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Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.

Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.
Related:  Experiments, Ethics & Society

Watch | The Crisis Of Civilization sneak a peek at these guys Crisis Of Civilization Aldeburgh Elevate Leeds Watch female impotence Share Subscribe Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Links Networking Please educate friends and help support this movie by sharing it. 2011 © Crisis Of Civilization. Improbable research: The Limerick laureate works his magic In 2003, an independent scholar from New Jersey began submitting limericks for a competition in mini-AIR, the monthly online supplement to my magazine, Annals of Improbable Research. The contest challenges readers to read an off-putting scholarly citation, and explain it in limerick form. Martin Eiger so consistently won that we eventually banned him as an unfair competitor, gave him the title Limerick laureate, and now publish him every month. He handles a huge range of subject matter. An early Eiger limerick summarised a Japanese study called Pharmacological Aspects of Ipecac Syrup (TJN-119) - Induced Emesis in Ferrets: If you're hoping to hash out a thesis,And stuck for a topic: emesis,As triggered in ferretsUndoubtedly meritsMuch more than a mere exegesis. Warwick University mathematician Jonathan Warren's 1999 treatise On the Joining of Sticky Brownian Motion includes a three-page proof of the Non-cosiness of Sticky Brownian Motion.

CHS Short Stacks | They're short for a reason! How Biodiesel Works" If you've read or watched the news lately, you've probably come across some article, snippet or sound bite related to oil and oil prices. Even in your daily routines, there's a good chance of someone mentioning it. Whether it's in automotives, economics, history, geography or politics, oil has managed to filter into almost every aspect of our daily lives. It's one of the most discussed (and controversial) commodities that consumers rely on daily. All of this talk about oil sparks continued interest in gasoline alternatives. Things like electric cars and hydrogen fuel cells are being talked about as feasible alternatives to oil. Lost in the mix are the biofuels, fuels made from biological ingredients instead of fossil fuels. In this article, we'll take a closer look at biodiesel, one of the major biofuels. Generally speaking, biodiesel is an alternative or additive to standard diesel fuel that is made from biological ingredients instead of petroleum (or crude oil). Photo courtesy U.S.

Stanford Prison Exp IT BEGAN WITH AN AD in the classifieds. Male college students needed for psychological study of prison life. $15 per day for 1-2 weeks. More than 70 people volunteered to take part in the study, to be conducted in a fake prison housed inside Jordan Hall, on Stanford's Main Quad. The leader of the study was 38-year-old psychology professor Philip Zimbardo. He and his fellow researchers selected 24 applicants and randomly assigned each to be a prisoner or a guard. Zimbardo encouraged the guards to think of themselves as actual guards in a real prison. The study began on Sunday, August 17, 1971. Forty years later, the Stanford Prison Experiment remains among the most notable—and notorious—research projects ever carried out at the University. The public's fascination with the SPE and its implications—the notion, as Zimbardo says, "that these ordinary college students could do such terrible things when caught in that situation"—brought Zimbardo international renown. The Superintendent Mark.

5 Year Olds Coding Without Technology Melissa Dann () is a prep teacher in Melbourne Australia who has begun exploring the concepts of coding with her five year old students. Yesterday she sent me the email below. As she reflects on her own practice, I applaud her confidence in considering a blog post – way to take a risk! As such, I asked if I could quote her here in this space to get comfortable. Check out the really cool things that are happening! Hi Brian, Here is a quick overview of what been happening in my classroom teaching coding to 5 year olds. Game : Robots and Programmers Children work in pairs. Language development is an important part of the activity. I kept it to a maximum of 10 steps as the children were keen to ask their robot to take 100 or even 1000 steps however we realised (by counting how many steps it took to cross the room) that 10 was about right amount for the size of our room. We have also played outside on the playground and this led to a lot more use of location language. Cheers, Melissa -Brian

Portable Power Station - Urban Survival Walking Through Doorways Causes Forgetting We’ve all experienced it: The frustration of entering a room and forgetting what we were going to do. Or get. Or find. New research from University of Notre Dame Psychology Professor Gabriel Radvansky suggests that passing through doorways is the cause of these memory lapses. “Entering or exiting through a doorway serves as an ‘event boundary’ in the mind, which separates episodes of activity and files them away,” Radvansky explains. “Recalling the decision or activity that was made in a different room is difficult because it has been compartmentalized.” The study was published recently in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Conducting three experiments in both real and virtual environments, Radvansky’s subjects – all college students – performed memory tasks while crossing a room and while exiting a doorway.

Imagination Foundation | Cardboard Challenge Build a Simple Solar Heater After walking into my workshop one December morning and feeling a bone-chilling 10 degrees, I decided to install a heating system. Given the rising costs of propane and my family’s environmental concerns about using nonrenewable fossil fuels, a solar solution seemed fitting. I’m a retired aircraft engineer, but you don’t need a similar background to tackle this project. In fact, a solar air heater built into new construction or added to an existing building can be an easy and inexpensive heating solution. I reviewed many solar collector concepts and decided to install a thermosiphon air collector on the south wall of the workshop. To minimize costs, I integrated the collector with the structure and used readily available materials. How It Works The thermosiphon collector consists of clear, corrugated polycarbonate panels fastened to 2-by-6-inch studs. At night, airflow reverses as air in the collector cools to outside temperatures. Performance and Economics Sizing the Solar Collector Pros:

Shock study, replicates Milgram's findings Nearly 50 years after the controversial Milgram experiments, social psychologist Jerry M. Burger, PhD, has found that people are still just as willing to administer what they believe are painful electric shocks to others when urged on by an authority figure. Burger, a professor at Santa Clara University, replicated one of the famous obedience experiments of the late Stanley Milgram, PhD, and found that compliance rates in the replication were only slightly lower than those found by Milgram. And, like Milgram, he found no difference in the rates of obedience between men and women. "People learning about Milgram's work often wonder whether results would be any different today," Burger says. Milgram found that, after hearing the learner's first cries of pain at 150 volts, 82.5 percent of participants continued administering shocks; of those, 79 percent continued to the shock generator's end, at 450 volts. —K.I.

Edheads - Activate Your Mind! Stability and Change in Children's Intelligence Quotient Scores: A Comparison of Two Socioeconomically Disparate Communities Skip to Main Content Advertisement Journals Books Search Close Advanced Search Search Menu Article Navigation Volume 154 Issue 8 15 October 2001 Article Contents Journal Article Stability and Change in Children's Intelligence Quotient Scores: A Comparison of Two Socioeconomically Disparate Communities Naomi Breslau, Naomi Breslau Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar Howard D. Howard D. Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar Ezra S. Ezra S. Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar Thomas Matte, Thomas Matte Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar Kung-Yee Liang, Kung-Yee Liang Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar Edward L. Edward L. Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 154, Issue 8, 15 October 2001, Pages 711–717, Published: Article history Received: 16 November 2000 Accepted: 11 May 2001 Abstract child, family characteristics, intelligence, socioeconomic factors Open in new tab IQ measurement Statistical analysis Am Stat
