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5 Things That Really Smart People Do

5 Things That Really Smart People Do
Most people don't really think much about how they learn. Generally you assume learning comes naturally. You listen to someone speak either in conversation or in a lecture and you simply absorb what they are saying, right? But the need for learning never ends, so your desire to do so should always outweigh your desire to be right. 1. You know the one I am talking about. 2. If you can't quiet the inner voice, then at least use it to your advantage. 3. Some people are naturally curious and others are not. 4. No concept or theory comes out of thin air. 5. Often people shut out learning due to the person delivering the material.

Why We're More Creative When We’re Tired, And 9 Other Surprising Things About How Brains Work Editor's Note: This is one of the most-read leadership articles of 2013. Click here to see the full list. One of the things that surprises me time and time again is how we think our brains work and how they actually do. On many occasions, I find myself convinced that there is a certain way to do things, only to find out that actually that’s the completely wrong way to think about it. For example, I always found it fairly understandable that we can multitask. Recently, I came across more of these fascinating experiments and ideas that helped a ton to adjust my workflow towards how our brain actually works (instead of how I thought it does). So here are 10 of the most surprising things our brain does and what we can learn from this information. 1. When I explored the science of our body clocks and how they affect our daily routines, I was interested to find that a lot of the way I’d planned my days wasn’t really the best way to go about it. Here’s how it breaks down: 2. 3. 4. Improved memory

The 10 Harsh Truths You Need To Realize To Become Successful Money • William Kent The road to success is never an easy one. There are obstacles you must pass, lessons you must learn and times you must fail on the way to achieving your goals. If you aren’t ready to handle this, then clearly you are not cut out to live this life. Remember, this is survival of the fittest. Aspire, believe and succeed. Tom Cooper | Elite. 10. You can make mistakes, but never look back at them.

7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Productivity We're always complaining about how little time we have and how overwhelmed we are. We whine about all the interruptions and communication overload. We spend all sorts of time reading books and searching for ways to improve our time management and personal productivity. It's ironic, I know. Well, get this. Most of your productivity drain is your own doing. You know what you need to do: Work. Here are seven ideas to help you get started: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Here's the thing. The long term benefits that come from working, playing, thinking, feeling, exercising, eating right, and sleeping, now take a backseat to the instant gratification of distraction, addiction, self-importance, attention seeking, and minutiae. To fit all that in, our lives have become overloaded and overwhelming.

DarkCopy - Simple, full screen text editing Une bible pour Apprendre le cinema et Comment faire un film de A à Z Cet article est fait pour tous ceux qui veulent commencer ou s’améliorer sur l ‘écriture d’un film ou sa réalisation et tout savoir sur comment faire un film. Premièrement, je tiens à vous féliciter car l’aventure dans laquelle vous vous apprêtez à vous lancer est une des plus belles qui soit. Vous allez douter, être excité, bref passer d’une émotion à une autre au fil de votre progression, de votre imagination. Vous le savez déjà, ou du moins vous vous en doutez : l’écriture ou la réalisation n’a pas pour but de rester dans un placard. Votre scénario a pour but d’être lu et votre film d’être vu. Une fois que vous avez intégré cela, vous vous apprêtez à prendre une décision importante pour votre vie : faire un film, un scénario. Avant de commencer, je voudrais juste me présenter. Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, personne ne m’attendait. Une décennie est passée, et aujourd’hui l’accès aux cameras est beaucoup plus simple. Aujourd’hui, je travaille pour la télévision et le cinéma. A bientôt,

Best Lifehacks for Designers, Developers & Photographers Keep you cables in place Are you always losing your computer cables behind your desk when you unplug them? With this inventive and (really) cheap solution you will never have this problem again. Use these clips to secure your cables in place and never lose them again. Built your own macro photo studio for $10 Create your own photo studio in a box for no more than $10! Get your USB stick back A useful tip for people who regularly take their USB stick with them. DIY tripod alternative Don’t have to money to invest in a tripod for your camera? Better color balance This lifehack will make color balancing your photos much easier. Learn how to take a nap This article explains the art of napping. Boost your productivity A lot of people are easily distracted during work and find it hard to concentrate on their tasks. Remove distractions Are you hooked on Facebook? Aim your camera more accurately A quick tip by Epell for capturing difficult shots: Improve you home office productivity Use keyboard shortcuts

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