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Architecture architecture Renzo Piano piece by piece The “Barbara Cappochin” International Architecture Biennale mounts an exhibition on the Genoese architect in Padua The Pritzker Prize to Shigeru Ban "I see this prize as encouragement for me to grow" Copenhagen Architecture Festival x FILM From the 27th to the 30th of March, more than eighty events including films, debates, city walks and special events Chimney Pots by Wierki Somers Ornamental chimeneys in a new housing development in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands Zaha Hadid and Reinhold Messner The new structure of the Messner Mountain Museum has been designed by the Anglo-Iraqi architect AA London: Starchitecture Scenes, Actors and Spectacles in Contemporary Cities. Botticino Classico marble seen by Michele Nastasi Travel through time and around the world in search of architectures with a common thread Glenn Murcutt in Canada At the Design Centre of Uqàm, Montréal, the exhibition “L’Architecture du lieu”. Wiel Arets’ Campus Hoogvliet

Architecture Fieldwork Design & Architecture have collaborated with the Nike Workplace Brand Design group to design some feature walls for the NIKE expansion buildings. The wall is constructed of salvaged maple gym flooring, and creates a branded, meaningful statement of arrival at the office in Beaverton, Oregon. Continue Reading » Art and Crafts Gallery - East West Organics The gallery is one of the first things to greet you when you walk in the doors of the new East West Organics superstore. We are not just about food! A striking space, our vision is to have meaningful pieces of art on display in the gallery but also in surrounding areas of the complex. There is art to inspire and augment the Natural Health Clinic, but also for you to admire while shopping, eating at the cafe and in amongst the plants. Our idea is to support local artists and craftspeople and to offer a platform for the community to enjoy local talent. Workshops and classes in different art modalities are planned for the future and we are exploring the possibilities of having working artists’ studios on site. If you are interested in exhibiting or running classes, please pop on over to our contact page and get in touch; we would love to hear your ideas.

ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide AMNP Plataforma Arquitectura Amaterasu Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Amaterasu (天照, Amaterasu?) est, dans le shintoïsme, la déesse du Soleil. Selon cette religion, tous les empereurs japonais l'auraient comme ancêtre. Elle aurait introduit la riziculture, la culture du blé et les vers à soie. On accole parfois à son nom le qualificatif ōkami (大神, ōkami?) Légende[modifier | modifier le code] Elle est née de l'œil gauche de son père, Izanagi, quand il s'est purifié par ablution après son retour du pays des morts. En guise de punition, Amaterasu bannit Susanoo du royaume des cieux. Liens avec la famille impériale[modifier | modifier le code] Selon le Kojiki[1], Amaterasu ordonna à son petit-fils Ninigi de descendre sur la Terre et de la gouverner. De la restauration Meiji jusqu'à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'empereur fut donc considéré comme un dieu vivant dont le culte était pour cette raison une affaire nationale. Dans la culture populaire moderne[modifier | modifier le code]
