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Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters

Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
for Web Authors and Webmasters This is an informational document. Although technical in nature, it attempts to make the concepts involved understandable and applicable in real-world situations. Because of this, some aspects of the material are simplified or omitted, for the sake of clarity. If you are interested in the minutia of the subject, please explore the References and Further Information at the end. What’s a Web Cache? A Web cache sits between one or more Web servers (also known as origin servers) and a client or many clients, and watches requests come by, saving copies of the responses — like HTML pages, images and files (collectively known as representations) — for itself. There are two main reasons that Web caches are used: To reduce latency — Because the request is satisfied from the cache (which is closer to the client) instead of the origin server, it takes less time for it to get the representation and display it. Kinds of Web Caches Browser Caches Proxy Caches Gateway Caches

Tester la vitesse de chargement de votre site avec Slowcop Un aspect très important pour un blog ou un site Web est son temps de chargement. Une page est constituée de multiples éléments provenant de diverses sources qui peuvent constituer autant de goulots d’étranglement. L’internaute n’est pas du genre patient, il convient donc d’accélérer au maximum les choses en évitant des temps de chargements trop rédhibitoires qui vont faire fuir vos visiteurs et pénaliser votre site en terme de référencement naturel car les robots de Google prennent en compte ce paramètre. Slowcop est un service Web permettant de tester le temps de chargement des différents constituants d’une page : images, redirections, Widgets, JavaScript, éléments publicitaires… Aucune inscription n’est nécessaire pour utiliser ce service. Au bout de quelques secondes, un rapport d’analyse est affiché. Il convient bien sûr de faire le test plusieurs fois avant de passer à la phase de résolution : éléments non trouvés à effacer, images à amincir, widget à supprimer… Source – Slowcop

Speeding Up Websites With YSlow We all know there are countless reasons why web page load-times skyrocket, however, pinpointing the problem may be costly in both time and money. So why waste the effort when someone else—or something else—can do all the dirty work for you? Meet Yahoo's YSlow, a free web page analyzer for Firefox. Getting Started YSlow has two requirements: YSlow piggybacks onto Firebug, so you will need to install the add-ons in the order listed above before continuing. The Problem Web designers, developers and copywriters strive to have the most unique and interesting content when compared to their competitors. You may have spent days perfecting your new blog post and nearly fallen off your chair with excitement when viewing it for the first time. The Solution: Yahoo's YSlow for Firefox Website analysis tools generally fall into two categories: Search engine optimization Analysis of the Document Object Model's (DOM) performance. YSlow fits into the latter. There are three views: Grade ComponentsStatistics. 1.

Pourquoi et comment créer un sitemap ? Les sitemaps vous aident à organiser votre site Web. Ils aident également les moteurs de recherche atteignant chacune de vos pages contenant votre site Web et de le retourner dans les requêtes de recherche publiées par les utilisateurs. Dans cet article je vais vous expliquer pourquoi les sitemaps sont importants et comment en créer pour votre site Web. Nous examinerons pour cela deux méthodes automatisées et manuelles pour créer un sitemap. Avant d’entrer dans le détail, voyons à quoi vous servent les sitemaps sur votre site Web. Un sitemap est un moyen facile pour les webmasters d’indiquer aux moteurs de recherche les pages de leurs sites qui sont disponibles pour l’analyse. Les moteurs de recherche Web analysent généralement les liens des pages dans le site mais également sur d’autres sites. Il existe deux types principaux de sitemap : ceux en HTML et ceux en XML. XML est un langage de codage utilisé comme standard par les robots d’indexations pour trouver et analyser le sitemap.

The SMAQ stack for big data “Big data” is data that becomes large enough that it cannot be processed using conventional methods. Creators of web search engines were among the first to confront this problem. Today, social networks, mobile phones, sensors and science contribute to petabytes of data created daily. To meet the challenge of processing such large data sets, Google created MapReduce. As MapReduce has grown in popularity, a stack for big data systems has emerged, comprising layers of Storage, MapReduce and Query (SMAQ). Though dominated by Hadoop-based architectures, SMAQ encompasses a variety of systems, including leading NoSQL databases. MapReduce Created at Google in response to the problem of creating web search indexes, the MapReduce framework is the powerhouse behind most of today’s big data processing. To understand how MapReduce works, look at the two phases suggested by its name. A simple example of MapReduce is the task of counting the number of unique words in a document. Hadoop MapReduce Storage

How to access blocked websites – Top 10 Before you try out any of the methods listed here, I suggest you install Firefox browser. For faster and smoother internet access, Firefox is the best browser available out there. When you are accessing proxy sites or similar sites ensure that you use Firefox not Internet Explorer. Internet censoring is now everywhere. In my office Orkut is blocked since there was an Orkut virus scare. Countries such as China, Saudi Arabia etc. routinely block many websites. Last week I did an investigation into the various methods available for bypassing website access restrictions. Top Ten methods to access banned websites 1. 2. 3. Following are some services which still works(free!) Anonymouse – This works, but URL is visible and hence may be blocked by the filtering software. 4. Altavista Babel fish – In the above replace with the site you want. 5. 6. 7. 9. 8. Use Apache Web server as proxy server – A bit complex setup.Use Privoxy – – This is the recommended approach. 10.

High Performance Web Sites :: Velocity: Forcing Gzip Compression Tony Gentilcore was my officemate when I first started at Google. I was proud of my heritage as “the YSlow guy”. After all, YSlow was well over 1M downloads. After a few days I found out that Tony was the creator of Fasterfox – topping 11M downloads. During that time, Tony was working with the Google Search team and discovered something interesting: ~15% of users with gzip-capable browsers were not sending an appropriate Accept-Encoding request header. Tony is now working on Chrome, but the discovery he made has fueled the work of Andy Martone and others on the Google Search team to see if they could improve page load times for users who weren’t getting compressed responses. For requests with missing or mangled Accept-Encoding headers, inspect the User-Agent to identify browsers that should understand gzip. During his presentation at Velocity, Forcing Gzip Compression, Andy describes how Google Search implemented this technique: The savings are significant.

Le W3C se penche sur un standard P2P dans les navigateurs Actuellement chargé de développer le HTML 5, dont les spécifications doivent être finalisées en 2014, l'organisme de standardisation W3C s'intéresse aussi à la technologie peer-to-peer. Le World Wide Web Consortium a mis en place un groupe de travail dédié à l'écriture d'une interface de programmation (API) afin de permettre l'établissement d'une communication en temps réel à travers les navigateurs web. Il est notamment indiqué que cette API doit permettre l'établissement d'une connexion peer-to-peer entre les navigateurs web, indépendamment des protocoles réseau utilisés pour établir des connexions entre les pairs. L'objectif est de pouvoir faire transiter des contenus audio et vidéo sans passer un programme spécifique ou un module particulier. L'API devra également être capable de détecter le matériel présent sur l'ordinateur, comme une webcam, des haut-parleurs ou un microphone.

Progressive rendering via multiple flushes 2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 10/2011 update: You can also read the web page with Romanian translation (by Web Geek Science) Dec 21 This post is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the articles to come. Perceived page loading time is just as important as the real loading time. And when it comes to user perception, visible indication of progress is always good. Using multiple content flushes allows you to improve both the real and the perceived performance. The head flush() While your server is busy stitching the HTML from different sources - web services, database, etc - the browser (and hence the user) just sits and waits. <html><head><title>the page</title><link rel=".." href="my.css" /><script src="my.js"></script></head><? Doing something like this will result in shorter waterfalls, because more downloads can happen in parallel. One step further - multiple flushes Here's an example - Google search results. Headers...

The new FT app The FT web app, which is optimised for use on iPad and iPhone, is available via your Safari browser at rather than from an app store. The web app is our most complete app to date and we regularly add new features and sections to it. These are available instantly, without the need to download a new version. Recent additions include 'clippings', allowing you to save articles for later reading, and enhanced graphics. For users accessing the FT web app on iPhone, you'll notice a completely fresh design. A new look and feel, along with additional features and tools, means a cleaner and easier-to-read app. Go to on your iPad or iPhone The new FT web app Review the changes with's Managing Editor Robert Shrimsley. Discover how the new web app for iPad delivers the same FT content you trust, but in an improved, easier-to-read package. New look and feel New for iPhone Improved navigation makes it easier and faster to find the content that matters most to you. FAQs
