientas disponibles en Internet para ayudarles a que su trabajo sea más entretenido y provechosos. Algunas de las herramientas siguientes tendrán en los profesores y estudiantes programas abiertos, Twitter, blogs, comics, videos, incorporación de otras herramientas que les ayudarán a que el aprendizaje sea divertido y mucho más importante y trascendente. Wikis Los wikis ofrecen una excelente manera de colaborar y compartir conocimientos. GoAPES . Open Courseware cursos abierto proporciona el contenido de los cursos reales de nivel universitario que está disponible gratuitamente en línea. OpenCourseWare del MIT . Blogging Twitter Tools Atlas . Enseñar con Comics Comic Creator . Aula 2.0 .
Five-Minute Film Festival: Teaching Digital Citizenship "Digital citizenship" is an umbrella term that covers a whole host of important issues. Broadly, it's the guidelines for responsible, appropriate behavior when one is using technology. But specifically, it can cover anything from "netiquette" to cyberbullying; technology access and the digital divide; online safety and privacy; copyright, plagiarism, and digital law, and more. But while there is much talk about the importance of teaching digital citizenship in this information society, not many are sure what that really looks like. Video Playlist: Teaching Digital Citizenship Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube. What is Digital Citizenship? More Resources for Learning About Digital Citizenship While we haven't solved the problem of finding time in the schedule to teach these essential topics, there is a wealth of great free resources to be found -- many of them aligned to standards, either the Common Core ELA standards, or ISTE's NETS, or both.
PARA PROFES Y PADRES: 15 HERRAMIENTAS DIGITALES ÚTILES PARA COMENZAR EL CURSO Comienza el curso y con el los primeros problemas de organización. Os dejo algunas herramientas para la gestión diaria del aula y otras que he probado y me parecen de interés. Espero que os sean de ayuda. Feliz inicio de curso. 1.CUADERNO DIGITAL DE TUTORIA CON COMPETENCIAS BÁSICAS2.CUADERNO DIGITAL DEL PROFESORADO (Hecho sobre hojas de cálculo) 3.EDMODO plataforma para compartir y conectar con alumnos y padres, ofrece dejar tareas y gestionar calilficaciónes. 4.SCHOOLOGY similar a Edmodo pero más completa. 5.WIKIEDUCATOR plataforma de colaboración entre profesorado 6.CLASSTOOLS permite crear test, cuestionarios, diagramas, gráficos, animaciones flash, juegos, etc 7.TESTEANDO trivial educativo. A día de hoy no he encontrado una forma más amena para hacer evaluación inicial o repasar durante el curso. Puede usarse de forma individual y registra los resultados de cada alumno. 11.MYCLASSRULES : medidor de ruido por decibelios 12.TOONOISY: similar a la anterior