55 jQuery Animate Resources | Have Fun With jQuery Animate Back in the day most people would use Flash on their website in order to enhance their website with stunning animation. Now, jQuery is a power house programming language that webmasters have at their disposal. Now slowly but steadily jQuery has stolen all the limelight from Flash and has fascinated the developers with its unmatchable features. jQuery is known as write less do more script. jQuery Animate in such a wonderful tool that you don’t even have to consider using flash anymore. We have collected a ton of really great jQuery Animate Tutorials which will open new doors of possibilities for you. We are presenting a whopping list of tutorials and plugins which will show you how you can create wonderful animations using jQuery. Advertisement Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery Author is going to build a really cool animated navigation menu using just CSS and jQuery. More Information on Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery Bubble Engine – Plugin for jQuery
Circle Hover Effects with CSS Transitions From our sponsor: Get started on your Squarespace website with a free trial In today’s tutorial we’ll experiment with hover effects on circles. Since we have the border radius property, we can create circular shapes and they have been appearing more often as design elements in websites. One use that I especially enjoy seeing is the circular thumbnail which just looks so much more interesting than the usual rectangular. And because the circle is such a special shape, we are going to create some special hover effects for it! Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. We will omit vendor prefixes in this tutorial. So, let’s get started! The HTML For most of the examples, we’ll be using the following structure: Although we could use images here, we’ll give ourselves a bit more freedom by using background images instead. Now, let’s make some hover effects! The CSS Example 1 And now, the interesting hover action!
Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery In this tutorial we are going to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. The main idea is to have a menu of albums where each item will reveal a horizontal bar with […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we are going to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. When a thumbnail is clicked it will be loaded as a full image preview in the background of the page. The beautiful photos are from Mark Sebastian’s photostream on Flickr. So, let’s get started! The Markup Our HTML is mainly going to consist of a wrapper and the menu list. Inside of our wrapper we will add the following: The first element is our full preview image. We then add an unordered list where each li element is going to contain a span for its title and the thumbnails wrapper. The CSS
15 Handpicked Fresh and Useful jQuery Tutorials jQuery has really simplified the work flow for web designers. Even someone with basic javascript understanding can use it. These tutorials are proof of that. 1. Demo This tutorials shows how to create a slide out menu that stays on the left of the webpage. 2. Demo We have seen some sliding background with jQuery before. 3. jQuery AJAX Tabs Demo A neat, simple, fast jQuery tabs tutorial. 4. Demo This menu tutorial is in two parts and really an awesome menu tutorial. 5. Demo An easy to understand jQuery Pagination tutorial. 6. DemoIf you are thinking why would anyone one want to do this, here is an example: if you are running a music website, need people to vote for albums or lets say a wallpaper website, you can use the technique for this tutorial. 7. Demo Make getting back to top of the page fun and cool with this tutorial. 8. Demo A nice jQuery method that use slideDown and slideUp to show and hide content. 9. Demo This tutorial is about usability. 10. Demo 11. 12. 13. Demo 14. 15. Demo
Awesome ★ - We Add Javascript jQuery Zoom A plugin to enlarge images on touch, click, or mouseover. Demo Hover Grab Released under the MIT License, source on Github (changelog) Download Compatible with: jQuery 1.7+ in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 7+. Install via NPM npm install jquery-zoom Instructions Zoom appends html inside the element it is assigned to, so that element has to be able to accept html, like <a>, <span>, <li>, <div>, etc. To use zoom with img elements, they will need to be wrapped with another element. Removing Zoom Trigger the zoom.destroy event to remove zoom from an element: $('#example').zoom(); $('#example').trigger('zoom.destroy'); Settings Hey,
Gamma Gallery: A Responsive Image Gallery Experiment Gamma Gallery is an experimental responsive image gallery that attempts to provide an adjustable responsive images approach taking its grid layout and the full slideshow view into account. View demo Download source Creating a truly responsive image gallery can be a very tricky and difficult thing. Gamma Gallery uses David David DeSandro’s Masonry in a fluid mode where column numbers are defined depending on the grid container sizes. Inspired by Picturefill from Scott Jehl, the responsive images approach that mimics the picture element, we’ve come up with the following HTML structure for defining different image sizes: Depending in which viewing mode we are, thumbnail grid view or full image view, the choice of the fitting image will depend on either the list item’s size or the whole viewport size. Because we have a “fluid” image approach where we define the max-width of the image to be 100%, we will fit the image in its container if the image is bigger than the container.
Afficher les articles en colonne avec WordPress | Le blog | nukleo.fr Traditionnellement la liste des articles d’un blog sont affichés les uns à la suite des autres, de haut en bas (comme sur ce blog). Pour diverses raisons (design, optimisation de l’espace, utilisation spécifique de WordPress etc…) on pourrait souhaiter les afficher en colonne. Voici une méthode simple pour y arriver. Voici ce que l’on veut obtenir : afficher sur la page d’accueil la liste des articles (ou les extraits) dans 2 colonnes, avec les plus récents en haut. Le problème On pourrait tout simplement utiliser la propriété float de CSS pour arriver à nos fins et ça fonctionnerai parfaitement dans le cas de figure où tous les blocs contenant les articles ont la même hauteur (comme dans l’image précédente). Mais il est très probable que ça ne soit pas le cas : la hauteur de chaque bloc va varier en fonction de son contenu (l’extrait ou l’article). Ce n’est pas un bug mais seulement la manière dont fonctionnent les éléments « floatants ». La solution Les règles CSS qui vont avec :
60 Useful JQuery Tutorials From 2010 60 Useful JQuery Tutorials From 2010 Posted by Prakash on December 7th in Tutorials. Web developer created some great jQuery tutorials and today we just want list some of the 2010 tutorials which really stand out from the tradition javascript effect tutorials. In today’s post we have compiled 60 the best and useful jQuery tutorials from 2010. Enjoy! Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery Beautiful Background Image Navigation with jQuery Coding a Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery How to Create a jQuery Confirm Dialog Replacement Making an Apple-style Splash Screen Do you want to clear the 3101.1 exams successfully in the first attempt? Elements with jQuery and CSS3 Making an Interactive Picture with jQuery Creating a Stylish Coming Soon Page with jQuery Create Custom PopUp (Modal Window) with jQuery Content Slider Using CSS and Jquery Tabbed Content with Navigation using jQuery UI Crafting an Animated Postcard With jQuery Lights Out – Dimming/Covering Background Content with jQuery Prakash
SlideDeck | Free Slideshow Software Download, Slide Show jQuery Zoomooz.js Zoomooz is: 6KB gzipped and 18KB minified. This includes everything but jQuery. Make any web page zoom. Latest version: 1.1.9 (Nov 11, 2013, hacky fix for the back and forward buttons #66) Zoomooz is a jQuery plugin for making web page elements zoom. Quirky transformations You can zoom to elements that have been translated, scaled and skewed, and they will morph correctly. Try by clicking on these: Skew Scale Rotate There is some interesting stuff happening in the background to make the morphings work. Adding Zoomooz to your web page Just add this to your web page head and you should be up and running with Zoomooz: The easy way to zoom Simply add "zoomTarget" to the element you want to zoom to when clicked on: <div class="zoomTarget">This element zooms when clicked on. You can also add some additional attributes for tuning the animation as data fields of the element: <div class="zoomTarget" data-targetsize="0.45" data-duration="600">This element zooms when clicked on. Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4