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The Fibreculture Journal

The Fibreculture Journal

Les Cahiers du Numérique Journal — Daniel Fallman Mindlessly checking for an update the first thing you do when the user opens up the application is just bad, thoughtless design. You open an application because you want to do something with it, right now. There are so many more ways in which an update could be done in a nicer, more humane way that doesn't get in the way of the user's intent. A simple solution would be to gather the information and download the update in the background. If you look closely at the picture above, you'll see that VLC comes with a solution to this which isn't without finesse. Yet, there are two problems with this approach. So when it comes to software updates, I'm leaning more and more towards update-as-you-quit as the more humane approach, with minor, bug fix updates automatically installed in the background. "I'm so sorry for wasting your precious time and valuable screen real estate, Dear User, but before we part I would like to let you know that there is a new me for you.

tic&société Renan MOUREN et Thierry MARNEFFE International standardization of digital governance for sustainable mobility systems: issues and perspectives Normalización internacional de la gobernanza digital para sistemas de movilidad sostenible: cuestiones y perspectivas Julia JANKE Governance of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): What roles do public transport authorities play in the development of MaaS? Gobernanza de Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) : ? ¿Qué tipo de gobernanza favorecen las autoridades públicas en el desarollo del MaaS ? Information Design Journal - ResearchGate Journal description Information Design Journal is an international refereed journal which provides a forum for theoretical and practice-oriented discussions concerning the effective, efficient and attractive presentation of information. Topics include the design of infographics, public information signs, forms, product labeling, typography, instructions for use, user interfaces, websites, and instructional textbooks. Current impact factor: 0.00 Impact Factor Rankings Additional details Publisher details Publications in this journal Information Design Journal 01/2014; 20:161-170. Data provided are for informational purposes only.

Virtual Agora BOCC - Biblioteca On-line de Ciências da Comunicação A abordagem qualitativa: a leitura no campo de pesquisa [ PDF 35 KB ] - Denize Terezinha Teis, Mirtes Aparecida Teis, 2006 A Cartografia Escolar Crítica [ PDF 2280 KB ] - Mafalda Nesi Francischett, 2008 A cartografia no ensino-aprendizagem da geografia [ PDF 55 KB ] - Mafalda Nesi Francischett, 2004 Acção, emoção e confiança: o Projecto Direitos Humanos em Acção - um caminho de aprendizagens e da mudanças a fazer acontecer um novo mundo, praticando valores do Humano [ PDF 153 KB ] - Conceição Lopes, Inês Guedes de Oliveira, 2005 A comunicação interativa como instrumento decisivo para o desenvolvimento de cursos à distância: a aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais [ PDF 81 KB ] - Claúdia Rodrigues, 2010 A Educação e as Novas Tecnologias em um Novo Milênio [ PDF 41 KB ] - Djalma Patrício, 2001 A educação popular no Brasil: a cultura de massa [ PDF 38 KB ] - Maria da Graça Jacintho Setton, 2005 A Internet como recurso educativo [ PDF 105 KB ] - Paulo Serra, 2008 Magia, luzes e sombras.

Plaidoyer 2.0 Kony 2012 ? Qui n’a pas entendu parler de cette vidéo qui a d’ores et déjà fait le tour du monde et qui est officiellement devenue, le 13 mars 2012, la vidéo la plus virale de tous les temps en atteignant les 100 millions de vues en 6 jours. Cette vidéo, réalisée par l’ONG Invisible Children, est bien plus qu’un simple buzz, elle marque l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère : celle du plaidoyer 2.0. Le précèdent Human Rights Watch Malgré les critiques marquées de certains articles, on ne peut pas dire que Joseph Kony était un total inconnu du web. Deux méthodes différentes pour une même problématique Human Rights Watch, dans un communiqué daté du 9 mars 2012, n’a d’ailleurs pas manqué de saluer les résultats de la campagne menée par Invisible Children : “we’re elated that stopKonyis a trending topic on Twitter – if anyone deserves global notoriety it’s Kony”. Invisible Children a su produire un film adapté à une audience particulière : celle du web. Rappel historique Le Plaidoyer 2.0 : KONY 2012

Equipa Editorial Diretor Adjunto Conselho Editorial Conselho Consultivo Diretor Gráfico e Edição Digital Assistente de Formatação Gráfica .:: LASICS ::.Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)Universidade do Minho Call for papers - Communication Studies/Estudos em Comunicação Call For Papers | Submission and Bibliographical Rules | Submission Platform Call For Papers Communication Studies #18 (Special Issue) [open since January 15th, 2015] Special Issue: Advanced Methodologies in Communication Studies Organizers: Rita Figueiras and Verónica Policarpo – Catholic University of Portugal «There are times in life when the question of knowing if one can think differently than one thinks, and perceive differently than one sees, is absolutely necessary if one is to go on looking and reflecting at all.» These lines of Michel Foucault, in his introduction to the second volume of his History of Sexuality, inspire the core concept of this special issue of Communication Studies journal, which is dedicated to explore new methodological insights and advances in communication research. Manuscript submission: March 15th, 2015 Acceptance notification: April 15th, 2015 Publication: May 2015 Working languages: English, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Submission Publicação: Maio de 2015.
