- The Projects of Steven DeGraeve Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator If you are not suffering from a color vision deficiency it is very hard to imagine how it looks like to be colorblind. The Color BLIndness Simulator can close this gap for you. Just play around with it and get a feeling of how it is to have a color vision handicap. As all the calculations are made on your local machine, no images are uploaded to the server. So go ahead, choose an image through the upload functionality or just drag and drop your image in the center of our Color BLIndness Simulator. If there are any issues with the Color BLIndness Simulator please send a note through the contact page. As it is not not so easy to describe color blindness it comes in handy, that some smart people developed manipulation-algorithms to fake any form of color vision deficiency. I would like to thank Michael from ColorJack for providing the color blindness matrix, which was used for the first version of the Color BLIndness Simulator.
Hue Test Are you among the 1 in 255 women and 1 in 12 men who have some form of color vision deficiency? If you work in a field where color is important, or you’re just curious about your color IQ, take our online challenge to find out. Based on the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test, this online challenge is a fun, quick way to understand your color vision acuity. Just remember, this is not a replacement for the full test! FACT: 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency. Did you know that your ability to accurately see color depends on many factors? Lighting - Light plays one of the most significant roles in color perception – did you know it's actually the color of the light that determines the color your brain will perceive? Backgrounds Effects - The human eye’s ability to correctly perceive the color is affected by the surrounding colors, a phenomenon known as simultaneous contrast. Retinal Fatigue - Our eyes get tired very easily.
Lynx Viewer Lynx Viewer This service allows web authors to see what their pages will look like (sort of) when viewed with Lynx, a text-mode web browser. Note: for best results, you should download a copy of Lynx itself and run it locally on your own machine, rather than use this service, if you can. That will also let you view pages on your internal network that my machine can't get to. You may put the "Lynx Inspected" icon on your page if you wish. It was donated to me for this purpose. Note: The version of Lynx I'm using is 2.8.4rel.1, as of Dev 14 2003. |- Lynx uses an 80-column output. See the CGI's perl source - Web Tools - Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer - Web Page Purifier - - Lynx Viewer - Search Engine Simulator - HTTP Header Viewer -
Comment nous avons enquêté avec les données d'Airbnb Demain et dès à présent sur le site web du Temps, vous pourrez lire une enquête de notre journaliste Julie Conti sur Airbnb à Genève. L’article s’intéresse à cette plate-forme de location de logements fondée en 2008 par des Américains, et qui connaît un immense succès dans le monde entier. Et cette enquête contient une bonne dose de datajournalisme. Du journalisme de données Tout est parti d’une question. Dans de nombreuses grandes villes - Paris, New-York, Berlin - Airbnb est accusé de confisquer le marché locatif. Pour répondre à ces questions, nous aurions pu, en surfant sur le site, en lisant les commentaires, aller récupérer des informations et des témoignages au cas par cas. Nous avons essayé de travailler un peu différemment, en nous appuyant sur les données, pour tenter une approche plus globale. Voici donc le mode d’emploi de cette enquête. Première étape, récupérer les données, la matière première indispensable. Scraper, comment ça marche ? Un tableau de 1000 lignes
Color Combinations | Color Schemes | Color Palettes Validators for usability, accessibility, html, search engine optimisation - InfoQuest Skip Navigation | Accessibility Validators | HTML Validators | Search Engine Marketing Validators | Accessibility Introduction | Accessibility References and Resources | Usability Introduction | Usability Resources | Search Engine Optimization References | InfoQuest! While most of the validators on this page have powerful fee-based versions, they all offer some form of free online validation of html syntax, accessibility, links, etc. Accessibility Validators Bobby -- Accessibility validatorThis is the grandfather of accessibility validators from the Center for Applide Assistive Technology (CAST). WAVE This is the accessibility validator developed by Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT). A-Prompt ToolkitThis is a downloadable tool that identifies potential accessibility problems and provides guided editing to correct the problems. Visicheck Color Blindness Simulator This simulator is available as a PhotoShop plug-in and in Java, as well as online. HTML Validators Dr.
Chroma.js Color Scale Helper Chroma.js Color Scale Helper This chroma.js-powered tool is here to help us mastering multi-hued, multi-stops color scales. sequential / diverging #8b0000 #b61d39 #d84765 #ef738b #fea0ac #ffd1c9 #ffffe0 #c7f0ba #9edba4 #7ac696 #5aaf8c #399785 #008080 '#8b0000','#b61d39','#d84765','#ef738b','#fea0ac','#ffd1c9','#ffffe0','#c7f0ba','#9edba4','#7ac696','#5aaf8c','#399785','#008080' d3.scale.threshold() .range(['#8b0000','#b61d39','#d84765','#ef738b','#fea0ac','#ffd1c9','#ffffe0','#c7f0ba','#9edba4','#7ac696','#5aaf8c','#399785','#008080']); function palette(min, max) { var d = (max-min)/13; return d3.scale.threshold() .range(['#8b0000','#b61d39','#d84765','#ef738b','#fea0ac','#ffd1c9','#ffffe0','#c7f0ba','#9edba4','#7ac696','#5aaf8c','#399785','#008080']) .domain([min+1*d,min+2*d,min+3*d,min+4*d,min+5*d,min+6*d,min+7*d,min+8*d,min+9*d,min+10*d,min+11*d,min+12*d,min+13*d]); } 0x8b0000,0xb61d39,0xd84765,0xef738b,0xfea0ac,0xffd1c9,0xffffe0,0xc7f0ba,0x9edba4,0x7ac696,0x5aaf8c,0x399785,0x008080
Usable Web Infomous : naviguez visuellement dans l’information et les Big Data Infomous est un outil permettant de générer des cartographies sémantiques de recherches sur Twitter, de résultats de flux RSS ou tout simplement d’une page web que l’on souhaite explorer. Ce petit outil, encore en bêta, s’avère donc extrêmement pratique pour visualiser rapidement les sujets importants générés par les résultats d’une veille, ou encore explorer visuellement des sources d’informations. Voyons comment… Et comme un exemple vaut mieux qu’un long discours, Terry a réalisé un observatoire des présidentielles sur Twitter grâce à Infomous ! Passons maintenant à la présentation d’Infomous et à une rapide méthode de mise en place… Infomous : pour quoi faire ? Le concept d’Infomous, développé par des chercheurs, est simple : l’outil récupère des informations depuis un flux RSS, une requête site: pour une page web ou directement depuis Twitter, et cartographie ensuite les liens sémantiques entres les pages ou les informations. Concrètement, cet outil peut vous permettre : Au final…