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How to Live Without Irony

How to Live Without Irony

Humanos - Índia apela para guardas com apitos para erradicar defecação em público - 18/11 18/11/2012 - 23h04 As autoridades de um distrito da região indiana de Jaipur decidiram colocar guardas "armados" com apitos e tambores para perseguir todos que urinarem ou defecarem em público, informou nesta semana à agência Efe uma fonte oficial da região. A iniciativa será posta em prática a partir da semana que vem em 34 municípios do distrito de Jhunjhunu, com uma população de cerca de 300 mil habitantes, e tem o objetivo de refrear um hábito de cerca da metade da população do gigante asiático. "Todo mundo deveria construir um vaso sanitário em casa e, quando ele estiver com defeito, utilizar os banheiros públicos", argumentou o chefe administrativo do distrito de Jhunjhunu, Yogaram Yangid. Segundo Yangid, em cada município, quatro ou cinco voluntários se encarregarão de tocar música pelas cidades perto dos que fizerem suas necessidades em público, os identificando, para depois anunciar em público seus nomes. "Somos a capital mundial da defecação ao ar livre.

10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals Neil Jakson Great post but Writing Numbers. Except for a few basic rules, spelling out numbers vs. using figures (also called numerals) is largely a matter of writers’ preference. Again, consistency is the key. Policies and philosophies vary from medium to medium Sara I’ve always spelled out any number less than ten, since that is what I was definitely taught by my wonderful journalism teacher in high school. What I’m curious about today, is how to correctly write “3+” as in you need three or more years of experience.

The Essayification of Everything The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. Lately, you may have noticed the spate of articles and books that take interest in the essay as a flexible and very human literary form. These include “The Wayward Essay” and Phillip Lopate’s reflections on the relationship between essay and doubt, and books such as “How to Live,” Sarah Bakewell’s elegant portrait of Montaigne, the 16th-century patriarch of the genre, and an edited volume by Carl H. Klaus and Ned Stuckey-French called “Essayists on the Essay: Montaigne to Our Time.” The essayist samples more than a D.J.: a loop of the epic here, a little lyric replay there, all with a signature scratch on top. It seems that, even in the proliferation of new forms of writing and communication before us, the essay has become a talisman of our times. What do I mean with this lofty expression? Let’s start with form’s beginning. The possibilitarian is a virtuoso of the hypothetical.

Adeus, Philip! - cultura - versaoimpressa Enquanto Israel ameaçava invadir Gaza, a carnificina prosseguia na Síria e os EUA se aproximavam do "abismo fiscal", outro acontecimento chamou a atenção de todos - histórico, importantíssimo, verdadeiro divisor de águas: Philip Roth anunciou que vai parar de escrever. Desculpem o sarcasmo, mas a comoção provocada pelo melodrama que Roth resolveu protagonizar foi um absurdo sem tamanho. Em parte, porque um escritor que abandona a literatura em estágio tão tardio da carreira não constitui notícia nenhuma. Se Obama resolve ficar na cama até mais tarde, em vez de continuar a ser presidente dos EUA, isso merece ser noticiado. Apesar da irrelevância flagrante e do quê de megalomania, o anúncio de Roth deu o que falar. Um dos motivos pode ser a declaração que acompanhou o anúncio de que a carreira de Roth tinha chegado ao fim: ele não vai só parar de escrever, mas também não vai mais ler uma linha de ficção. Há um tom colérico no anúncio de Roth, e eu o admiro por isso.

44 Resume Writing Tips By Daniel Scocco Having a solid and effective resume can greatly improve your chances of landing that dream job. That is beyond discussion. How does one make sure that his resume is top notch and bullet proof, however? 1. Some people write a resume as if the purpose of the document was to land a job. 2. Instead of creating a long (and boring) list with all your qualities (e.g., disciplined, creative, problem solver) try to connect them with real life and work experiences. 3. Most companies (even smaller ones) are already using digital databases to search for candidates. These keywords will usually be nouns. 4. Like it or not, employers will usually make a judgment about your resume in 5 seconds. Bad title: AccountingGood title: Management of A/R and A/P and Recordkeeping 5. It would be difficult to emphasize the importance of proofreading your resume. 6. No employer will have the time (or patience) to read long paragraphs of text. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Falling Men: On Don DeLillo and Terror, Chris Cumming New York Police officers are seen under a news ticker in Times Square in New York, April 16, 2013. (REUTERS/Brendan McDermid) Some terrorist attacks become cultural obsessions, while others are forgotten completely. There were three bombings in New York City in 1975, none of which I’ve ever heard talked about, each of which would probably shut down the city if it happened now. In January, Puerto Rican separatists set off dynamite in Fraunces Tavern in downtown Manhattan, killing four businessmen—the same number of fatalities, incidentally, that led us to close the airspace over Boston last week. In April, four separate bombs went off in midtown Manhattan on one afternoon, damaging a diner and the offices of several finance firms. These were underground disturbances, moments of disorder that helped warp the culture, even if they weren’t absorbed or even remembered. DeLillo’s fictional treatments of terrorism and mass shootings are extensive. Texas again.

