Related: Numeracy
Using & Applying < Maths Zone - Free Cool Learning Games for School Symbols & Formulae Problem solving Money Equivalence Using Money Fraction problems Fractions & the Virtual Pet - Math Maven Decimals Problems Decimals - Ngfl Cymru Decimals - Ngfl Cymru order decimals, addition and subtraction of decimals, solve word problems involving decimals yr 5/6 Mult or Div by 10 or 100 - M Weddell Mult or Div by 10 or 100 - M Weddell Choose correct answer (from 7 possibilities) to the given sum. Patterns & Sequences Patterns & Properties Angles - Problem Solving Puzzles and logic problems Totally Random Questions Murderous Maths: Tricks and Games! Do you want to be a mind reader? Or maybe have a brain that does lightning calculations? Or maybe you just want to make your friends feel silly! Here are a few of my sneakiest tricks, and don't worry - you don't need to be a maths genius to do them! Some of these tricks are in the Murderous Maths books, but here I can let you play on my special calculators and other computer gadgets! The Fiendish Football Team Illusion! Let Riverboat Lil READ YOUR MIND! The EIGHT QUEENS Puzzle! The 7-11-13 Trick (And other miracle sums) Pass your friends a calculator - and then make them feel really silly with these simple tricks! The Predictor Cards The trick with four cut-out cards, you pick a number from 1-16 and it mysteriously appears in a hole at the back! The Missing Digit Trick Your friend does a sum then crosses a digit out - you can tell what it is without looking! The Prime Numbers Trick Make a strange prediciton using the magic of PRIME NUMBERS. What were you like when you were born?
Maths and Science | Teach Secondary You are here: Maths and Science Maths and Science Collins Key Stage 3 Collins Key Stage 3 Science, Second Edition is fully updated for the 2014 curriculum and has Read More... Using ICT for STEM I’ve been having some conversations recently Subject: I.C.T, Maths and Science Sign up for FREE today! please enter your email address below Scratch controlling Minecraft – Cymplecy (Simplesi) If you have another computer that can run Scratch 1.4 that is networked with a Raspberry Pi , then you can use it to interact with the Minecraft world on the Pi. You’l need to find out the IP address of your other computer – for this exercise I’ll assume its so you’ll need to substitute your real address To do this, run ScratchGPIO on your Pi and add On Green Flag – broadcast Connect10.11.12.13 This hands over ScratchGPIO control to your main computer So run up Scratch 1.4 on your main computer and enable Remote Sensor Connections (RSC) by right-clicking on the last Sensor block and enabling it. Go back onto your Pi, and launch Minecraft and create a new world. To connect to this world from Scratch on your other computer, add On Green Flag – broadcast MinecraftStart You should see a message come up to say ScratchGPIO is connected. You should create 3 variables – MineX MineY and MineZ .
KS2 - 'Maths on Target' by Stephen Pearce New Curriculum 2014 We are currently writing new material for the curriculum changes to come into effect September 2014. These new books will follow our very successful Maths on Target series written by Stephen Pearce and will be called 'Target Your Maths.' Sample pages will be available soon. We hope to have these books available for purchase by September 2014. Maths on Target by Stephen Pearce (published 2008) The Maths On Target books build on the enormous popularity of Target Maths, which was first published in 2002. The intention of the book is to provide teachers with material to teach all the objectives as set out in the yearly programme in the renewed Primary Framework for Mathematics. The work is organised in 'Blocks' and 'Units' as in the Primary Framework. Sample pages Maths on Target Homework Sheets For Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 you can buy a set of 60 photocopiable sheets for homework (A4 size). The sheets are for pupils of all abilities and are easy to set and mark for teachers.
Topmarks Search Skoool.co.uk A fantastic free resource to support maths and science at Key Stages 3 and 4. There are wonderful interactive activities and study notes. Pupils can download the resources for offline use. Interactive whiteboard resources too. Superb! Calculation Balance An excellent site for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division practice. Christmas Maths A useful resource for Christmas time which includes a range of great number activities which are aimed at Year 1 pupils (5 - 6 years). Ladybird Spots Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children. Multiplication Try this good game for practising your times tables. Loop Cards Fantastic for improving your mental maths. Teddy Numbers The Teddy Numbers game can help you to learn numbers to 15. Underwater Counting Can you find the treasure? Primary Worksheets A selection of good quality maths worksheets. S-Cool!
TES collection Maths GCSE revision Last Updated: 7 February, 2013 Section: Resources Maths GCSE Revision Resources Collection Collection Author: Craig Barton - Maths AST and creator of www.mrbartonmaths.com (TES Name: mrbartonmaths) With the curse/blessing of early-entry, it seems these days that students are revising and preparing for exams all year round. Top 20 Resources: Mr Collins’ GCSE table sheets These are an excellent set of 34 bright, colourful, information-packed sheets, each containing 10 GCSE questions (five Foundation and five Higher). Grade C revision starters A set of very well presented starter activities aimed at students targeting a Grade C in the Foundation Tier. GCSE question prompts Instead of giving students questions to try, students are instead given prompts. Functional exam question booklet Over the last couple of years we have seen the introduction of the dreaded asterisks (*) questions at GCSE. GCSE revision trail Revision races The language of GCSE maths exams Mega PowerPoint GCSE maths revision videos
Area and Perimeter Cool Math 4 Kids Times Tables Help - How Multiplying Works (times tables) Here's another one: This means that you have three groups of 5! Put the three groupstogether... How many pentagons do you have? Count them... So, our answer is: Let's switch the numbers around and do it the different way! This means that you have five groups of 3! Put the five groupstogether... Count them... PLAT Online Mathematics Multiplication Worksheets We have multiplication sheets for timed tests or extra practice, as well as flashcards and games. Includes Multiplication Flashcards, Multiplication Bingo, Multiplication Tables, Multiplication I Have - Who has, and lots more! To see the Common Core Standards associated with each multiplication worksheet, select the apple core logo ( ) below the worksheet's description. Games Multiplication Game: I Have / Who HasFree A super-fun chain reaction game that teaches times tables! Multiplication Board Game: To the Moon Member Printable multiplication board game with a space theme. Multiplication Game: Memory Match (up to 9s)Free This fun memory card game will help students learn their multiplication facts up to 9 x 9. Multiplication Game: Memory Match (up to 12s) Member This version of Multiplication memory match includes 10s, 11s, and 12s. Multiplication Roll 'Em Member Play this multiplication dice game to make your math lesson more fun! Multiplication Bingo Member Flashcards Fact Family Flashcards Member