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Science Museums Science Fair Project Ideas Science Education

Science Museums Science Fair Project Ideas Science Education

Preschool Activities Advertisement. is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program (full-screen) The Elegant Universe: Part 3 PBS Airdate: November 4, 2003 NARRATOR: Now, on NOVA, take a thrill ride into a world stranger than science fiction, where you play the game by breaking some rules, where a new view of the universe pushes you beyond the limits of your wildest imagination. This is the world of "string theory," a way of describing every force and all matter from an atom to earth, to the end of the galaxies—from the birth of time to its final tick, in a single theory, a "Theory of Everything." BRIAN GREENE (Columbia University): And no matter how many times I come here, I never seem to get used to it. NARRATOR: Can he help us solve the greatest puzzle of modern physics—that our understanding of the universe is based on two sets of laws that don't agree? NARRATOR: Resolving that contradiction eluded even Einstein, who made it his final quest. BRIAN GREENE: We really may live in a universe with more dimensions than meet the eye. S. BRIAN GREENE:The atmosphere was electric. S. S.

Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics Kidipede - History and Science for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School Kid Printables - free printable fun for kids Science Tricks - Surfing Scientist - The Lab Tricks Blow underwater bubble rings Everybody loves bubbles and we're all mystified by the swirls of a vortex. Combine the two and you've got yourself the coolest trick under the sea. Banana 'candle' trick This classic prank will appeal to anyone with a penchant for plantains but don't be fooled! Explore more Tricks Dry footprints on wet sand Why do your footprints look dry when you step on wet sand? Salt experiment How and why does water mix in our oceans? Cloud in a bottle Pump a soft drink bottle full of air, pop the top and bam! Doppler effect Swing a ringing phone inside a long sturdy sock and you will hear the strangely familiar Doppler effect. Swipe card experiment Sprinkle some iron filings on an old swipe card and pretty magnetic patterns appear right before your eyes. Unmixing experiment Can you unmix a mixed-up liquid? Coin experiment Master this impossible looking trick and you'll feel like a ninja Jedi master of the ever-expanding universe... or your money back! Fountain experiment

Physics of Wet Dogs Shake Out in High-Speed Videos | Wired Science By Duncan Geere, Wired UK The last time a wet dog looked Andrew Dickerson in the eye, readying a shake, he didn’t flee in terror like most people would. Instead, like any true physicist, he whipped out a slow-motion video camera to see if he could capture the exact frequency at which its body was oscillating. Dickerson, along with some colleagues from the Georgia Institute of Technology, has written “The Wet-Dog Shake,” published in Fluid Dynamics. The team built a mathematical model of the processes involved, reasoning that surface tension between the water and the dog’s hair is what keeps the dog wet. As centripetal force varies with distance from the centre of the creature, its radius is therefore crucial to work out the speed of the oscillations. To test that hypothesis, the team filmed a wide range of dogs shaking, and used the images to calculate the period of oscillation. The team also found that their initial equation was off too. Video: YouTube/DaveMontPhotography See Also:

10 Strange Things About The Universe - Top 10 Lists | Listverse Space The universe can be a very strange place. While groundbreaking ideas such as quantum theory, relativity and even the Earth going around the Sun might be commonly accepted now, science still continues to show that the universe contains things you might find it difficult to believe, and even more difficult to get your head around. Theoretically, the lowest temperature that can be achieved is absolute zero, exactly ?273.15°C, where the motion of all particles stops completely. One of the properties of a negative-energy vacuum is that light actually travels faster in it than it does in a normal vacuum, something that may one day allow people to travel faster than the speed of light in a kind of negative-energy vacuum bubble. One prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity is that when a large object moves, it drags the space-time around it, causing nearby objects to be pulled along as well. Relativity of Simultaneity This is similar to arranging tiles evenly on a floor.

