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EteRNA - Played by Humans. Scored by Nature.

EteRNA - Played by Humans. Scored by Nature.

Eugenics Archive . Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's The Eugenics Archive utilizes Flash for enhanced search features, cross referencing, and interactive images created with Zoomifyer. Get the Flash plugin at The Eugenics Archive will open in a new window. I prefer the original, HTML-only Eugenics Archive site, take me there. Eugenics Archive Blog Sterilization Laws Based on a task force recommendation, the North Carolina legislature is considering paying $50,000 to living individuals sterilized by the state against their will or without their knowledge. Examine the Chronicle of how society dealt with mental illness and other "dysgenic" traits in the final section of our website DNA Interactive. Ero.Coli | Game Overview | by DSynBio

Galaxy Zoo: Hubble Web Lab Directory Qui sommes nous ? Ludovia Magazine (ou Ludomag) est un media online concernant le numérique éducatif, l’usage des technologies digitales dans la formation et l’éducation aussi bien dans les établissements d’enseignement du premier degré, du second degré que du supérieur ou l’enseignement universitaire et spécialisé. Ludovia Magazine existe sous la forme numérique depuis 2007, aussi bien sous l’url que Le magazine était auparavant distribué sur abonnement sous la forme papier à plus de 5000 exemplaires (2005-2007) Quelle est notre ligne éditoriale? Les choix que nous faisons quotidiennement dans le traitement de l’information sont bien évidemment des choix subjectifs qui reposent sur des individus, leur professionnalisme, leur rigueur, leur honnêteté intellectuelle. L’ensemble des articles, photos, vidéos reportages, bandes sonores, émissions, diffusés sont soumis au droit français sur la propriété intellectuelle. Régie publicitaire:

Solve Puzzles for Science | Foldit Genetics Genetics includes the study of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring. The topics of genetics vary and are constantly changing as we learn more about the genome and how we are influenced by our genes. Inheritance Mendel & Inheritance – powerpoint presentation covering basics of genetics Simple Genetics Practice – using mendelian genetics and punnett squares Genetic Crosses with two traits – basic crosses, uses Punnet squaresGenetic Crosses with two traits II – basic crossses, uses Punnett squaresDihybrid Crosses in Guinea Pigs (pdf) – step through on how to do a 4×4 punnett square Codominance & Incomplete Dominance – basic crosses involving codominance X-Linked Traits – practice crosses that involve sex-linkage, mainly in fruitflies The Genetics of Blood Disorders – a worksheet with genetics problems that relate to specific disorders: sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, and Von Willebrand disease. Human Genetics Presentation Chromosomes Modeling Chromosomal Inheritance

Jeux sérieux gratuits 2 > Produits À l'assaut : Selon le principe des livres dont vous êtes le héros, vous tenez le rôle d'un soldat dans les tranchées lors de la Première guerre mondiale. Vos choix influeront alors sur votre vie ou votre mort. Une reconstitution cathartique en dessins animés qui touchera les plus jeunes. suiteLe bélier d'Antaka : Par le biais de jeux questionnaires et d'animations, vous irez à la recherche d'un petit jouet créé il y a 22 siècles. De plus, vous en apprendrez davantage sur l'archéologie et les civilisations anciennes. suiteLe code perdu : Ce jeu d'enquête se situe dans 3 lieux historiques du Québec. Vous devrez fouiller ces lieux pour résoudre des énigmes et obtenir le fameux code perdu. Une façon rafraîchissante d'en apprendre sur la vie des colons du 18ème siècle. suiteJeux Historiques : Connaissez-vous vos rois de France ?

Welcome to The Race Card Project! - The Race Card Project Ten Websites for Science Teachers We all know that the web is full of excellent web resources for science teachers and students. However, unless you live on the web, finding the best websites can become quite a challenge. This isn't a "Top Ten" list -- instead, it is a list of websites that I either use on a regular basis or just find interesting. From teaching resources for the nature of science and authentic field journals to wacky videos about numbers, I am sure that you will find something in the following list the works for you! Please share your favorite science web resources in the comment section! 1) Understanding Science UC Berkeley's Understanding Science website is a "must use" for all science teachers. 2) Field Research Journals The Field Book Project from the National Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Institution Archives intends to create a "one stop" archive for field research journals and other documentation. 3) Evolution 4) PhET Simulations 5) Earth Exploration 6) EdHead Interactives video

Social Media for Administrators As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward. They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how. The articles are listed below: The Why The Need for Courageous Leadership – If new ideas are going to happen and we are going to encourage risks, we need to take risks as well. Here is an example of a principal trying something new and tapping into the best resource in his school; his students. What Digital Accelerates – Many of the fundamentals that were important 50 years ago are still important today. Humanizing Our Organizations Through Social Media – In this post, I share what many organizations are doing around the world and how it is important that in education, we get through our culture of fear and do what we can to connect with those that we serve. The How

It's Okay To Be Smart
