應用擴增實境(Augmented Reality)的五款教育類 Apps 也許 Word Lens iPhone應用程式的發表是個能令許多人驚呼的事情之一,並進而瞭解到擴增實境(AR)在教育方面的潛力。這個應用程式使用光學字元辨識 (optical character recognition,OCR) 技術來翻譯文字。利用你的手機相機對著有英文字的圖片或其他東西照一下,這款應用程式會將其翻譯成西班牙文(或是相反)。當然,不管是OCR還是翻譯技術都不是那麼完美,這款應用程式可能不能成為您可以完全依賴的翻譯工具。目前有英文-法文、英文-西班牙文翻譯。 ZooBurst ZooBurst 是一個數位說故事工具,讓您可以構建自己的3D立體圖畫書。 Google Sky Map 簡單的應用程式,只可在Android手機上使用(一個你可以放在Android win column上的應用程式),Google Sky Map 可以幫忙您識別天體。 LookBackMaps(免費) LookBackMaps 連結歷史照片到它的地理位置,所以你可以在某特定地點拉出一個地圖,並觀賞那地點的歷史照片。 Layar Fringe (TV series) Early critical reception of the first season was lukewarm but became more favorable in subsequent seasons, when the series began to explore its mythology, including parallel universes and alternate timelines. The show, as well as the cast and crew, has been nominated for many major awards. Despite its move to the "Friday night death slot" and low ratings, the series has received a cult following. It has also spawned two six-part comic book series, an alternate reality game, and three novels. The producers were strongly interested in "world building", and the parallel universe allowed them to create a very similar world with a large amount of detail to fill in the texture of the world. Marketing posters used to promote the series featured one of the glyphs used in the show's interstitial, each being a twist on a common image.
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Scarface If you like Little Dragons, the game on android - share us with your friends on facebook, youtube, yahoo, gmail, hotmail, twitter, instagram or skype. Monsters, zombies and pets are for chumps! Raise a dragon today! A brief story and dragon history full of adventures:Many centuries ago, in the lands of the north dominated by vikings, legends were more than just tales of heroism and valor - they were real. The area once known as the Horde's Nest which lay behind the Vale of Negowrath, streaming with many kinds of dragons and only the bravest of vikings dared to venture close to this great empire. Many battles were fought between the vikings and dragons - and much blood was spilled. How was something like this possible you might ask? Notes:A fun theme for all ages. Have a great day and we'll see you in the movies!
博物館出 App 解謎佔領畫廊 博物館和畫廊一直在找尋新方法以增加訪客量,及讓他們能更有深度地體驗展品,而非走馬看花。最近, National Museums Scotland 便開發了遊戲 Capture The Museum ,以智能手機科技和博物館現場結合,把「逛博物館」帶到另一個層次。 遊戲簡介短片 在博物館中跑跑跳跳的確匪夷所思,但正正因此, National Museums 才希望這能吸引到新的觀眾層。 「在博物館的體驗之上,這個新部分真的很刺激,亦扭轉了空間的運用。 訪客需要在智能手機上下載他們的 App 「 Capture The Museum 」,然後在紅組或藍組之間二選其一登記。 App 裡面簡單介紹了遊戲故事背景,紅組代表支持國王,藍組為皇后。 App 裡面亦有遊戲教學。 決定好隊伍後,兩邊人馬就要制訂策略,然後散到博物館不同角落執行任務。 三十分鐘後,擁有最多領土的一方將會勝出。 遊戲由布里斯托的遊戲工作室 Thought Den 創造,他們亦找來創作街頭遊戲經驗豐富的 Splash & Ripple 幫忙。 Thought Den 創意總監 Ben Templeton 說:「我們希望玩家能和空間交流,而不只是垂頭盯著電話屏幕。」 網址: www.capturethemuseum.com 關於 Thought Den Thought Den 於2008年在布里斯托成立,他們的團隊以遊戲鼓勵人們以新方式學習及發掘身邊的事物。 關於 Splash & Ripple Splash & Ripple 結合街頭遊戲、戲劇和巧妙的數碼媒體創建現場製作,以全新的方式講故事。 關於 National Museums Scotland National Museums Scotland 為英國及歐洲其中一個最大的博物館,館藏包括複製羊多利。
J.J. Abrams J.J. Abrams, ook wel aangeduid als Jeffrey Abrams, volledige naam Jeffrey Jacob Abrams (New York City, 27 juni 1966) is een Joods-Amerikaans film- en televisieproducent, filmschrijver, pianist, filmcomponist en filmregisseur alsmede acteur. Abrams groeide op in Los Angeles. Hij volgde les op het Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York. Televisie[bewerken] Films[bewerken] Overig verschijnen[bewerken] Zie ook[bewerken] Lijst van personen uit New York City Externe link[bewerken] (en) J.