First Quantum Effects Seen in Visible Object Science has proved contradiction. Unless, of course, we know that contradiction is impossible, and that the law of non-contradiction was used in the process of "proving" contradiction, making it a self-defeating argument. Now, any rational person will know that nothing can be and not be at the same time, so this whole thing is absurd on its face, unless you take it to mean both are happening in some kind of figurative, unreal sense, in which case the article is luridly, and I suspect purposefully, misleading. Take away the breaking of the law of non-contradiction. These things are unknowable until they actually occur, yet follow laws of probability? Just thought I would be polemical and challenge the smug consensus here.

62 Miles Beneath the Sea! Deepest Ocean in the Solar System Discovered on Jupiter's Europa The deepest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean's Marianas Trench, which reaches a depth of 6.8 miles awesomely trumped by the depth of the ocean on the Jupiter's moon, Europa, which some measurements put at 62 miles. That's deep! Although Europa is covered in a thick crust of scarred and cross-hatched ice, measurements made by NASA's Galileo spacecraft and other probes strongly suggest that a liquid ocean lies beneath that surface. Most scientists believe that the subEuropan seas are locked under tens of kilometers of ice. But Jupiter's Europa might not only sustain, but foster life, according to the research of University of Arizona's Richard Greenberg, a professor of planetary sciences and member of the Imaging Team for NASA's Galileo Jupiter-orbiter spacecraft. Europa, similar in size to Earth's moon, and has been imaged by the Galileo Jupiter-orbiter spacecraft. The mixing of substances needed to support life is also driven by tides. Image: NASA / JPL / University of Arizona

Science News: Nanoguitar Photo by D. Carr and H. Craighead, Cornell. The world's smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long -- about the size of a single cell -- with six strings each about 50 nanometers, or 100 atoms, wide. The world's smallest guitar -- carved out of crystalline silicon and no larger than a single cell -- has been made at Cornell University to demonstrate a new technology that could have a variety of uses in fiber optics, displays, sensors and electronics. The "nanoguitar" -- made for fun to illustrate the technology -- is just one of several structures that Cornell researchers believe are the world's smallest silicon mechanical devices. "We have a new technology for building the smallest mechanical devices," said Harold G. The guitar has six strings, each string about 50 nanometers wide, the width of about 100 atoms. Photo by Charles Harrington, Cornell University In the near term, such nanostructures also can be used to modulate lasers for fiber optic communications. Photo by D. Photo by D.

Science Tricks - Video, Clip - ROFL.TO Eine spannende Mischung aus Musikvideos, alten und neuen Filmen, spannenden Fernsehserien der ProSiebenSat.1-Gruppe und lustigen Videos bietet die Internet-Community MyVideo. So wie verschiedene Medienunternehmen urheberrechtlich geschützte Filme und Serien kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen, können auch Mitglieder bei MyVideo eigene Fun Videos kostenlos hochladen und mit anderen teilen. Zur leichteren sprachlichen und regionalen Verständigung steht MyVideo in verschiedenen Sprachen und Webauftritten zur Verfügung. Die Nutzung der Webseite und all ihrer Funktionen ist kostenlos und wird über Werbung finanziert. Während die Nutzer Angebot und Konzept der Seite zu schätzen wissen, kommt bei der MyVideo App teilweise Kritik auf. Zusammengefasst: Mit Funny Videos Spaß haben auf MyVideo Unbegrenzt: Riesige Auswahl an Musik, TV und Filmen Auf der MyVideo Webseite versammeln sich alle beliebten Medien wie Musik, TV und Filme aller Art. Einzigartig: Eigene Fun Videos hochladen und teilen

Video: Roiling Sun Captured From All Angles | Wired Science When it comes to solar storms, there’s no longer any place to hide. For the first time, solar scientists have obtained simultaneous views of the entire sun, both the front and back sides. The unprecedented 360-degree panorama, released by NASA on Feb. 6, combines sharp images of the sun’s front side recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory with those from NASA’s twin Stereo spacecraft, which have just begun an eight-year exploration of the rotating sun’s far side. Images of the far side, recorded up to 14 days before they rotate into view from Earth, will enable scientists to better predict solar storms that can damage satellites and disrupt communications and power systems on Earth. The images can also capture eruptions on the back side so short-lived that they disappear before that region of the sun rotates into view, says Stereo scientist Joseph Gurman of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. See Also:
