Related: Aliens
NASA announced that it communicates with four races of aliens NASA’s spokesman Trish Chamberson openly admitted the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and, moreover, noted that the National Agency is currently in contact with the four races of aliens. Her words were published in the edition «Waterford Whispers News». Chamberson said: “The so-called “gray” visited our planet thousands of years. What do you think, who built the ancient pyramids and all other megalithic structures all over the world? In my opinion, everything is clear, “- said NASA spokesman. They have a base on the back side of the moon, as well as on the ability to make some planets in our solar system. Separately Chamberson stressed the aliens are not very sociable with humans, but they have constant complaints about the actions of earthlings. Source: mysteriousearth.net
Zeno's paradoxes Zeno's arguments are perhaps the first examples of a method of proof called reductio ad absurdum also known as proof by contradiction. They are also credited as a source of the dialectic method used by Socrates.[3] Some mathematicians and historians, such as Carl Boyer, hold that Zeno's paradoxes are simply mathematical problems, for which modern calculus provides a mathematical solution.[4] Some philosophers, however, say that Zeno's paradoxes and their variations (see Thomson's lamp) remain relevant metaphysical problems.[5][6][7] The origins of the paradoxes are somewhat unclear. Paradoxes of motion[edit] Achilles and the tortoise[edit] Distance vs. time, assuming the tortoise to run at Achilles' half speed Dichotomy paradox[edit] Suppose Homer wants to catch a stationary bus. The resulting sequence can be represented as: This description requires one to complete an infinite number of tasks, which Zeno maintains is an impossibility. There are two versions of the dichotomy paradox.
Voyager Golden Record Mount Kinabalu Mount Kinabalu (Malay: Gunung Kinabalu) is a prominent mountain on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is located in the East Malaysian state of Sabah and is protected as Kinabalu Park, a World Heritage Site. Kinabalu is the highest peak in Borneo's Crocker Range and is the highest mountain in the Malay Archipelago.[1] Mount Kinabalu is also the 20th most prominent mountain in the world by topographic prominence.[2] In 1997, a re-survey using satellite technology established its summit (known as Low's Peak) height at 4,095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea level, which is some 6 metres (20 ft) less than the previously thought and hitherto published figure of 4,101 metres (13,455 ft).[3] Mount Kinabalu includes the Kinabalu montane alpine meadows ecoregion in the montane grasslands and shrublands biome. Biology[edit] Flora[edit] These plants have high levels of endemism (i.e. species which are found only within Kinabalu Park and are not found anywhere else in the world). Fauna[edit]
This Is How Humans Are Energy Conductors For The Anunnaki – FerocesMente In the recent Global Energy Breakthrough Conference in Boulder, Colorado, Michael Tellinger shared his theory that sound is one of the most abundant forms of free energy on the planet. He said that sound is the primordial source of all things and is the common denominator of all creation. With that being said, if an extraterrestrial race wanted to harvest energy from the planet, it could create such energy with sound. There is evidence that the ancients used sound as energy Michael Tellinger is a South African scientist, explorer, and founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement. Smaller round circles in the shape of donuts or toruses and ice cream shaped stones were found all over the landscape in South Africa and across the world. Related article: Ormus And Monoatomic Gold — The Manna Mystery The Anunnaki are energy harvesters The race of beings that dominate and control the planet today as the Illuminati are speculated by many sources to be a race of ET’s called the Anunnaki.
Paradoxul lui Epicur - Istorie și Cultură.ro Paradoxul lui Epicur este o problemă teologică atât de veche încât este incredibil, că mai există oameni credincioși. Și când te gândești că unii spun că nu au existat atei în vechime. Acesta e cel mai greu paradox la care ar fi supuşi adepţii religiilor iudaice să răspundă! Epicurismul este doctrină morală a lui Epicur și a discipolilor săi bazată pe teoria etică a fericirii raționale a individului. Termenul epicurianism este, etimologic, un substantiv format pornind de la numele lui Epicur. Istoric Epicurianismul s-a dezvoltat în Antichitate, atât în Grecia, prin Epicur, cât și la Roma, prin Lucrețiu, în circumstanțe marcate de tulburări politice. Descrierea filosofiei Filosofia lui Epicur este constituită din trei părți: cea canonică, ce expune regulile adevărului; fizica (din grecescul „psysis”, «natură»), care propune o explicație filosofică a naturii; și morala, care tratează despre condițiile vieții fericite. Canonică Fizică Urmând învățăturile lui Democrit (sec. Concluzia Scrieri “1.
Pioneer plaque The illustration on the Pioneer plaque The Pioneer plaques are a pair of gold-anodized aluminium plaques which were placed on board the 1972 Pioneer 10 and 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecraft, featuring a pictorial message, in case either Pioneer 10 or 11 is intercepted by extraterrestrial life. The plaques show the nude figures of a human male and female along with several symbols that are designed to provide information about the origin of the spacecraft.[1] The Voyager Golden Record, a much more complex and detailed message using (then) state-of-the-art media, was attached to the Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977. History[edit] The original idea, that the Pioneer spacecraft should carry a message from mankind, was first mentioned by Eric Burgess when he visited the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, during the Mariner 9 mission. Sagan was enthusiastic about the idea of sending a message with the Pioneer spacecraft. The actual plaque Physical properties[edit] Symbolism[edit]
Forum et blog de randonnées pédestres, raquettes et à ski principalement en Suisse. BBC iWonder - Were we contacted by aliens in 1977?