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Minimum Viable Product: a guide

Minimum Viable Product: a guide
One of the most important lean startup techniques is called the minimum viable product. Its power is matched only by the amount of confusion that it causes, because it's actually quite hard to do. It certainly took me many years to make sense of it. I was delighted to be asked to give a brief talk about the MVP at the inaugural meetup of the lean startup circle here in San Francisco. Below you'll find the video of my remarks as well as the full slides embedded below. But I wanted to say a few words first. First, a definition: the minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. Some caveats right off the bat. Second, the definition's use of the words maximum and minimum means it is decidedly not formulaic. Without further ado, the video: Slides are below: Related:  EducationLean startup

Zoroastrianism | Definition, Beliefs, Founder, Nature and significance The ancient Greeks saw in Zoroastrianism the archetype of the dualistic view of the world and of human destiny. Zarathustra was supposed to have instructed Pythagoras in Babylon and to have inspired the Chaldean doctrines of astrology and magic. Though Zoroastrianism was never, even in the thinking of its founder, as insistently monotheistic as, for instance, Judaism or Islam, it does represent an original attempt at unifying under the worship of one supreme god a polytheistic religion comparable to those of the ancient Greeks, Latins, Indians, and other early peoples. History Pre-Zoroastrian Iranian religion The religion of Iran before the time of Zarathustra is not directly accessible, for there are no reliable sources more ancient than those composed by or attributed to the prophet himself. The reformation of Zarathustra It has not yet been possible to place Zarathustra’s hymns, the Gāthās, in their historical context. The Arsacid period The Sāsānian period Sources

Aprende a crear tu empresa con Lean Startup La premisa básica de lean startup de Eric Ries es la de que una startup no es una empresa sino una organización temporal cuyo objetivo es encontrar un modelo de negocio viable y escalable mediante una serie de experimentos que sirven para aprender, y todo esto rodeado de una gran incertidumbre. Esta metodología perfeccionada por Eric Ries durante años y recogida en su libro El método Lean Startup, nace de la nueva realidad y las nuevas necesidades de las nuevas empresas en los últimos años. No obstante su origen se viene forjando hace ya bastante años gracias a otras figuras como Steve Blank y su libro The Four Steps to the Epiphany en el que definía la metodología Customer Development, con ideas similares a las de Ries. El método Lean Startup es compatible tanto con el Lean Canvas como el Business Model Canvas, dos fantásticas herramientas para diseñar modelos de negocio. Primera clave de Lean Startup: Ciclo de desarrollo vs ciclo de aprendizaje (construir-medir-aprender)

A month is fifteen weekends Lean Startup Machine is the brainchild of Trevor Owens, Josh Horn, and Ben Fisher, a hackathon-style competition where teams come together on a Friday evening and build a brand new startup – by Sunday. It’s an impossibly short amount of time. To make it more difficult, unlike your standard issue hackathon, the judging on Sunday is not just about who can make a cool-looking prototype. Lean Startup Machine came to San Francisco a few weeks ago, after successful debut runs in New York and Chicago. When I first heard about Lean Startup Machine, I’ll admit I was skeptical. But the results were amazing. Think about that for a second. And that brings me to the fuzzy math that forms the title of this post: a month is fifteen weekends. It wasn’t just that the winning teams were so productive. Talking to attendees afterwards, I got the sense that these laggards learned the most from the weekend. I don’t mean to pick on this team. I don’t know how many real companies will come out of a weekend.

As CEO, there is never enough time to gather all... - As CEO, there is never enough time to gather all information needed to make a decision. The CEO must make hundreds of decisions big and small in the course of a typical week. The CEO cannot simply stop all other activities to gather comprehensive data and do exhaustive analysis make that single decision. Knowing this, the CEO must be continuously and systematically gathering knowledge in their day-to-day activities so that they will have as much information as possible when the decision point presents itself. IDS Prosthetics Orthotics Ireland IDS, as part of the Otto Bock group, has specialist knowledge and resources for the most advanced transfemoral limb in the world: the Otto Bock C-Leg Enjoy life to the full – casually walking down aisles at the store, cycling with friends in the park, or maybe going hiking in the mountains. With the C-Leg, everyday activity is possible again. The world's first microprocessor-controlled knee joint is controlled in real time throughout the entire gait cycle. This means the highest level of dynamic response with unsurpassed safety. Over 35,000 C-Leg wearers all over the world are benefiting from the many advantages of proven C-Leg Technology. The new C-Leg is easy to recognise. Walking down stairs, in the dark, in a crowd while shopping, during a leisurely Sunday stroll, or in a rush on the way to work in the morning - the C-Leg system automatically adapts to any situation while you walk. Greater daily mobility and independence – those were the development goals for the new C-Leg.

Military Style Civilian Boot Camp Training NORTHERN FIREARMS TRAININGCivilian Military Style Training (scroll down to view all information and see camp photos) WE ADDED NEW SPOTS. 2018 Camp registrations are now closed!We do 1 camp a month starting in May till November (7 camps)Pick your Camp date and register today. Class Dates Below Boot Camp Basic Training Have you ever wondered what it would be like to attend a Military Boot Camp? The Tactical Team we have assembled at Northern Firearms Training, with all their combined Experience, Training & Leadership Skills over all facets of advanced military and Law Enforcement instruction and training, ensure the proper Knowledge, Skills and Attitude necessary to make your training experience as real and life like as permitted in the allotted time. Our Advanced series of Tactical Classes are not basic firearms courses but are designed for the experienced shooter in good health. BOOT CAMPBOOT CAMP is open to citizens of all nations. ***Hell Night is part of the Course and begins on Sunday.

Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything Launching a new enterprise—whether it’s a tech start-up, a small business, or an initiative within a large corporation—has always been a hit-or-miss proposition. According to the decades-old formula, you write a business plan, pitch it to investors, assemble a team, introduce a product, and start selling as hard as you can. And somewhere in this sequence of events, you’ll probably suffer a fatal setback. The odds are not with you: As new research by Harvard Business School’s Shikhar Ghosh shows, 75% of all start-ups fail. But recently an important countervailing force has emerged, one that can make the process of starting a company less risky. It’s a methodology called the “lean start-up,” and it favors experimentation over elaborate planning, customer feedback over intuition, and iterative design over traditional “big design up front” development. The lean start-up movement hasn’t gone totally mainstream, however, and we have yet to feel its full impact. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Validated learning about customers Would you rather have $30,000 or $1 million in revenues for your startup? Sounds like a no-brainer, but I’d like to try and convince you that it’s not. All things being equal, of course, you’d rather have more revenue rather than less. But all things are never equal. This may sound crazy, coming as it does from an advocate of charging customers for your product from day one. Let’s start with a simple question: why do early-stage startups want revenue? Consider this company (as always, a fictionalized composite): they have a million dollars of revenue, and are showing growth quarter after quarter. In my consulting practice, I sometimes have the opportunity to work with companies like this. The problem stems from selling each customer a custom one-time product. This approach is fundamentally non-scalable. And what of the product development team? Let me describe a different company, one with only $30,000 in revenue (again, pure fiction). A hockey stick shaped growth curve.

WTF is Traction? A 6-Step Relationship Guide to VC This is part of my ongoing series on Raising VC. You’ve pitched several angels and VC’s. Everybody seems to like you but nobody seems to be getting out their checkbooks. Your friends and advisers tell you that this means you need revenue because in this economy VC’s will only fund businesses with revenue. The “more traction” feedback is a very typical scenario is a down market economy like the one we’re in. So if it’s not necessarily revenue that’s preventing an investment, then WTF is traction? Now there are some firms that have strict rules about not funding pre-revenue companies – that’s different. Traction really is about building a relationship with a VC over time and showing them that you can move the ball forward. Fund raising is an ongoing process and not an event on a workplan. 6 Steps to Building a Relationship with VC’s and Solving the Traction Problem: 1. If you wait until you’re “ready” to fund you’re too late. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We all build relationships over time.

Draw Length & Draw Weight Draw Length Draw Length is the distance from the nock point to the throat of the grip plus 1 3/4". Typically, this length will also be about the same length of arrow needed by the compound archer. To measure your draw length, stand with your back to a wall stretching your arms out against the wall. Measure the distance from the end of your middle finger to the end of your other middle finger, basically the length of both arms, hands and chest. This measurement, minus 15 then divided by 2, is your draw length. Resist the temptation to make your draw length longer than it should be, as this will affect your accuracy. Your wingspan typically is the same as your height in inches. Will a string loop change my draw length? Draw Weight Draw Weight is the peak amount of weight an archer will pull while drawing the bow. Compound bows are adjustable over a 10 to 15 # range. Use this chart to see typical draw weights: Resist the temptation to pull too much draw weight.

Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator – The cult classic that predicted the rise of fake news—revised and updated for the post-Trump, post-Gawker age. Hailed as “astonishing and disturbing” by the Financial Times and “essential reading” by TechCrunch at its original publication, former American Apparel marketing director Ryan Holiday’s first book sounded a prescient alarm about the dangers of fake news. It’s all the more relevant today. Trust Me, I’m Lying was the first book to blow the lid off the speed and force at which rumors travel online—and get “traded up” the media ecosystem until they become real headlines and generate real responses in the real world. Whenever you see a malicious online rumor costs a company millions, politically motivated fake news driving elections, a product or celebrity zooming from total obscurity to viral sensation, or anonymously sourced articles becoming national conversation, someone is behind it. Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | 800-CEO-READ

La metodología Lean StartUp - Innokabi Hasta ahora, el 90% de los proyectos empresariales fracasaban y del 10% que sobrevivían, al menos el 66% lanzaban al mercado un producto o servicio que nada tenía que ver con el original. En la manera tradicional, los proyectos se concebían en la oficina, se hacía un plan de negocios, se pedía financiación y se lanzaba el producto al mercado. La metodología Lean StartUp rediseña el proceso haciéndolo mucho más eficiente, y reduciendo el riesgo asociado al lanzamiento de cualquier proyecto innovador. ¿Te imaginas ese porcentaje de fracaso con la manera tradicional de emprender, en cualquier otra faceta de la vida? Imagina que el 90% de los estudiantes fracasan, el 90% de los envíos postales no llegan a su destino, el 90% de los ordenadores se estropean a los 3 años… con esos porcentajes de fracaso el mundo sería un caos… La metodología Lean StartUp es un concepto acuñado por Eric Ries, aunque proviene de Japón de las teorías de Lean Manufacturing de Toyota. Yo lo tengo claro,… ¿y tú?

The Toyota Way The Toyota Way is a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the Toyota Motor Corporation's managerial approach and production system. Toyota first summed up its philosophy, values and manufacturing ideals in 2001, calling it "The Toyota Way 2001". It consists of principles in two key areas: continuous improvement, and respect for people.[1][2][3] Overview of the principles[edit] The two focal points of the principles are continuous improvement and respect for people. Research findings[edit] In 2004, Dr. According to Liker, the 14 principles of The Toyota Way are organized in four sections: (1) long-term philosophy, (2) the right process will produce the right results, (3) add value to the organization by developing your people, and (4) continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning. Long-term philosophy[edit] The first principle involves managing with a long-view rather than for short-term gain. Right process will produce right results[edit] Results[edit]
