"I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot."
From: George LewisDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 6.51pmTo: David ThorneSubject: No Subject I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot. From: David ThorneDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 8.07pmTo: George LewisSubject: Re: No Subject Dear George, Thank you for your email. While I have no idea what a foggot is, I will assume it is a term of endearment and appreciate you taking time out from calculating launch trajectories or removing temporal lobe tumors to contact me with such. From: George LewisDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 8.49pmTo: David ThorneSubject: Re: Re: No Subject I didnt ask for a photo fag. and I meant faggot you homo. im not a fan so you can shove your signed photo up your ass. From: David ThorneDate: Thursday 2 September 2010 9.17pmTo: George LewisSubject: Re: Re: Re: No Subject While I do not have a boyfriend, I do have a friend who is homosexual and I once asked him "Do you ever think about having sex with me because you are gay?"
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CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE
Quick Feedback Form w/ PHP and jQuery
Martin Angelov When releasing a web product, there is nothing more beneficial than receiving early feedback from your users. Unfortunately, many websites make it unnecessarily difficult to send your feedback or lack this functionality altogether Today we are making a simple solution to this problem. Powered by jQuery, PHP and the PHPMailer class, this form sends the users’ suggestions directly to your mailbox. The HTML Lets start with the HTML markup. feedback.html <! Inside the body you can see the #feedback div. Inside it reside the five color spans. Lastly is the .section container, which holds the heading, the textarea and the button. Quick Feedback Form w/ PHP & jQuery The CSS Moving on to the styling of the form, we first have to say a couple of words about how the stylesheet is structured. styles.css – Part 1 The first element to be styled is the #feedback div. At the bottom are the CSS rules which define the looks of the textarea. styles.css – Part 2 Sending an AJAX Request The jQuery
IE6 必死
最近 Twitter 上很多人在推一个名为 IE6 Must Die 的活动, 参与的朋友可以通过头像转换服务在自己的头像上加上一个禁止 IE6 的图标, 很是拉风. Internet Explorer 6 是曾经浏览器的霸主, 击垮 Netscape 并最终占据 95% 的浏览器市场. 但如今已经功能性能落后, 还需要特殊照顾, 被称为阻碍网络技术向前发展的障碍. 为了推动 IE6 的灭亡, NeoEase 即日起, 会为 IE6 用户进行更新提示, 提示信息会显示在页面的右下方, 每星期一次. 效果如右图所示. IE6 为何不死? IE6 久久不离其位当然是有原因的, 根据网上资料与个人总结, 得出以下几点: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IE6 为何该死? IE6 是网页开发人员的噩梦. 1. 2. 3. 4. 另外, IE6 的安全性, 性能, 功能明显地已经满足不了现在的网络需求. 加速 IE6 的灭亡 HTML5 筹备已久, Windows 7 呼之欲出, 这是一个消灭 IE6 的好机会. 前几天看到一篇文章, 题目好像是 "前端开发人员能支持 IE6 比较牛, 还是拒绝支持 IE6 的比较牛?" 什么?! 关于 Let's kill IE6 控件更详细的信息请查看以下页面:
Weekend Posts & Videos For jQuery Developers (4/1/2011)
Hey guys. It’s been a great week for jQuery and with the 1.5 milestone now out, I wanted to share some useful links, articles and videos to help you get the most of this release (and jQuery in general). Some of the stuff I’ll be personally checking out this weekend is a more in-depth look at deferreds (new to 1.5) as well as some of the great talks from last year’s jQCon which were just released. Please feel free to retweet this post for your colleagues if you find it useful (and have an awesome weekend!). jQuery 1.5 Articles, Resources and Videos Using Deferreds with jQuery 1.5 – a great in-depth article by Eric Hynds with jsFiddle examples: . How can you use jQuery Deferreds? jQuery 1.5’s new jQuery.sub() feature explained in 10 Minutes (jsFiddle demo included) Boris Moore’s jQuery Script loader that uses the new 1.5 dfds features
What To Do When Your Website Goes Down - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement Have you ever heard a colleague answer the phone like this: “Good afterno… Yes… What? Completely? An important website has gone down, and sooner or later, heads will turn to the Web development corner of the office, where you are sitting quietly, minding your own business, regretting that you ever mentioned “Linux” on your CV. 1. Don’t take your client’s word for it. If it fails, then visit a robust website, such as google.com or bbc.co.uk. If the website is definitely down, then frown confusedly and keep reading. 2. A website can appear to have gone down mainly for one of the following reasons: A programming error on the website,A DNS problem, or an expired domain,A networking problem,Something on the server has crashed,The whole server has crashed. To see whether it’s a programming error, visit the website and check the status bar at the bottom of your browser. Otherwise, you’ll need to run some commands to determine the cause. C:> ping www.stockashop.co.uk 3. On Windows: 4.
Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1 in standalone mode(IE7) | TredoSoft
If you already have Internet Explorer 7 installed you might be interested in Multiple-IE . An installer for the standalone versions of IE6, IE5.5, IE5, IE4 & IE3! First I would like to apologize to those who tried the previously published steps and missed up their IE6. Running IE7s.exe should fix everything for you. Internet Explorer 7 is here! The way in which we can run the release version of IE7 in standalone mode (side by side with IE6) hasn't changed much. As usual there are two ways; the automatic one with the installer or the manual one. **Skip this part if you're after the installer The following steps should get IE7 up and running Extract the IE7 self-extracting archive with WinRar or using the /x switch IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe /x Navigate to the update directory of the extracted archive and run xmllitesetup.exe (This will enable limited support of tabbed browsing) Download IE7s.exe from the link below. Search Providers Download Links Related pages: