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Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions index

Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions index
Sacred Texts Wicca & Neo-Paganism Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions by James Bonwick This scholarly, but very readable, book covers what was known about Druids and Irish Paganism at the end of the nineteenth century. It discusses many of the concepts which later would be utilized by the Wiccan movement to construct Celtic Neo-Paganism. Title PagePrefaceContents Part I. Who Were The Druids? Part II. IntroductionIrish SuperstitionsIrish Magic, and Tuatha De DanaansIrish GodsIdol-WorshipSerpent FaithSun-WorshipFire-WorshipStone-WorshipAnimal WorshipThe Shamrock, and Other Sacred PlantsWell-WorshipHoly BellsIrish CrossesThe Sacred Tara HillRound Tower CreedOssian the BardThe Culdees of Druidical DaysThe Future Life, or Land of the WestAncient Irish LiteratureThe Lia Fail, or the Stone of Destiny

The Pagan Name Generator So, you've decided to become a pagan. Great! But you can't show up at the next full moon ritual, all set to shuck off your clothes and leap over a flaming cauldron with a staid, boring mundane name. No, you need a special name. You've come to the right place! "So," you say to yourself, "how do I get this pagan name? One way to get your pagan name is to do a vision quest. Another way to get your pagan name is blah blah blah... But you're not really interested in those other ways, or else you wouldn't have come here, to the Pagan Name Generator. 1. "Oh, great Pseudonomys, god of monikers Empower this web page to reveal my true name." 2. The Pagan Name Generator is meant for entertainment purposes only. If you prefer the classic version of the Pagan Name Generator, click here. - Marine Biology, Ocean Life Conservation, Sea creatures, Biodiversity, Oceans research... IRISH LITERATURE, MYTHOLOGY, FOLKLORE, AND DRAMA Irish Writers OnlineIrish PlayographyStudy Ireland: Poetry - BBCIrish Women Writers - M. OckerbloomIreland Literature GuidePoetry Ireland / Éigse ÉireannEarly Irish Lyric Poetry - Kuno MeyerSonnets from Ireland - E. BlomquistColum's Anthology of Irish Verse - Bartleby.comBREAC - Digital Journal of Irish Studies Medieval Celtic ManuscriptsThe Book of KellsCarmina GadelicaCELT Irish Electronic Texts Irish Writers OnlineIreland Literature ExchangeBibliography of 19th-c. Irish Literature - J.M. Jonathan SwiftJonathan Swift ArchiveJonathan Swift Biography - IncompetechGulliver's Travels - U. Bram StokerDraculaBram Stoker Biography - Classic Literature LibraryBram Stoker's Dracula - Carstens smith Oscar WildeThe Official Home Page of Oscar WildeWilde Biography - BBCOscar Wilde OnlineCELT: Oscar WildePoetry of Oscar Wilde - George Bernard ShawShaw Biography - C. William Butler YeatsYeats Biography - Poetry FoundationCollected Poems - W. Donn ByrneByrne Biography - J. Fine Art Oisín

The Celtic Connection Main Index Write in Runes You can write your name or other words in the runes of the Elder Futhark by using the javascript transliterator below. Tips: Write phonetically, and skip doubled letters and silent letters. Examples: "Chrissy" should be written "KRISY". "Cynthia" should be written "SYNTHIA" "Ralph" should be written "RALF". "Thomas" should be written "TOMAS", but "Thad" would be written "THAD". "Book" should be written "BOK". CH, as in "Chuck", will appear as Kenaz Jera. The javascript does not insert spaces or punctuation. Type a word or name into the form below and hit the Translate button. Letters: Runes: Characters: The rune symbols are individual GIF files. This brilliant javascript was created by Daniel Jakobsson and used on this website with his permission. ©2003 Daniel Jakobsson (Email

Bipolar Disorder: More Than the Ups and Downs of Life Bipolar disorder is known for its ups and downs. But does it go beyond the typical person's up-and-down feelings during life, and how far? This disorder, which is also referred to as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes the characteristic ups and downs, according to the National Institute of Mental Health Web site. Those who have the disorder may have mood swings and extreme changes in energy and activity levels. There are two parts of bipolar disorder, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness Web site. Besides mania, there is the depression aspect of bipolar disorder. The mania and depression phase of bipolar disorder can either happen separately or together. There are four types of bipolar disorder, according to Before diagnosing a patient, doctors need to be completely sure that they are treating a patient for the correct mental illness. - Your Guide To The Gods British Druid Order Earth Mysteries: Stonehenge and the Druids, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire - Earth Mysteries Stonehenge and the Druids, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire After centuries of neglect in the wake of first Roman and then Christian suppression, the Druids were rediscovered during the Renaissance when the revival of interest in ancient Greek and Latin writers brought attention to the works of Pliny, Tacitus, and Julius Caesar and their descriptions of the Celtic world. First in France in the sixteenth century, and then in England, the ancient Celts (or Gauls as they were known in France) and Druids were claimed as historical ancestors. By the seventeenth century, a new romantic image of Druids began to emerge in French and English literature. In England as early as 1624 the Celtic warrior queen Boudicca is credited by Edmond Bolton with building Stonehenge as her monument. Druids celebrating the summer solstice at Stonehenge Winston Churchill (center) hosts the Ancient Order of Druids at Blenheim Palace on 15 August, 1908

Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) - What Is It? What is autism? Autism is a brain disorder that often makes it hard to communicate with and relate to others. With autism, the different areas of the brain fail to work together. Most people with autism will always have some trouble relating to others. What causes autism? Autism tends to run in families, so experts think it may be something that you inherit. Other studies are looking at whether autism can be caused by other medical problems or by something in your child's surroundings. False claims in the news have made some parents concerned about a link between autism and vaccines. What are the symptoms? Symptoms almost always start before a child is 3 years old. Symptoms of autism include: A delay in learning to talk, or not talking at all. There is no "typical" person with autism. Autism may also include other problems: Many children with autism have below-normal intelligence. How is autism diagnosed? There are guidelines your doctor will use to see if your child has symptoms of autism.

Online Rune Readings, Pendants talisman for Asatru, Pagan, SCA, Norse, Druid, Fae, Faerie, Goddess, Celtic and Wicca Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship
