Autolevels for KRPano | fieldOfView
Panoramas in particular often have a dramatic dynamic range; if there are bright areas, there are bound to be dark shadows as well. Interactive panoramas have the unique property that you only see part of the image at a time. This makes it hard to decide on one contrast-level for the whole image, sometimes leading to contrast-low areas within the panorama. The autolevels plugin for krpano dynamically applies an autolevels effect to the view of the panorama. The effect is dampened to mimic the adaptation of the human eye, or the exposure of video cameras. Sample use: enabled (true/false) enable/disable the "metering" effect (0-1) limit the effect of the plugin (0: no effect, 1: full effect) adaptation (0-1) speed at which the camera iris "adapts" (1: full speed, less means there is a transition) coloradjust (0-1) amount of color adjusting to do (0: only lightness, 1: lightness and color) threshold (0-255) clip small highlight and/or shadow areas attenuation (0-1)
Tutorial HDR manual en Photoshop | Ración Individual de Personalidad
He colgado en Flickr un tutorial sobre como hacer una imagen pseudo-HDR manualmente en Photoshop. Hace unas semanillas estuve tocando y pensé que podría estar interesante hacer una guia sobre esto, y aquí la tenéis (una vez más, perdón por el retraso). Ahora estoy teniendo mi semanilla de vacaciones (técnicamente hablando, es la única que tengo en todo el año) y estoy aprovechando para sumergirme de nuevo en el mundo del 3d y seguir probando con la fotografía, como habréis comprobado si me habéis visto por flickr (no he estado demasiado activo, pero al menos lo he estado allí más que aqui:) ). Además, en los proximos dias ire colgando unas cuantos panoramas, hace un par de dias me di con mi padre un paseo a un par de vertices geodésicos que hay por aqui -por los mismos cerros de Úbeda del dicho popular- e hice una buena ristra de fotos. Bueno, y aparte, perdón ya por no escribir. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
HDR Software overview
Certainly one of the most interesting upcoming technologies for photographers is High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI), allowing work with the full real world levels of illumination. While standard image formats utilizes 8 or 16 bits with applied gamma and color space, the HDR image format extends the bit depth up to 96bit in a linear color space. On this overview we will focus on the currently available GUI-based software packages that are able to create and process HDR images. I want to thank all authors of the respective software packages for their support during the creation of the overview, especially Geraldine Joffre, Andreas Schömann, Paul Nolan, and Thomas Lock. Aside from the windows based GUI packages Bernhard Vogl has evaluated, command line tools are also available and have been added to the table below. The following software packages have been tested: Software overview As you can see,there is a wide variety of fees you have to pay for the different software packages. See Also
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Mr CUP : Inspiration . Creation . Emotion / The work, the shop & the blog of Fabien Barral
Pro Git 7.1 Customizing Git Git Configuration
As you briefly saw in the Chapter 1, you can specify Git configuration settings with the git config command. One of the first things you did was set up your name and e-mail address: $ git config --global "John Doe" $ git config --global Now you’ll learn a few of the more interesting options that you can set in this manner to customize your Git usage. You saw some simple Git configuration details in the first chapter, but I’ll go over them again quickly here. The next place Git looks is the ~/.gitconfig file, which is specific to each user. Finally, Git looks for configuration values in the config file in the Git directory ( .git/config ) of whatever repository you’re currently using. Basic Client Configuration The configuration options recognized by Git fall into two categories: client side and server side. $ git config --help The manual page for git config lists all the available options in quite a bit of detail. core.editor commit.template core.pager
Fusiona dos imágenes para obtener más rango dinámico
Hoy voy a contaros algo muy fácil de realiza y es juntar 2 versiones de una misma fotografía para obtener una con mayor rango dinámico de manera muy sencilla. En esta imagen que véis arriba si exponemos para el suelo perdemos el dramatismo del cielo, si exponemos para el cielo perdemos detalle del suelo. Una forma de solucionarlo sería usar técnicas HDR como la propia del Photoshop o el Photomatix, pero para imagenes en la que la fusión sea lineal no es necesario y quedan imagenes mas realistas. ¿De qué partimos? Si no disponeis de RAW podéis usar dos tomas en las que tirando con trípode midais la luz en prioridad de apertura para cada una de las tomas, mantieniendo el mismo f modificaremos la velocidad de apertura. Arrastra la foto oscura sobre la clara. Ahora pasamos al modo máscara rápida (Q) y a continuación pasamos a degradado (G). En este punto sólo nos queda borrar ese área seleccionada pulsando a tecla (Supr) con el resultado final. Vídeo tutorial aquí
HDR Photography HowTo and Link Roundup | Creation Robot
After reading about HDR, I decided to do a bit more research into HDR photography before I try it out. I’m going to be expanding this as I go along so check back for updates. So here are a few basics: You need a Digital SLR that you can manually set exposure on, mine’s a Canon EOS 300D. You need a tripod as the camera has to stay still between shots. You need a remote for your camera. Your subject needs to be static. You need to take at least 3 shots, ideally 5. The images then need to be combined and, not surprisingly, the king of this is Photoshop CS2. How have I fared at this? Leeloo multi link:
The High Dynamic Range (HDR) Landscape Photography Tutorial
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How to Create High Dynamic Range Images
Have you ever seen a landscape or cityscape that looked hyper-realistic, or even fantastical -- a shot with amazing detail in the shadows, midtones, and highlights all at the same time? It may have been perfect shooting conditions in the field, with a graduated neutral density filter or some other filter stacking combo, or maybe it was painstakingly crafted in Photoshop with tons of dodging and burning and layer masking. Or it may have been a High-Dynamic Range Image (HDR), such as the lead image for this story. Often explained as "seeing more like the human eye," HDR imaging combines several shots of a given scene to overcome the exposure range limitations of traditional single-shot photography -- and the final results have much more detail from shadows to highlights, and everywhere in between. HDR imaging has exploded over the past year, with discussion groups and websites devoted to techniques and critiquing the results. So how do you get started creating your own HDR images?