Élite d’echapper - Escape Arriba, muchacho! Join Gonzaléz as he takes Maria -- his beloved six-barrel revolver -- for a ride through the haunted deserts of Mexico. Stock up on some ammo and guide this macho hero in a quest to give monsters some of that not-so-sweet taste of gunpowder. Be aware! WHAT MACHO PEOPLE ARE SAYING"Gonzaléz is the hero we’ve been longing for!" VIGOROUS HIGHLIGHTS• Audacious enemies: Sugar Skull Skeletons, Calaveras Catrinas, Zombie Mariachi, Zombie Dancer, Werepiñatas and Star Piñatas• Stylish (yet incredibly masculine) hats with special powers: El Sombrero, El Vaquero, El Luchador, El Azteca and El Taco! Please note! ---- More Games by Tapps Games ---- + Arcade Games - Honey Battle, Balloon Party, Hamster Roll, Bubble Dragon, High School Fighter+ Action Games - Jailbreak!
Shadow Blade Nominee- New York Videogame Critics Circle for Best Mobile Game One of the Best Games of 2012: Action- TouchArcade Pocket Tactics' 2012 Action Game of the Year! 5/5 TouchArcade!" 8/10 Edge Magazine!" A love-song to pulp fantasy tales of yore, 70s synth-prog-landscape oddities, and forgotten places, God of Blades is a gorgeous, visceral sidescrolling physics-based sword-fighting adventure. See the trailer at for God of Blades: “Cripes. “...we were reminded of Shadow of the Beast for some reason – probably because of the music and the setting... that’s a very good thing.”- Chris Priestman, IndieGameMag “The White Whale Games crew has gone above and beyond demonstrating their devotion to stories and literature, and [Loreseeker] is one of the most creative and brilliant ways they could have possibly conceived to get people to go to those incredible repositories of human knowledge known as libraries.” - Brad Hilderbrand, Gamezebo
提升品质!丰富APP动态效果的六点原则 这篇文章是百度云UE负责人@elya妞撰写的,从动效的6个方面详析怎样借移动应用强力提升APP品质!篇幅虽短,但是总结精炼,很值得一读。 @elya妞 :如果想让你的移动应用更活泼更灵动,丰富的动效是不可少的,丰富的动效可以让你的应用更具活力,充满生机;丰富的动效可以让你的应用彰显效率,提升品质感;丰富的动效可以让你的应用充满魅力,引人探索;丰富的动效可以让你的应用减少焦虑,消除等待感;丰富的动效可以让你的应用充满韵味,有节奏感;丰富的动效可以让你的应用有出奇的信息组织,整洁高效。 动次打次再来一篇动感干货: 《掌握动效设计! 这里主要介绍六种简单通用的方式 ———— 转场、邀请、过渡、反馈、缩放、吸附。 原则一:转场 由于手机屏幕空间有限,更多的内容会被隐藏在屏幕后边,或者屏幕的左边、右边、下边,转场动效能帮助应用营造一种空间方位感。 原则二:邀请 直接提供邀请,告知用户可以做的事,效果最直观,引导性最好。 原则三:过渡 当应用正在加载数据的时候,一定要给予过渡,让用户知道应用正在努力工作,系统级的过渡分为两种——进度条和菊花转,进度条是用在可预知完成进度和剩余时间的情况下;菊花转是用在无法预知剩余时间的情况下。 不是所有情况下,都要清晰的告知用户当然任务的加载进度的,比如iPhone自带的短信应用,发送短信的时候有一个进度条,本意是好的,让用户知道短信发送的进度。 原则四:反馈 当任务成功或失败之后,需要有办法告知用户。 如果是成功类的提醒,往往只是告知状态就可以了,用户无需执行操作,反馈就可以自己消失。 原则五:缩放 在一寸土一寸金的手机界面上耕耘,恨不得盖个复式小洋楼,一行当两行用。 比如Bluga这个输入框,当你不需要输入的时候,它看起来就是一个输入的入口,但是当你点击的时候,输入的辅助信息都出来了,更大的文字撰写框、位置、图片、发送按钮,你可以打开盒子,编辑一条丰富的消息。 原则六:吸附 吸附是网格系统中一个很具有美学色彩的设计,当你拖拽着一个应用切换位置的时候,这个应用会被自动吸附到对齐网格的位置,保证界面整洁利索(不像Nokia的某些手机,Widget可以满屏幕拖拽,跟我凌乱的桌面一样);当你拖拽一个应用到另外一个应用上的时候,就可以变成一个文件夹,这里也是通过文件夹的样式和吸附的效果,让用户明白建立文件夹的交互的。 从今天开始,努力提升你的应用的品质,让它动起来吧!
