HTML Tutorial Instant Eyedropper: Identify HTML-color code from any pixel of the screen with single-click and auto paste it to the clipboard HTML Goodies - Home Page Alsacréations [Cours et tutoriels HTML, CSS et standards Web] color gradient generator At first, I was using the hexagonal color-cube in WORD to create gradients, but that didn't have the resolution nor flexibility that I wanted. This PHP app takes 3 input parameters: beginning color, ending color, and the number of steps requested and interpolates between them. Step 0 is always the beginning color, and step n is the ending color. theory of operation The beginning and ending colors are captured from the GET request to the server. After range checking of the colors and the number of steps requested, a loop is run and the RGB components are linearly interpolated according to the current step of the loop. The color values are provided on each row in both decimal and hexadecimal. Source code for the color gradient generator may be found here. usage Provide values for color begin, color end, and number of steps, and click on the 'generate color gradient' button. values are: (color begin: 0x99FFCC), (color end: 0x6633CC), (number of steps: 100)
Structure of an HTML 4 Document Elements and Tags Elements are the structures that describe parts of an HTML document. For example, the P element represents a paragraph while the EM element gives emphasized content. An element has three parts: a start tag, content, and an end tag. tag is special text--"markup"--that is delimited by "<" and ">". <EM>This is emphasized text</EM> Element names are always case-insensitive, so <em>, <eM>, and <EM> are all the same. Elements cannot overlap each other. Some elements allow the start or end tag to be omitted. <UL><LI>First list item; no end tag <LI>Second list item; optional end tag included</LI><LI>Third list item; no end tag </UL> Some elements have no end tag because they have no content. Attributes An element's attributes define various properties for the element. An attribute is included in the start tag only--never the end tag--and takes the form ="". Attribute names are case-insensitive, but attribute values may be case-sensitive. Special Characters Comments <! Validating your HTML
Choosing the macro security level that's right for you In this article, we'll discuss the importance of setting and maintaining appropriate macro security levels, and helping to ensure that your system doesn't fall victim to macros written with the intention of compromising your computer. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language that allows you to create powerful macros to make repetitive tasks easier. Unfortunately, many viruses are designed to exploit the power of VBA macros to inflict adverse actions against your system and data files. The best defense against this is to use macro security in conjunction with antivirus software to reduce the possible threats. You should already have a virus-checking program or two installed on your computer to act as the first line of defense against macro viruses (viruses written using a macro programming language). Macro security settings determine how permissive Excel should be about allowing macros to be run on your computer. When to use Low and Medium macro security Conclusion
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium [Cascading Style Sheets] What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents. These pages contain information on how to learn and use CSS and on available software. Software Nearly all browsers nowadays support CSS and many other applications do, too. Of course, all software has bugs, even after several updates. More » Learning CSS For beginners, Starting with HTML + CSS teaches how to create a style sheet. Another page also has some books, mailing lists and similar fora, and links to other directories. The history of CSS is described in chapter 20 of the book Cascading Style Sheets, designing for the Web, by Håkon Wium Lie and Bert Bos (2nd ed., 1999, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-59625-3) More »
My First Site | creating your first website, basic HTML for beginners Path // → MY FIRST SITE We’ll begin very easily here, because I’m assuming you are just starting out. No one likes to look back on My First Site, but hopefully your experience can be made slightly less traumatic with a push in the right direction. You did Start Here first, right? Note: Because of the way HTML is learnt, you should probably read these in order. My First Page Learn the basic structure of a HTML page, a tag, and how to save it as a webpage. Basic Formatting Now that you have the ability to write a page, you might want to jazz it up with some code. Basic Links By now you should have written a few simple pages. Basic Images Add some pretty pictures and your site will look much nicer. <body> Attributes Add some colour to your text, links, background and set an image as the background of your page. Basic Web Design This is a collection of tips that will start you off on the right path to being a good web designer. drop me a line.
5 obscure HTML tags that you should know and even use - instant fundas With the rising popularity of CSS for styling, many web developers and users alike have become alienated from the good old HTML tags. Only a handful of these tags are used in the markup of web pages today. Most of them have got limited representation and some of them are entirely forgotten. I decided to round up a couple of HTML tags that perhaps should be used a little more often than they actually are. 1. The <abbr> and <acronym> tag describes abbreviations and acronyms. Usage: <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> This is the result. 2. The <q> tag defines a short quotation. Most developers are used to the " entity whenever they need to insert quotations, and all blogging editor automatically converts all typed quotations (“) into this entity. Usage <q>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</q> Result: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The <q> tag is commonly associated with the <blockquote> tag. 3. Unfortunately, <wbr> tag works only with IE and Firefox.
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