TEN SIMPLE KEYS TO PLOT STRUCTURE Structure is something that every agent and executive in Hollywood talks about, and that all of us teachers/authors/consultants/gurus/whatever go on and on about, to the point that it can seem complicated, intricate, mysterious and hard to master. So I want present plot structure in a way that simplifies it – that will at least give you a starting point for properly structuring your screenplay without overwhelming you with rules and details and jargon. Here are what I consider ten key elements of structure – ten ways of looking at structure that will immediately improve the emotional impact – and commercial potential – of your script. THE SINGLE RULE OF STRUCTURE I once got to work with long time television writer Doug Heyes, who used to say that there is only one rule for achieving proper plot structure: What’s happening now must be inherently more interesting than what just happened.

The Joke’s on You | Steve Almond Steve Almond [from The Baffler No. 20, 2012] Among the hacks who staff our factories of conventional wisdom, evidence abounds that we are living in a golden age of political comedy. The New York Times nominates Jon Stewart, beloved host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, as the “most trusted man in America.” His protégé, Stephen Colbert, enjoys the sort of slavish media coverage reserved for philanthropic rock stars. Bill Maher does double duty as HBO’s resident provocateur and a regular on the cable news circuit. But their sanctification is not evidence of a world gone mad so much as an audience gone to lard morally, ignorant of the comic impulse’s more radical virtues. Our lazy embrace of Stewart and Colbert is a testament to our own impoverished comic standards. Fans will find this assessment offensive. We have come to accept coy mockery as genuine subversion and snarky mimesis as originality. What’s notable about these episodes, though, is how uncharacteristic they are. You got that?

Screenplay Basics - Scripped A Scripped Compendium by Johnathan Carr Traditional storytelling recounts past events, whereas screenwriting is locked in the present - thus you may not deviate from PRESENT TENSE. You may also be tempted to describe every inch of the world you're creating - don't! Take comfort in the idea that a screenplay is not meant to have any literary value. As you're writing, be mindful to preserve only the most important details: information that will advance the story. At the beginning of a feature film script, often but not always, the first line will be: FADE IN. While you can write a longer ACTION paragraph, think about keeping it under five lines at a time. In the ACTION line, be sure to capitalize SOUND EFFECTS, CAMERA DIRECTION and the first appearance of a speaking CHARACTER. Use a PARENTHETICAL to note an action the speaker is performing while speaking or if you want to indicate whom the speaker is addressing such as addressing a new character in mid-DIALOGUE. Think subtext.

American Anthropological Association: English As She Is Spoke Written by Rosina Lippi Green In discussions about language, prescriptive types generally scorn academic linguists; they see us as language anarchists who reject the very idea of rules. In fact, any linguist will tell you that all human language is structured and rule governed. Prescriptivists can be purposefully obtuse and more than bellicose when arguing a position. Sociocultural linguists are actually interested in prescriptivism. Any challenge to the idea of one proper, unchanging, homogenous variety of English is understood as a challenge to all kinds of authority and the very fabric of society. 1. 2. 3. The implied promise is that if you are willing to be linguistically (and culturally) assimilated into their Borg-like view of the world, you will gain a protective shield; people will listen to you, take you seriously, and you will not be unfairly judged.

» Open Source Blogging: Feel Free to Steal My Content I consider that the golden rule requires that if I like a program I must share it with other people who like it. – Richard Stallman By Leo Babauta I get a lot of emails asking me for permission to reprint Zen Habits articles on other blogs, in newsletters, in conferences and in classrooms. I get requests to translate certain posts, or my entire blog, into dozens of languages. I get requests to translate Zen To Done or republish it in another format. Until now, I granted limited permission, mostly for non-commercial use. Now, I’m granting full permission to use any of my content on Zen Habits or in my ebook, Zen To Done, in any way you like. I release my copyright on this content. From now on, there is no need to email me for permission. Credit and payment While you are under no obligation to do so, I would appreciate it if you give me credit for any work of mine that you use, and ideally, link back to the original. This isn’t a new concept, of course, and I’m freely ripping ideas off here.
