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Watercolor Painting Free lessons and tutorials, Step-by-step paintings, techniques, hints and tips

Watercolor Painting Free lessons and tutorials, Step-by-step paintings, techniques, hints and tips

Watercolor Painting Techniques Watercolor can be a tricky medium to master. Here are helpful tips, essential techniques, and step-by-step demonstrations on using watercolors (and watercolor pencils). Art Supplies Shopping List for Watercolor PaintingWhen you first decide to pick up a brush to start watercolor painting, the choice of art supplies available can be overwhelming and confusing. So here's an art supplies list of what you need for watercolor painting. Selecting Watercolors: My Personal ChoiceHere are the 12 colors I have in my personal watercolor set, chosen to be vibrant and mix well. What You Need to Know About Watercolor PaperDon't underestimate the impact the paper you choose to use for a watercolor painting has on the final result. Best Brands of Watercolor PaintWith watercolor paints, there's not only a choice of brands, but also whether you buy it in tube or pan form. How to Mop Up With a Watercolor BrushDeal with an unwanted puddle of watercolor by using a brush to mop it up quickly.

Escape Into Life Apprendre l'aquarelle Un forum permet aux aquarellistes amateurs de s'entraider d'échanger et de partager. C'est un site très complet, à voir absolument. Quelques vidéos pour bien commencer : Cours d'aquarelle Ce cours présente d'abord les instruments et le matériel utilisés dans l'art de l'aquarelle. Il explique ensuite comment obtenir les différents lavis, ainsi que les trois techniques : sèche, humide et mixte. Il propose enfin des exercices étape par étape pour les débutants et pour ceux qui se perfectionnent. Cours et démos d'aquarellesUn cours d'aquarelle pour débutants d'excellente qualité, des astuces pour pratiquer cette peinture à la montagne, tout pour savoir comment ajouter des textures à votre tableau. Des explications pour apprendre à peindre un arbre au fil des saisons : SuperArt : travailler l'aquarelleCe site explore les possibilités offertes par cette technique, il explique quel type de matériel il faut utiliser et les différentes façons d'obtenir des effets de couleur.

Watercolor painting An artist working on a watercolor using a round brush Watercolor (American English) or watercolour (Commonwealth and Ireland), also aquarelle from French, is a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-soluble vehicle. The term "watercolor" refers to both the medium and the resulting artwork. The traditional and most common support for watercolor paintings is paper; other supports include papyrus, bark papers, plastics, vellum or leather, fabric, wood, and canvas. Watercolors are usually transparent, and appear luminous because the pigments are laid down in a relatively pure form with few fillers obscuring the pigment colors. History[edit] Although watercolor painting is extremely old, dating perhaps to the cave paintings of paleolithic Europe, and has been used for manuscript illumination since at least Egyptian times but especially in the European Middle Ages, its continuous history as an art medium begins in the Renaissance. English school[edit]

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This Week's Top Picks in Imperial & Global History | H-Net Marc-William PalenLecturer in Imperial History, University of Exeter Cross-posted from the Imperial & Global Forum. It's time for the weekend roundup in imperial and global history. To kick things off, ever wonder what a map of Africa might look like if it had never been colonized? Swedish artist Nikolaj Cyon has done just that: The Washington Post notes that 'the map asks what Africa would look like today if colonialism had never happened. Next on the list, the Wellcome Library has made freely available more than 100,000 high resolution images for commercial or personal use, 'including manuscripts, paintings, etchings, early photography and advertisements': 15th-century Persian horoscope from the book of the birth of Iskandar, via the Wellcome Library.The images can be downloaded in high-resolution directly from the Wellcome Images website for users to freely copy, distribute, edit, manipulate, and build upon as you wish, for personal or commercial use.

Explore Acrylic Painting - Your Trove of Tips, Tutorials & Techniques. Мечта миров Выявленные на холсте Along with some magnificent dreams, Jacek Yerka finds inspiration for his masterful paintings from his childhood memories: the places, remembered feelings and smells of 1950′s Poland. He studied fine art and graphic design before becoming a full time artist in 1980… and we’re glad he did. His paintings will take you through incredible worlds of imagination, bending reality in captivating and clever ways fit to inspire a novel or film. See many more examples of his find paintings at See Also ENDEARING MONSTER DRAWINGS POP FROM THE SCREEN Via:

The Dimensions of Colour