investigation:characters [Niantic Project Wiki] To prevent vandalism, unregistered users cannot edit this wiki. If you would like to contribute, please create an account. The investigation has uncovered a number of individuals involved in the Niantic Project, some by choice, and others by circumstance. These are the ones that have been found so far They are split here in accordance to some sort of connection. For a list of Organizations, please refer to the Organizations page. Quick Alignment Reference Guide and Project Diagrams . Civilian Characters Andy Nominus Relevance: Screenwriter for the movie project on the Niantic Calamity. Antonin Hollis M.D. Relevance: Studied people who had been exposed to a mind virus. Amaziah Lachish Relevance: Informant for PAC Current Status: Unknown Last Seen: Never. Azmati Relevance: Linked to Hank Johnson Current Status: Unknown Last Seen: Never. Ben Jackland Edgar Allan Wright Relevance: Offers thoughts on various topics. Felicia Hajra-Lee H. Relevance: Helped in tuning ADA.He is PAC . Joanna Brandt P.
Let's Escape Escape Games Dark Cave EscapeYou are on an adventure trip to a cave which is an old gold mine but due to sudden earthquake there has been landslide in parts of the cave and you are trapped. There is only one way to get in and out of the cave. Use the elements around to cave, that will help you solve the puzzles. Find all the objects; use your skills and ability in combining them to break out of the cave in order to escape. Pick up items and use them from your inventory to help you find your way out. There are different activities and brain games to solve. Escape-Spiel Dark Cave Escape-Sie sind auf eine Abenteuerreise zu einer Höhle, die eine alte Goldmine ist aber aufgrund einer plötzlichen Erdbeben hat es in Teilen der Höhle gewesen, Erdrutsch und Sie sind gefangen. ゲームダーク洞窟エスケープをエスケープする 古い金鉱山である洞窟への冒険旅行にですが、突然地震があり、洞窟の一部では地すべりされており、あなたが閉じ込められている。
Marvel Puzzle Quest Dark Reign The Slide Bambini Puzzle è un puzzle semplice e divertente, ideale per i vostri bambini, perché il loro cervello si alleneranno, immaginazione e creatività divertendosi. Si tratta di un gioco educativo per i bambini, perché è stato dimostrato che la soluzione di enigmi aiuta nello sviluppo delle competenze e delle capacità dei bambini, come motricità, la creatività, le abilità spaziali, il linguaggio e l'autostima. Inoltre, i bambini si alleneranno alla risoluzione dei problemi, e avranno una foto divertente come ricompensa, stimolando la fantasia e la fiducia in se stessi. Ci sono 4 mondi ognuno con 8 immagini belle del fumetto, che i ragazzi e le ragazze ameranno:- Animali (maiali, orsi, pinguini ...)- Scene di vita quotidiana (bagno-tempo, il cibo, i giochi, Natale ...)- Paesaggi (foresta, cielo, spazio ...)- Fantasy caratteri (maghi, pirati, fantasmi divertente ...)- E così via fino a 32 immagini cartoni animati eccellenti con cui i vostri bambini saranno lieti.
honcheng/PaperFold-for-iOS Tycho Sees Coming soon While i was working on my new Ingress comic, I decided to go back and explore previous visions. It led me to revise my last two comics, discovering details that previously I had not sensed…. My name is Tycho. If you read comics, you’ve probably seen my work a hundred times. I’ve never done any work of my own. I don’t know what they are, but since I’ve been having them, mysterious people have been watching me. Who are Niantic? I don’t know who they are. Can you help? If any of this means anything to you, please help me. I will be at Comic-Con, because I think I can learn the truth there. Buck Rogers Panel, Friday 6-7pm, Room 4. I know some of the people on that panel, I know they will have some insight.