Apostrophe Copywriters
Meet the family. Words work in so many ways - in magazines and brochures, on billboards, in scripts, and even on websites and social media. So it’s a good thing we have writers who specialise in each. Take a look below for a brief bio on the clever little Apostrophes that make up our collective. type: helvetica
11 sites avec effet de paralaxe vertical
Depuis l’arrivée du site Nike Better World, les sites utilisant un effet de parallaxe vertical ont explosé ses derniers mois. Tendance du webdesign ou non, un petit tour d’horizon s’impose. D’où vient cet engouement ? Simplement, je dirai que le principe est original et donne une bonne profondeur au design.
videos Upcoming Dates: Workshop „Multimedia Storytelling“ Thu, Mar 27 to Sun, Mar 30, 2014- sold out - Place: Berlin, Nazarethkirchstr. 51starting daily at 9:30 a.m.
Sweete Stevia
Όροι Χρήσης Κάθε επισκέπτης ή χρήστης του ιστότοπου www.sweetestevia.gr οφείλει, πριν από την επίσκεψη ή τη χρήση των σελίδων, να διαβάσει και να μελετήσει προσεκτικά τους όρους χρήσης ως ακολούθως. Σε περίπτωση διαφωνίας του, οφείλει να μην κάνει χρήση τους. Ειδάλλως τεκμαίρεται ότι αποδέχεται ρητά και ανεπιφύλακτα τους εν λόγω όρους χρήσης και παραχωρεί τη συγκατάθεση του. Οι κάτωθι όροι χρήσης ισχύουν για το σύνολο του περιεχομένου του ιστότοπου μας.
La boite à outils de la parallaxe
Bientôt deux ans que les effets de parallaxe font parti du quotidien sur le web. Si vous n’avez pas encore sauté le pas, c’est le moment de vous y mettre ! Petite piqure de rappel sur la parallaxe avec cet article « 11 sites avec effet de parallaxe » mis en ligne début 2011. L’effet ne date pas d’hier, utilisé sur le web à l’époque, notamment avec Flash, la parallaxe donne de la profondeur et du relief aux interfaces plates. Cet effet de profondeur est obtenu au déplacement de plusieurs éléments sur différents plans et à des vitesses différentes. L’ancien site Nike Better World avait remis l’effet au goût du jour en utilisant un subtil mélange de Javascript et d’images PNG transparentes.
Thousand Yard Films
(t) 01642 646 873 (m) 07413 523 340 thousandyardfilms@gmail.com Cart - 0 items
The Story
Congratulations! Nothing enhances your entertainment experience like a huge flat-panel TV. And while the size was definitely a selling point, it's also a dangerous one. The average 32" flat-panel TV weighs as much as three bowling balls!
Top Drawer - A smooth dropdown menu for responsive web design
Tap the menu icon in the top right. The click event will assign the class of active to the drawer container which alters the translate value to bring it into view. Modernizr will detect whether the user's device is capable of CSS transforms, if it isn't we simply show and hide the menu after the button is pressed - no point in animating if it isn't going to work smoothly. To set up the experiment we need to create a scenario similar to a box of matches, the box (in our case the top black heading) covers the match drawer beneath (our div with a class of drawer). We build the page as normal but pull the drawer up and off the canvas using the CSS Translate property and show it again in the active state for the div using Translate back to it's regular position. CSS Transitions allow us to create the smooth animation between the states.
Kitchen Remodeling Seattle
Sawyer Maker Lab (SML) is a Seattle design build firm with over a decade of experience in all aspects of design, construction and fabrication. Our Work SML is dedicated to preserving the integrity of design through utility and the honesty of the construction through craft. The architecture, furniture, designs, and residential projects seen here are the works of Jason Sawyer [principal] and occasional collaborators.
Sidr - A jQuery plugin for creating side menus
You will be able to create multiple sidrs on both sides of your web to make responsives menus (or not, it works perfectly on desktop too). It uses CSS3 transitions (and fallbacks to $.animate with older browsers) and it supports multiple source types. Get started Like any other plugin, you must include it after the jQuery script.
The Story of Our Company - The Making of Teehan+Lax
Growth 2004–2009 We moved to a larger office in 2005. We took a five year lease, which now eclipsed the printer as our biggest commitment. The office was 4000 sq ft. We spent $50,000 to build out the office, which now included a boardroom (something we previously didn’t have) and a kitchen.