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Periodic Videos

Periodic Videos

CGP Grey How do all the algorithms around us learn to do their jobs?**OMG PLUSHIE BOTS!!**: Bot Wallpapers on Patreon: Footnote: Podcasts: Thank you to my supporters on Patreon: James Bissonette, James Gill, Cas Eliëns, Jeremy Banks, Thomas J Miller Jr MD, Jaclyn Cauley, David F Watson, Jay Edwards, Tianyu Ge, Michael Cao, Caron Hideg, Andrea Di Biagio, Andrey Chursin, Christopher Anthony, Richard Comish, Stephen W. How neural networks really work with the real linear algebra: Music by: Show less The Royal Institution Create a wine glass orchestra in your kitchen and explore how sound is caused by vibrations. For more ideas, and to download an info sheet click here: Marieke and Tilly experiment with making music and doing science experiments at home. Using wine glasses filled with different volumes of liquids, they investigate how sounds are caused by vibrations and how changing the volume of liquid affects the pitch of the note. Simply rubbing your fingers around the rim of a glass can make an amazing noise. Explore sound, music and science in this fun activity to do with kids. With enough glasses and little bit of practice you might be able to play 'Ode to Joy' like Marieke! ExpeRimental, brought to you by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, is a series of free short films that make it fun, easy and cheap to do science at home with children aged 4 to 10. Click here to download this activity's info sheet:

Zoochosis 101 Follow us on facebook where the conversation continues: A study of the sexual selection traits in adolescent homo sapiens. Or: If you can't do the dance, don't climb the pole. Fail Lab is an irreverent new science series from filmmaker Patrick Scott, creator of the viral production company Zoochosis. FAIL LAB Episode Two: Sexual Selection Series created, directed, and edited by Patrick Scott ( by Patrick Scott, James Askew, Crystal Dilworth, and Dr. A Zoochosis Production ( by Nikos Bellas and Ryan Nicholson Starring: Crystal Dilworth ( Starring: Dr. New episodes every Tuesday. Watch more FAIL LAB on TestTube at: Show less

Great Moments in Science and Technology (Milestones of Science and Engineering) Meilensteine der Maturwissenschaft und Technik deutsch komplett hier: The viewer gains an insight into both the scientific and the socio-political background to an invention or discovery. Pioneers of science are portrayed, and the nature of their research and its further development through to the present are reconstructed. Computer animations are used to make certain processes easier to understand and to show how various systems function. Re-enacted scenes illustrate the conditions under which the scientists worked and the approach they took. Particularly impressive are the historical film sequences, some of which date back to the early days of cinematography.

Brain Stuff This item has been hidden This item has been hidden Our Weird Brains Play all Brains are complicated and confusing. They define our intelligence, learning and consciousness. And they make us have weird thoughts and uncontrollable reactions! Max Planck Society Upload Subscription preferences Loading... Working... MaxPlanckSociety ► Play all Videos in English by MaxPlanckSociety92 videos2,957 views Play all Sign in to YouTube Sign in Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to

World Science U Upload World Science U Subscription preferences Loading... Working... World Science U World Science U — Special Relativity Trailer 87,063 views 4 months ago A sneak peek of the initial courses taught by Brian Greene on the new education platform World Science U. Featured Channels World Science Festival Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to Head STEAM Familiar faces from YouTube channels, Head Squeeze and VSauce2, explain just what STEAM is all about and why you should care... STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths and how these topics help us to do amazing things. Things like working out how our bodies function, creating the technology behind smart phones, or furthering telecommunications - heck, it's even behind how you can watch this video now. Our world is amazing, and so are people. STEAM subjects help us to understand it all better and make our lives easier in the future. Learning STEAM subjects could get you into all sorts of careers, from being an astronaut, an architect, a space plasma physicist, or even an engineer.
