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Insights and inspiration for the user experience community

Insights and inspiration for the user experience community

Wireframes Magazine User Interface Engineering - Brain Sparks blog New Dates for UX Advantage: August 18-19 By Jared Spool April 30th, 2015 We’re changing the dates of UX Advantage to August 18 & 19. We love Baltimore. In light of what’s happening in Baltimore, we don’t think it’s right promoting this event at this time. Baltimore is a great city and we want to do an event there. Jared and Karen UIEtips: Extraordinarily Radical Redesign Strategies April 29th, 2015 In today’s UIEtips, we reprint an article on radical redesign strategies. Here’s an excerpt from the article: The day they flipped the switch and launched the new site, sales dropped by 20%. Read the article Extraordinarily Radical Redesign Strategies. What strategy have you put in place when planning a redesign? Rachel Nabors – Using Animation to Enhance Your UX By Sean Carmichael April 22nd, 2015 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 18:23 — 9.6MB) [ Transcript Available ] Animation in interfaces has traditionally been seen as purely decorative and unnecessary. Read the rest of this entry »

User Interface Engineering - Usability Research, Training, and Events - UIE everydayUX — Ergonomie web, IHM & UX L’ergonomie du web Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design AJAX Components - [next] AJAX Components David Johnson, Alexei White, and Andre Charland Digg This Add to This chapter is excerpted from Enterprise AJAX: Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications, authored by David Johnson, Alexei White, and Andre Charland, published by Prentice Hall, © Copyright 2007 Prentice Hall. In this chapter, after examining several patterns, we look at how they apply to actually building a user interface. We can build an application using conventional classes, some aspect-oriented programming, the DOM, and DOM Events. By the end of this chapter, we will have converted our customer listing AJAX application into a full-fledged declarative AJAX component. Imperative Components Now that you have a clear idea of how to get your JavaScript running when a web page loads, you can look at how to actually use JavaScript, the DOM, and CSS to make an AJAX component. Imperative coding is much like making a ham-and-cheese sandwich.

UI Trends Alertbox: Jakob Nielsen's Newsletter on Web Usability 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design April 24, 1994 | Article: 2 minutes to readJakob Nielsen's 10 general principles for interaction design. They are called "heuristics" because they are broad rules of thumb and not specific usability guidelines. When to Use Which User-Experience Research Methods October 12, 2014 | Article: 8 minutes to readModern day UX research methods answer a wide range of questions. To know when to use which method, each of 20 methods is mapped across 3 dimensions and over time within a typical product-development process. Usability 101: Introduction to Usability January 4, 2012 | Article: 4 minutes to readWhat is usability? How, when, and where to improve it?

gt; Bonnes pratiques de la conception de formulaires web (1/2) Les formulaires web sont à notre environnement ce que les portes d’entrées sont à nos habitations. On est obligé d’y passer pour entrer. Et regarder de loin est beaucoup plus ennuyeux. Les formulaires sont donc partout : pas un site n’en compte pas dans ses pages, pas un blog ne propose une inscription, ne serait-ce qu’à son flux RSS. Et pour autant, qui n’a jamais ressenti un grand moment de solitude en tentant de finaliser une inscription en ligne ? Le meilleur ou du moins le plus optimal des formulaires sera celui qui réunira les conditions suivantes : L’utilisateur va rapidement comprendre le but de l’action : Quoi faire ? Le premier conseil et peut être le plus simple, faire… simple ! Faites simple (1) : Exploitez les possibilités de l’Html Utilisez les <label> : les labels sont peut être l’une des fonctionnalités les plus fondamentales liée aux formulaires, aussi bien pour l’utilisateur que pour le développeur. Un clic sur le texte a coché la case On comprend donc vite son utilité.

10 UX Blogs You Should Be Reading This page you were trying to reach at this address doesn't seem to exist. This is usually the result of a bad or outdated link. We apologize for any inconvenience. What can I do now? If this is your first time visiting UX Booth, welcome! Browse our articles or ourUX resources using the categories below. Browse by Category
